Donald Trump



  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,606

    What's the difference between the 2? 40/40 (of the electorate that will vote) and the balance is in the floating vote? Therefore, any independent is only going to gain a percentage of the remaining 20%.

    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,661

    My thinking is that there are more casual Republicans that can't bring themselves to vote for Trump so would end up voting for Biden whereas if there's an independent they would cast their votes there. I don't think Biden is as divisive among those inclined to vote Democrat. Other than is age there doesn't seem a huge amount wrong with him as a politician.

  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,448

    Bear in mind that Biden has to retain an unknown number of anyonebutTrump voters from last time. I don't think the hypothetical Independent helps him necessarily.

  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 20,908

    I've got to hand it to Trump, he's surprised even me with this one: not only does he seem to think he's going to be running against Obama, but he puts the racism right out there.

  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,661
    edited April 2024

    Hasn't been granted an extension in the Stormy Daniels hush money trial with the judge denying him his claim for immunity.

  • wakemalcolm
    wakemalcolm Posts: 960
    Cake is just weakness entering the body
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,606

    Has he just insulted x number of black voters by banking on the KKK to make up for the deficit?

    What exactly was he trying to say?

    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,495

    tbh trump isn't the problem, he wasn't up to the job last time and he seems to have declined since, he's a grandstander buffoon with an oversized ego that allows him to be manipulated

    it's the backers who are ready with plans to use him to implement an authoritarian state, stripping federal protections/freedoms, and entrench themselves long term, similar process to hungary, belarus, russia etc.

    the suckers who vote for him will, again, be damaging their own interests, and i'm sure they'll carry on believing him when he blames the left/immigrants/elites/liberals/muslims/jews/gays/blacks/refugees/media/whatever and cheer on the repression of these enemies of maga, guns, god and trump

    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • I would agree with everything you say about Trump's complete buffoonery but don't underestimate his influence. Yes, he has a lot of people backing him who believe in all these authoritarian doctrines, but Trump believes them too and is successful at garnering support. The reason Trump is even standing this time is because the Republican party are terrified of him and his ability to rouse his nutjob followers and didn't have the cojones to get rid of him after the January 6th insurrection.

  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,495

    oh yes, he has massive influence

    through him, the magas/nutters have taken over the gop even more successfully than the kippers/nutters took over the conservatives

    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,335

    Sometimes I wonder if a right wing Trump led America is still a viable ally. They won’t care about Europe, so why bother siding with them? Wouldn’t it be better to seek an agreement with Putin, whereby both sides remove the missiles pointing to each other, redefine the borders to acknowledge that some ground was gained and some sort of very costly gain was made?

    That would also get us out of a harmful alliance with Israel, which hasn’t brought a single advantage that I can think of… other than historical reasons, what is the point of supporting this regime?

    We could also redefine our relationship with China, which currently is not good and is harming our economy.

    The downside, is that our defence is basically US made stuff, so we would be a bit screwed in that respect…

    left the forum March 2023
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,448
    edited April 2024

    Shall I ignore this, or does someone else want to jump in and ignore it?

  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,335

    If Trump gets into power, some sort of end of the war in Ukraine is inevitable… the best end is the one that satisfies both sides, so the idea that Putin will return to pre 2014 borders is simply ridiculous.

    The question then is what kind of alliance do we want with the US?I would rather it being more casual than committal, avoiding another Iraq and Afghanistan fiasco would be desirable, as well as staying out of the all middle east chaos as it is today.

    What’s controversial about this? We seem to be getting entrenched in these events which only bring grief and no gain to anyone

    left the forum March 2023
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,448

    Personally I think we should have done a deal with Hitler as well. Would have avoided that small disagreement.

  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,448

    I agree that controversial isn't the right word, because at least someone else would need to agree with it for there to be any controversy.

  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,335
    edited April 2024

    When I try to look at it from a neutral perspective, I see the east and the west being just as bad as each other… in the east you can’t speak your mind, in the west you can lament but not much changes as a result and you have to work harder for basic services. In Bielorus healthcare is more comprehensive and certainly more available to the poor than it is in the US, where now even basic human rights, like aborption are being challenged. The social network is superior in Russia to that they have in the US, where you can be on a street days after losing your job.

    If someone asked me would you rather live in Phoenix or in St. Peterburg, I would probably choose the latter, an ancient capital of culture Vs a cultural desert. What is so great about America in 2024 is very questionable. You are less likely to get poisoned by the regime than in Russia, but far more likely to be shot in a mall or in a schhol… free education is unquestionably worse in the US than it is in Russia and China, what exactly are the arguments to be so passionate about the west and so dismissive of the East?

    Yes, you can speak your mind on this forum without the risk of persecution in the west… is it something so valuable, after all?

    left the forum March 2023
  • You are talking about the fundamental nature of a democracy vs an autocracy Ugo. I would imagine once you have experienced the reality of both, you are going to end up choosing democracy.

  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,448

    Phoenix and St Petersburg the only two choices? What about Oxford or Prague? They seem quite nice.

  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,335

    why would I not be? To try and understand Russia, one has to look at the facts, not just the Western rethoric. If I am poor, I am more likely to get a degree in the US or in Russia? If I am ill and poor, am I more likely to receive care in the US or in Russia? In other words, if I am not successful and wealthy, where is the better place to be? If I mind my own business in a shopping mall, where am I more likely to be harmed?

    The NHS is pretty much the only good thing left in this country… being friend with Trump might mean the beginning of the end… after which, we are just as bad, but with fewer guns… maybe a rethink of the alliance, something a bit more distant, even just like France has, would be desirable?

    left the forum March 2023
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,448

    Does the Russian welfare state provides a legal basis for invading Ukraine?

    FFS I don't know why I've been drawn into this.

    Ugo stop licking toads, it's affecting your frontal cortex.

  • Jezyboy
    Jezyboy Posts: 3,665

    The only good thing left in the country is the NHS? Jesus.

  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,335

    I am not condoning the war in Ukraine, just as we should not condone the war in Afghanistan or the current genocide in Gaza… there is no just war.

    The question is what do we do… I am frankly a bit tired of the western rethoric, for years we have ignored what was obviously coming, we have in fact taken positive steps to accelerate the process, we have ignored Russia and China positions, branding them as evil regimes and then we find ourselves in this mess, which was completely avoidable well before 2014. For many years we lived peacefully with Putin, who in fact was sitting at the table of the G8. Are we forgetting this really happened and the world was a better place as a result?

    Are we going to do the exact same with China and Taiwan? How about Israel and Iran when the time comes?

    left the forum March 2023
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,448


  • Yet, given the option you chose to pursue academic freedom and a life in a Western democracy. That choice tells us all we need to know about what you actually value.

  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,335
    edited April 2024

    Would I do the same 30 years later? hard to tell… the world has changed a lot since… make no mistake, the UK was a good place when I first came here…

    left the forum March 2023
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,335

    what else? Trains transport and utilities are privatised and a total mess… school is in decline, University is now the most expensive outside the US, houses are unaffordable and the worst in Europe… when we look at where to retire, it’s only the NHS that tips the balance this way

    left the forum March 2023
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,661

    There is no just war? I’m pretty sure most of Europe would have disagreed in the 1940s as well as most Ukrainians today. Are you supposed to just let dictators walk in and take charge of your country? You really seem to have lost the plot today.