average mph ?



  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    19 ave

    over 462 mi
    in one day
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    I average 15, no matter what the distance is.

    I couldn't care less what average others do, I'm not in this to kill myself for the final tenth of a mile average!

    Giving it Large
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    We've been here before!
    Have we entered the twilight zone again?
  • 50+ milers, 16ish mph, my 5 mile commute, 20mph, my other 10 mile commute 17mph.. but its a hilly one!
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    It's all relative..........

    25m TT - over 26mph.
    Club run - 16mph.

    you pays your money........................
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • louthepoo wrote:
    i've got a 15 mile route i do regularly and my average has gone up from 13.0 to 13.9 mph. I know its not fast but as long as the speed keeps going up and the weight keeps coming off i'll be happy

    last year my average was similar to yours, I know its not going to impress many but I'm proud to have got it up to 16mph now and I've lost 18 lbs
    ' From the sharks in the penthouse,
    to the rats in the basement,
    its not that far '
  • after 3 weeks off drinking lots of alcohol and doing bugger all exercise i did a 41miler today. ave 18.8mph with 2,650ft of climbing.

    Over a 100 mile sportive i ave 18-19mph

    but its all horses for courses. guys racing will be alot faster than people that potter about for fun.
  • Camlan
    Camlan Posts: 6
    As other posters have said, comparisons are pretty meaningless unless on the same route and in the same conditions.

    My best average is 17.5mph for my 23 mile weekend loop this being in good weather and minimal wind. I don't think that too bad for a 56 year old although I doubt I could maintain it for 50 miles plus.

    That figure is improved from 14mph when I first started. The route is undulating with some long but not particularly steep climbs. I find that I am much quicker up the climbs but what constrains me are the descents as the majority of them are on single track country lanes and I don't fancy being smeared all over the front of an oncoming car at 30mph!

    What is important in my view is the personal rate of improvement and not comparisons to other cyclists.
  • Doombrain
    Doombrain Posts: 360
    On my mountain bike with knobblies I ride at between 18-20 depending on how hilly the route is.
    My 10 mile road TT record is 22.23 mph
    how about yourself?

    hummmm BS
    LOL road riding.
  • Doombrain
    Doombrain Posts: 360
    i'm 17.5 over 20 with about 1000ft of climbing.
    best over 10 miles is 21.9mph avg.

    on my MTB i can only hit about 14-15 tops.
    LOL road riding.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 41,471
    Ah, someone's resurrected a willy waving thread goody!
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    Doombrain wrote:
    On my mountain bike with knobblies I ride at between 18-20 depending on how hilly the route is.
    My 10 mile road TT record is 22.23 mph
    how about yourself?

    hummmm BS
    I know, there's quite a lot of it on here.
  • DCowling
    DCowling Posts: 769
    Doombrain wrote:
    On my mountain bike with knobblies I ride at between 18-20 depending on how hilly the route is.
    My 10 mile road TT record is 22.23 mph
    how about yourself?

    hummmm BS
    I know, there's quite a lot of it on here.

    whilst I am new to this, I have been going out 3 -4 times a week and do anything from 20 to 40 miles ( usually 30) on a full suspension mountain bike with 2" knobblies and 30m takes me 2hrs of head down and keep peddling so to do this at 18 - 20 is very either impressive and I am seriously deluding myself thinking that I was doing well at 15mph or someone is pulling my leg
  • Doombrain
    Doombrain Posts: 360
    it's no good saying you can do that without a true picture of the area you ride in. even totally flat i doubt mr BS (explosifpete) could get that avg unless he was trying for it and is slightly super human.
    if i'm wrong and he is getting that on an MTB he might want to rethink his 22.23mph TT bike timings....

    15mph on a flat road is doable, but i'd doubt you would enjoy the ride on a MTB

    my best on a MTB FS

    Time: 02:45:12
    Distance: 37.39 mi
    Elevation Gain: 1,325 ft
    Calories: 2,529 C
    Time: 02:45:12
    Moving Time: 02:44:05
    Avg Speed: 13.6 mph
    Avg Moving Speed: 13.7 mph
    Max Speed: 32.0 mph
    Elevation Gain: 1,325 ft
    Elevation Loss: 1,324 ft
    Min Elevation: 251 ft
    Max Elevation: 830 ft

    My best within 20miles on road

    Time: 01:10:54
    Distance: 21.19 mi
    Elevation Gain: 950 ft
    Calories: 1,288 C
    Time: 01:10:54
    Moving Time: 01:10:44
    Elapsed Time: 01:18:09
    Avg Speed: 17.9 mph
    Avg Moving Speed: 18.0 mph
    Max Speed: 28.9 mph
    Elevation Gain: 950 ft
    Elevation Loss: 1,028 ft
    Min Elevation: 210 ft
    Max Elevation: 477 ft
    Heart Rate
    Avg HR: 166 bpm
    Max HR: 201 bpm
    Zones% of Maxbpm
    Avg Bike Cadence: 77 rpm
    Max Bike Cadence: 113 rpm
    LOL road riding.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    On my mountain bike with knobblies I ride at between 18-20 depending on how hilly the route is.
    My 10 mile road TT record is 22.23 mph
    how about yourself?

    surely if you can maintain 20mph on an MTB with knobblies, you could hit higher than 22mph max on a 10m TT (unless you are riding on the same MTB). That only equates to a time of around 27mins, which ain't that fast, to be honest....
  • Doombrain wrote:
    On my mountain bike with knobblies I ride at between 18-20 depending on how hilly the route is.
    My 10 mile road TT record is 22.23 mph
    how about yourself?

    hummmm BS

    i wouldnt totaly agree with you there!

    when i was racing my mountain bike (in my late teens early 20's) with it fitted with 1.5" slicks i could average 20mph over 20 miles! I now struggle to do that on a lightweight road bike!!! mind you it was over 10years ago! and im only 7months back into cycling!

