Bored? want to play a game?
My mates mum0
Who is a0
sucker for huge0
ice cream cones0
as worn by0
Susan Boyle's Cat0
that ran away0
when she smashed0
Simon Cowell's face0
with iced fingers0
that had beenJustice for the 960
stuck right up0
an elephant's bum0
where he hid0
his currant cake0
And a knife0
fell out of0
fashion when nylon0
suspenders stayed up0
With some glue0
and sticky tape0
for pertness aplenty0
that needed toJustice for the 960
Keep up with0
The local bike0
who gets it0
shoved up the_________________________________________________
Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
Giant Defy 105 20090 -
sweater of a0
Fat golfer playing0
with himself, and0