Bored? want to play a game?
Bruce Forsyth's wood0
hanging out from0
Santa's massive sack0
Which rested on0
Piers Morgan's chin0
like he'd justJustice for the 960
talked through his0
arse! Only toJustice for the 960
find out he0
preferred donkey love0
spread all over0
his ugly face0
he then wiped" GET BACK CROC "0
his ass with0
a warm bap0
that was inJustice for the 960
the old folks0
crusty and veryJustice for the 960
sordid sack cup0
full of old0
crinkly tired gonads0
that had beenJustice for the 960
left on the0
cooked meats counter0
next to the0
a nice juicyJustice for the 960
big tender breasts0
following faulty silicone0
implants from the0
farmers fat wife0