    So it is possible. but ultimately it will come down to the route etc....
  • Pross wrote:
    Ah, someone's resurrected a willy waving thread goody!

    who the hell gave it viagra?
    My pen won't write on the screen
  • Doombrain
    Doombrain Posts: 360
    1.5" slicks i could average 20mph over 20 miles!

    LOL road riding.
  • sparkman
    sparkman Posts: 74
    I'll join you. Think some of the people should be posting on the PRO TALK section. at least my speed is consistent with a road beginner

    Just copy the buggers and re calibrate your cycle compute. If done properly it can give you an average of 30+ mph :lol::lol::lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Im wagglin' just can't commit. :D
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Recently I did 23.452 miles with 6825.3ft of ascent at an average of 25.6592345mph. On my full sus with 6.5" metal studded tyres. I had my 2 older kids in the trailer and the baby on the bike seat, I know that's a bit irresponsible in 2 feet of snow and force 12 gales but you have to take your turn sometimes don't you?
  • sparkman
    sparkman Posts: 74
    That Bompington is a proper biker :lol::wink:
  • SLX01
    SLX01 Posts: 338
    What a totally pointless thread average speed depends on so many factors, weather, traffic, bike set-up, terrain etc, even age makes a difference you would not expect a 50 yr old beginner to ride as fast as a 20 yr old.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,470
    I average about 750mph on most rides on my unicycle, although I'd probably be quicker if I didn't need to worry about breaking the sound barrier in built-up areas (that's my excuse anyway!) I'm actually quicker uphill than on the flat as I am a climbing god and speeding up hills is one of my special super powers (along with being able to instantly repair punctures with my amazing vulcanizing vision).
  • SLX01
    SLX01 Posts: 338
    neeb wrote:
    I average about 750mph on most rides on my unicycle, although I'd probably be quicker if I didn't need to worry about breaking the sound barrier in built-up areas (that's my excuse anyway!).

    I don't think you are being completely honest the air resistance at 750 mph wouldn't allow you to remain upright on a unicycle! :lol::wink:
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    SLX01 wrote:

    I don't think you are being completely honest the air resistance at 750 mph wouldn't allow you to remain upright on a unicycle! :lol::wink:

    it's easy - you just have to lean forward a bit.....
  • Pork Sword
    Pork Sword Posts: 213
    Only W@NKERS worry about average speed.
    let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    Obviously there are lots of factors to consider when looking at average speed such as terrain, weather, traffic lights, whether you're riding alone or in a group etc..

    I've noticed my average has gone up lately and I have tested it by doing the same route a few times. On shorter rides of say 20-30 miles I'm averaging around the 19 to 20 mark, and my shorter training routes tend to include at least a couple of short hills that get up to around 11%. I can just about manage 18 to 18.5 on hilly 100+ sportives now and have started getting more gold times as a result. I only tend to pay attention to it when I've got a Sportive coming up, but more to just give me a guide as to whether I'm on target for gold or not. I'm certainly not obsessed by it.

    It's kind of crept up on me and I do try and ride harder these days.

    I'm 40 and have always been into fitness of some kind, but only really took up road cycling seriously 2.5 years ago. i just wish I'd done it alot sooner.
  • Doombrain wrote:
    On my mountain bike with knobblies I ride at between 18-20 depending on how hilly the route is.
    My 10 mile road TT record is 22.23 mph
    how about yourself?

    hummmm BS

    Thats not that fast plenty of people can avrage 30mph on a TT bike and I have a friend thatt taps att 20+! he is a pro tho..

    Oh and I've got in to the 25's for a ten :D
  • Doombrain wrote:
    it's no good saying you can do that without a true picture of the area you ride in. even totally flat i doubt mr BS (explosifpete) could get that avg unless he was trying for it and is slightly super human.
    if i'm wrong and he is getting that on an MTB he might want to rethink his 22.23mph TT bike timings....

    15mph on a flat road is doable, but i'd doubt you would enjoy the ride on a MTB

    my best on a MTB FS

    Time: 02:45:12
    Distance: 37.39 mi
    Elevation Gain: 1,325 ft
    Calories: 2,529 C
    Time: 02:45:12
    Moving Time: 02:44:05
    Avg Speed: 13.6 mph
    Avg Moving Speed: 13.7 mph
    Max Speed: 32.0 mph
    Elevation Gain: 1,325 ft
    Elevation Loss: 1,324 ft
    Min Elevation: 251 ft
    Max Elevation: 830 ft

    My best within 20miles on road

    Time: 01:10:54
    Distance: 21.19 mi
    Elevation Gain: 950 ft
    Calories: 1,288 C
    Time: 01:10:54
    Moving Time: 01:10:44
    Elapsed Time: 01:18:09
    Avg Speed: 17.9 mph
    Avg Moving Speed: 18.0 mph
    Max Speed: 28.9 mph
    Elevation Gain: 950 ft
    Elevation Loss: 1,028 ft
    Min Elevation: 210 ft
    Max Elevation: 477 ft
    Heart Rate
    Avg HR: 166 bpm
    Max HR: 201 bpm
    Zones% of Maxbpm
    Avg Bike Cadence: 77 rpm
    Max Bike Cadence: 113 rpm

    Oh and before you all pass judgement I live in essex ride/race a xc race bike and am pretty fit so :P