Photography Thread
Best I could manage on the phone while walking the dogs but I missed the best of it. 45 minutes earlier it was very purple and indigo through really dark clouds. I can’t recall seeing colours like them before. There was another excellent one last weekend where it was reflecting off the windows or all the houses and cars but I didn’t have my phone with me.
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Hope you don't mind - I played for a couple of minutes...
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Trying out a bit more woodland photography.
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Maybe it's an ancient granite megalith in a remote corner of Dartmoor...
Or maybe it's the iron tack that caused the puncture on the morning ride.
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Photographically uninteresting, but just recording when I had the whole of the road to Orcombe Point at Exmouth to myself, it being closed as it had had a load dumped up the other end by an angry sea.
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Being reminded that pretty ≠ photogenic. Still, it was a nice walk.
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.2 -
That doesn’t sound logical, but it’s strangely/frustratingly often the case. Still, nice, perfectly formed birch trees.
A brief lunchtime sesh. Used a 66 year old 200mm prime lens (300+ effective FL). I purchased it because 1. It looks so cool. 2. Because of its diminutive size, it’s tiny. I rarely bother taking a heavy zoom along with me, with this there’s no excuse to be caught short as it were.
Surf N Turf. Sorry, more waves...
^ More for the Cheer me up thread.
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Natural conditions for a long exposure. Lost a bit of detail due to a large build up of salt spray on the lens. I wiped the lens with a cloth, many times, but looking at the photos side by side I can see they go from clear (1st shot), getting progressively more hazy. This was unfortunately towards the hazy end.
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Most I could manage today was a photo of my school lunch. It was very nice, if messy to eat. I could have done with a shower afterwards. I quite like the composition, and how I arranged the food in the dish for it, other than splashing soy sauce on the rear egg. Went for the contre jour lighting.
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Hurrah, a passable sunset, and I managed to get to the right place in time.
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Even passable ones haven’t exactly been abundant this winter, at least so far…
I'd tinkered with my pic above and squeezed a bit more out of the file. I was going to swap it, but the three dots in the corner have gone. Oh well.
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Managed to scamper up onto the office roof at just the right moment.
1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition4 -
Sure I've seen worse on display by "artists".
The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
I am not sure. You have no chance.Veronese68 wrote:PB is the most sensible person on here.0 -
I flipped the original, changed the gamma so that the top bit looks lighter, and deleted the buoy, as it gave the game away. I just quite liked the way the ripples (now in the sky) turned it into an impressionist thing, in effect, and actually works rather differently from having a mirror-like surface on the water.
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I went to a talk by a photographer who used a dustbin as a pin hole camera with some very large negatives. She then printed pictures from the negatives using sunlight and random emulsions e.g. ketchup. Clearly the kids of today, such as Brian, can play around more easily with software.
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Yeah, when you talk to people who have done a lot of work in darkrooms etc., it's a whole different ballgame to five minutes with Photoshop.
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Looks less edited than a lot of the ‘straight from the camera honest’ stuff I see on Facebook groups.
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There was a chap at art college who used Wheely bins, with big sheets of photographic paper stuffed inside so the image was inverted, in negative and distorted all over the place, but still recognisable as the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition0 -
Misty in Mirkwood today. I think these capture the atmosphere.
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Justin Quinnell. Still around 28 years later and now on Instagram.
1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition0 -
Just for once my autofocus did just what I hoped it'd do on this weird plant.
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Yes, apparently. Or 'hamamelis'.
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Looking at that a bit more closely, I think that I could release my inner Mapplethorpe with an even closer focus into the flower buds. It really is quite an extraordinary thing.
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Looks almost fungal.
This is the kind of thing Justin Quinnell does.
1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition1 -
1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition4 -
Annoyingly, I feel that lichen should be easily photographed well, but I rarely do. I've been trying to get shots that make it look like a forest, but not got one like that to my lichen yet.
Anyway, here's today's effort... it's OK, but not the forest I wanted.
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The elusive offshore wind arrived alongside some wild surf, so a good opportunity for some wave shots.
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I did something a bit different today and photographed some cross country action before my own race. That mud was evil and covered at least two thirds of the 6 mile route, there were people running in one shoe for most of the race after losing a show in the first few metres. The photos were taken in the 7th race of the day, mine was the 10th and final after several thousand more feet had been over it.