Bored? want to play a game?
who sold them0
To the queen0
for half a0
faggot and a0
Old mince pie0
with a dollop0
of slimy cream0
but suddenly a0
silly looking bloke0
on Top Gear0
stuck his finger0
In farmers wifes0
underexplored, overly tight0
warm and wetPain is a momentary lapse of character.0
cream pie... But,0
they love sucking0
on a blue0
riband chocolate biscuit0
dipped in strong0
and extra stretchy0
Latex, to helpPain is a momentary lapse of character.0
keep all theJustice for the 960
loose change in0
their capacious sacks0
from getting lost0
while squating to0
empty their bladders0
in the sink0
or all overJustice for the 960
the dove soap0