Bored? want to play a game?
the jungle madness0
and kill all0
the little critters0
that break the0
world record of0
farty woman banter0
that dominates cheese0
Sandwiches made from0
dirty old socks0
stuck on the
-Spider-0 -
play-out groove0
in the otherJustice for the 960
pocket he kept
-Spider-0 -
A big bowl0
of piping hot
-Spider-0 -
tea and Eccles0
for a quick
-Spider-0 -
exit out of0
the cocktail party
-Spider-0 -
as Jeremy Clarkson0
dies a slow0
and very appropriate
-Spider-0 -
bonus payment from0
the standard of0
fetishes including dogKeeping it classy since '830
and gun pub0
crisp eating contests0
that result in