average mph ?

lilactime Posts: 86
edited September 2010 in Road beginners
lets face it were all obsessed with this . whats yours on say a 20 to 30 mile route ? i know youve got to take into consideration course and wind factor , and to an extent bike ie you aint gonna be as quick on a £70 tesco mountain bike . but what do you usually average ?


  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    On my mountain bike with knobblies I ride at between 18-20 depending on how hilly the route is.
    My 10 mile road TT record is 22.23 mph
    how about yourself?
  • lilactime
    lilactime Posts: 86
    On my mountain bike with knobblies I ride at between 18-20 depending on how hilly the route is.
    My 10 mile road TT record is 22.23 mph
    how about yourself?
    thats impressive !!! only been riding 8months due to running injury . on my two stone dawes giro best ive done is 18mph , just bought bmc , which hasnt been used in anger yet due to weather .
  • explosifpete
    explosifpete Posts: 1,327
    That not far off really, My goal is to do a 25mile time trial in about an hour, not sure if this is possible tho!
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    1. I measure it in Kms/hr; it is more satisfying

    2. On that basis, I have gradually risen from about 20 to 25 over the last few years on the steel Winter bike and 24 to 27 on the carbon Summer bike.

    3. It depends on the terrain; I seek out hills on most rides (well, to be honest, I can't really avoid them around here.)

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • McHattie
    McHattie Posts: 146
    17mph, but does depend on terrain, obviously.
  • sloboy
    sloboy Posts: 1,139
    For 20-30 miles, I suppose it'll be about 17-18 now, rising to about 19-20 later in the summer. That's with ascending of about 1% of the route length.
  • I live in lumpy old Cornwall, on a good day I can average approx 15mph, if you can find more than a mile of consecutive flat road you are truly blessed!
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,470
    Did a 41 mile round trip this evening on rolling terrain at 18.5mph average, but there were a few stops & starts at junctions and the temperature was down to about 3 degrees C by the end of it... (I'm in Finland). Hope to get my average consistently above 20mph for similar distances during the summer.
  • 996JAT
    996JAT Posts: 94
    My average is 11.8 mph on a trek 1.7

    Though i've only got 49 miles riding experience on the bike on 3 seperate trips.

    Even at that speed my HR has hit 187.
  • Red Rock
    Red Rock Posts: 517
    17.5 mph over 20 miles is my best average...

    I'm a crap cyclist :cry::cry::cry:
  • CyclingBantam
    CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
    My Average speed is only around 14.5 over my 12.5 mile commute. :cry: My route is in to Halifax west yorkshire and what I think is very hilly but I am not sure if if it is or I am just very slow! :lol:
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,470
    Remember that average speed is pretty meaningless unless you are cycling on a relatively uninterrupted route, i.e. usually out of town. If you're stopping and starting at junctions a lot that will seriously reduce your average speed.
  • Mar ge
    Mar ge Posts: 88
    This weekend I had a medium length ride of just over 50 miles and averaged 17.5mph. If I mapped out the higs/low speeds it would be interesting I think. At a rather challenging 95kg body weight I am dog slow up the hills but no-one comes past on the way back (even when I don't pedal :D )

    30kph average is my first target then I'll swap back to mph and aim for the 20....
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    My fastest avarage for a 10 mile TT is 21 mph. But my general avarage tends to vary between 16 mph and 20 mph depending on route, traffic conditions, traffic lights and whether it's a hilly ride or a flat ride.
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    Red Rock wrote:
    17.5 mph over 20 miles is my best average...

    I'm a crap cyclist :cry::cry::cry:
    That's a good speed, don't be hard on youself.
  • I live at the bottom of a long valley. If I ride east-wide my average speed tends to work out about half as fast as if I ride north-south. That's why, I think, comparing average speeds doesn't really tell anybody very much.

