Things you have recently learnt
Ride London are still trying to fill the ride for this year with 4 weeks to go.
Used to be that applicants far outweighed the number of slots available. I'm unsure if they've over expanded or if it's just not held in the same regard now.
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Or maybe it's too expensive. The local sportive that I did three times is now 2-3 times as expensive (depending on how early you book).
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It was fun when it went up Box Hill and finished on the Mall car free, but I can't get excited about this route really.
I didn't know until I just looked that it starts in central London now, and finishes near London Bridge.
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I think it previously used to make riders feel epic as they got to ride the same route as the pros. Cycling definitely seems to have strated going out of fashion though. At least this one was closed roads and a bit special but I can't say I'm disappointed to see a decline in those commercial sportive events that made money by getting people riding on public roads and giving them some crisps and jelly babies every few miles. I think they've moved on to the Ultra marathon scene now instead.
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A basic entry is now £99 (£275! for VIP), but if you live outside London, its going to cost a heck of a lot more.
My daughter did the marathon the other week, and it probably cost us well over £500 to go and support her (travel, hotel, TFL, food and drink etc). The need to sign on the day prior is an expensive pita.
2020/2021/2022 Metric Century Challenge Winner0 -
Running is the big boom now. I used to see at least of couple of large cycling groups on my Sunday rides especially pre-Covid but now seeing even one is rare. Of the cyclists I do see ones that look under 40 are like hens teeth. Also a lot of the sportives that sprung up around the 2012 time have disappeared, the only two big ones that are left are ones that have been running for a long time.
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Golf is surely due a come back.
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Cycling has got very expensive.
Beyond the middle range £150 shorts, even the consumables have got very expensive.
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With the demise of Wiggle, I'm going to have to find a new source of sensibly-priced shorts in place of DHB... glad I did a bit of stocking up before the shutters went up.
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You know who to blame for that.
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Oh, I take it all back... it looks like they are still going... via and, and even House of Fraser. My old bookmark of is as dead as a dead thing though.
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Not so much learnt, more why didn't I realise this before/read about it earlier.
Got one of those cassette tools with a tendency to fall off? Tired of risking punching something, or even worse, hitting the teeth of the cassette?
Simply use your QR skewer to hold it in place. Not tight obviously, let the springs do the work.
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.0 -
It's a good tip if the skewer is long enough.
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I'd guess the one that came with my trainer is long enough for any set up. I'd also guess it is long for that very reason.
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.0 -
You have a long skewer.
Happy for you and your family.
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I think I was first shown this when cassettes took over from free wheels. 20 plus years ago.
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It was possibly a hot topic at the time, not so much now.
Although I am possibly just highlighting my ignorance. For the second time this week. 😂
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.0 -
I only posted because I’m stunned that I have known for some time something about bike mechanics that someone has just learnt.
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What's worse is I have been maintaining my bikes for nigh on 50 years! 😂
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.0 -
Haha, I've just learnt today that sometimes French is rubbish at translating film titles.
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I took my daughter to Yo Sush at the weekend and saw a kid using a napkin wrapped around the top of his chopsticks like this, much better than the springy kids chopsticks they provide (which snap after about 20 seconds)
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Ha - brilliant. I'm going to have to try this next time, even though I can use chopsticks.
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Might come in useful for me too since I just discovered that I have a broken wrist
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Just discovered - as in, didn't notice it when it happened? If so, maybe one for the intrigue thread.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
I hurt it on Saturday but I thought it was just a bump. Went to a&e this morning and it turns out I've broken my lunate
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Got it, ta. Looks like it is in quite a painful place to get a knock.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
That's irritating, hope it heals fast and well now you know, mine went undiagnosed for 3 months so had pretty much healed by the time it was discovered. Lots of painful physio to get it working after all that unfortunately.
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SpaceX used chopsticks to catch a rocket, look!
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Not so much learnt as realised but...
Talking Heads - Road To Nowhere. 40 years old.
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.0