Anal fungus



  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Most fungus can be killed off with athletes foot cream, thrush cream or for the alternative tee tree oil.
  • The Ors
    The Ors Posts: 130
    diy wrote:
    Most fungus can be killed off with athletes ass cream, thrush cream or for the alternative tee tree oil.

    FTFY :D
  • bluedoggy
    bluedoggy Posts: 285
    Lotrimin cream. Used for itchy knackers.
    Wilier cento uno.
  • maxima
    maxima Posts: 37
    pdstsp wrote:
    So lets get this straight - chamois cream on all points of saddle contact and a muller fruit corner up the ar5e to stop the mushrooms growing - this is the new pre-ride preparation?
    fungus is notoriously difficult to beat. how about instead of feeding it muller and fruits - take the opposite approach - feed it with your sweat and make a business out of it - pack nicely and sell to waitrose ;)
  • lotus49
    lotus49 Posts: 763
    Bluedoggy wrote:
    LiamW wrote:
    Bluedoggy wrote:
    Doctor said its more common than you think, with a lot of riders not realising they've got it.

    Like Chlamydia?


    Who's Chlamydia?

    You joke about this but I really did once know a girl called Candida. Her surname wasn't Albicans though as far as I recall.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    I feel the OP's pain - my bathroom cabinet has a tube of Lotrimin in it and my local beautician makes a sweet £40 out of me every 6 weeks for a good bum/knacker waxing!
  • does it smell?
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    too much rimming... apparently doesnt allow the area to dry properly, after a long ride.
  • bluedoggy
    bluedoggy Posts: 285
    does it smell?

    Our dog looks a bit concerned when I walk past, but no.
    Wilier cento uno.
  • Bluedoggy wrote:
    Or to be exact 'Candida Albicans'
    You have a Spanish lady up your bum? Each to their own and all that, but does strapadicktomy action really belong in General?
  • Joeblack
    Joeblack Posts: 829
    Bluedoggy wrote:
    Or to be exact 'Candida Albicans'
    You have a Spanish lady up your bum? Each to their own and all that, but does strapadicktomy action really belong in General?

    Everyday this thread makes laugh :lol:
    One plays football, tennis or golf, one does not play at cycling
  • slowsider
    slowsider Posts: 197
    MattC59 wrote:
    Bluedoggy wrote:
    Doctor said its more common than you think, with a lot of riders not realising they've got it. Get the wife to do regular checks just like checking the prostate.

    I didn't think it was common at all, but I guess only one person getting it means its more common than I thought.
    Never heard of it before, ever. Shower after a ride and dry yourself properly, you dirty f*cker !

    Call yourself a cyclist ? :D Have you not read 'Rough Ride' ? Kimmage wrote about suffering from it from one end to the other. :shock:

    I hear McQuaid denies it ever happened :mrgreen:
  • bluedoggy
    bluedoggy Posts: 285
    Joeblack wrote:
    Bluedoggy wrote:
    Or to be exact 'Candida Albicans'
    You have a Spanish lady up your bum? Each to their own and all that, but does strapadicktomy action really belong in General?

    Everyday this thread makes laugh :lol:

    I don't mind been the 'Butt' of everyones jokes! Can get sooo serious on these forums so why not :D
    Wilier cento uno.
  • LiamW
    LiamW Posts: 358
    So has this cleared up or what?

    Did you try the muller light as i said?

  • p7rider
    p7rider Posts: 370
    lmao at this but its wrong on so many levels :lol:
  • LiamW
    LiamW Posts: 358
    Just looking through my old podt and came across this one again.

    Did the OP ever get sorted? I think people need to know.
  • bit concerning if he still has it....
  • theres more wrong with the OP than fungus on his rusty sheriff's badge if he's on here telling us that.....first stop my man is the "head doctor" and get something for that :lol::lol::lol:
    Lapierre Aircode 300
  • I think I have cracked a rib from laughing so hard.... seriously, the funniest thread I have read in such a long time.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    lA received some steroids for this on a backdated certificate so I believe...
  • LiamW
    LiamW Posts: 358
    Anyone know the outcome of this and if he got the all clear?
  • I'm sorry to say he suffered a complete rectal prolapse in the end. He didn't make it.
  • photonic69
    photonic69 Posts: 2,543
    WTF were you searching for to drag up this 4 year old thread??!!!!

    Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.

  • LiamW
    LiamW Posts: 358
    I was looking for another thread that I had commented on and came across this one.

    It was quite funny for a while.
  • photonic69
    photonic69 Posts: 2,543
    LiamW wrote:
    I was looking for another thread that I had commented on and came across this one.

    It was quite funny for a while.

    Yeah yeah. Likely story. Expect us to fall for that one, eh?! :)

    Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.

  • LiamW
    LiamW Posts: 358
    Honest Guv, it's the truth.

  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    By now the mushrooms must be fully grown and poking over the belt line with their red tops and white dots, the gnomes would have moved in and have the fishing rods down the OP's crack fishing for crabs.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Latest was he's had an Rs ole transplant

    Updated news - the Rs ole's rejected him - sad
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • After a VERY long hiatus i decided to get back on the saddle. Had a quick look at my old post's and came across this old chestnut.
    Happy to report, that i'm 'A' ok in that department! Glad it gave you all amusement!!! :lol::D
    Wilier cento uno.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 12,861
    With a title like that had to read this thread. And a happy ending. Whodathunkit? :D