    Just my two-penn'th, of course.
  • graham_g
    graham_g Posts: 652
    I tend to average about 15mph regardless of distance :D The hills make a big difference!
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Well yesterday got my summer bike out for first time and did 60 miles lone ride, 2755' climbing and av speed bang on 19mph so getting fit again :D
  • allen
    allen Posts: 214
    BenBlyth wrote:
    My Average speed is only around 14.5 over my 12.5 mile commute. :cry: My route is in to Halifax west yorkshire and what I think is very hilly but I am not sure if if it is or I am just very slow! :lol:

    I now what you mean I live around your way uts defo not flat !! Where do you commute ?
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Well yesterday got my summer bike out for first time and did 60 miles lone ride, 2755' climbing and av speed bang on 19mph so getting fit again :D

    Sh!t you are fit!
    I'm 17.1mph on my 20 mile course.
  • allen
    allen Posts: 214
    Well yesterday got my summer bike out for first time and did 60 miles lone ride, 2755' climbing and av speed bang on 19mph so getting fit again :D

    I was pleased with my 41 miles 1200 feet of climbing with a good 15 into a 25 mph wind in about 2 hr 45 until I read that : (
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    Did a 28mile loop yesterday in heavy winds at an average of 19mph, not earth shattering but I was pleased. Then today on a sheltered 20 mile route I did 1hour 15 mins with the middle 10 miles at 22mph(practicing for TT's later in the year)
  • 19mph for 20 miles today, really going hell for leather in the last half....

    About as fast as I'm ever going to go for that distance, for a while at least :wink:
  • angeleye
    angeleye Posts: 6
    i commute 11.3 miles each way and always time myself over 10 miles of the route cos its just before i hit the traffic lights on the way home tonight i managed the 10 in 26m 36 secs , only checked avarage speed when i got home at full distance and suprisingly was an avarage of 22.1 mph over the full 11.3 :shock: altough ive cracked the 10 in under 30 mins on the last 7 rides home, hoping to get it down to around 25m :lol:
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    allen wrote:
    Well yesterday got my summer bike out for first time and did 60 miles lone ride, 2755' climbing and av speed bang on 19mph so getting fit again :D

    I was pleased with my 41 miles 1200 feet of climbing with a good 15 into a 25 mph wind in about 2 hr 45 until I read that : (

    To be honest, treat the post as a bit of fun and nothing else.There is always some one faster and better some where, especially in a forum :D
    The important thing is to look at your own performance and to look for improvements.
    I have done other rides at av speed 15 to 16mph, deoending on effort and weather its recovery or training.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I'm really dissapointed in myself.

    Over 25 miles my average was 16.36mph and another 27 mile route I did earlier it was 17.17mph and this is on a road bike and I see people on MTB's beating me :(.

    My best average over 10 miles is 17.9mph .

    All these routes litrally have no hills, I get taken out big time on hills I must be so unfit and cant see any improvement.

    I started cycling about this time last year on my heavy Saracen Xray MTB, cant say my speed has increase much from that allthough I remember keeping a solid 20mph on it for about 2 miles, on that same stretch I have boosts up to 25-30mph now but cant sustain these speeds at all, think I need to start running!

    Yesterday I was pushing into a headwind for a short distance, maybe 15-18mph, and it was killing me I was pushing 17mph but I was right down on the drop bars and concentrating so hard.
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,470
    Some of the averages that people have been giving here may have been wind assisted or in one direction only. I think it only really counts if it's a round trip and it's not a once off! (the wind may have changed direction...). I did an average of more than 22mph over 25miles once, but that was with the wind behind me and on the way back it was15mph! If you can consistently do over 17mph for nearly 30 miles that's pretty competent I think.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    The 25 mile one abit of both really:

  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    It's very rare for the wind to start blowing in the opposite direction within 2 or 3 hours. I once done an average speed of 19.7 mph over 30 miles last summer, I did have the wind behind me on the way out but it didn't change direction during the ride and I was riding against the wind on the way back. I think the reason I got such a high average was because there was hardly any traffic and all the traffic lights were on green.

    Normally I'd expect to average about 17.5 mph on a typical ride or higher if conditions are good and I strike lucky with all the traffic lights.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    It's very rare for the wind to start blowing in the opposite direction within 2 or 3 hours. I once done an average speed of 19.7 mph over 30 miles last summer, I did have the wind behind me on the way out but it didn't change direction during the ride and I was riding against the wind on the way back. I think the reason I got such a high average was because there was hardly any traffic and all the traffic lights were on green.

    Normally I'd expect to average about 17.5 mph on a typical ride or higher if conditions are good and I strike lucky with all the traffic lights.

    On my route there is like no traffic and traffic lights, would you say my average is poor on ok? Into the wind that day I was down to 13mph in some parts, I try to keep minimum of 15mph but the wind was blowing pretty hard.