Shimano recalling a censored ton of DA and Ultegra cranksets



  • I wonder how Shimano will defend their current position of not compensating anyone who has already replaced a defective unit?

    This is a big point for me.

    There is a class action suit now launched in the US. I've no doubt Shimano's sudden change in direction on this issue has been in relation to impending legal action. There is no way they can deny it in court so have admitted it and our now resolving the issue, I suspect to mitigate against losing a lawsuit.

    The issue is those who were denied and lost out. At some point a claim is going to come on behalf of these plaintiffs. I suspect Shimano are relying on the fact that the damaged cranks that were not compensated for no longer exist and therefore there would not be a case to answer. Will be interesting to see.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    On the most recent podcast on Road cc there is a solicitor who’s a partner at Leigh Day and is a specialist in recalls. Basically he says it a complete mess and can’t understand Shimano’s thinking. He also says as a British government body has stated they are unsafe, they the government could be seen as legally negligent. For saying they are unsafe and not doing anything about it.
    Or that’s what I think he said🤔
  • On the most recent podcast on Road cc there is a solicitor who’s a partner at Leigh Day and is a specialist in recalls. Basically he says it a complete mess and can’t understand Shimano’s thinking

    Having seen first hand, Warranty cases with some big manufacturers through work, a lot of companies take the initial approach of deny everything.

    They know as soon as they admit any fault at all, that is the ball game and they are now liable for all future claims.

    They will take an initial calculated risk, kick it into the long grass and hope they don't get many claims or that failures are happening on a wide geographical spread so nobody connects the dots.

    The problem occurs, from a manufacturer's perspective, when there are so many faults it becomes obvious and they are left with no choice but to fess up, as per Shimano.