Cars, cars, cars...
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Good company, not too far from you.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Thanks Pinno. Would have to check what the garage did last time or two. Will try that re the dipstick next time I think of it, though no idea when I'll next use the car. All I can say is that it was running very sweetly on 16 December when I last used it.
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If it sits for long periods of time, you ought to take off the main coil to HT lead and spin the engine over for 10 seconds or so. All that oil has vacated where it needs to be and is in the sump. This process primes the oil pump. Yes I know this is a bit of a hassle but with a bit more TLC, that Japanese lump could go on indefinitely.
Ideally, you take out the plugs and then you have zero compression and are unlikely to drain the battery.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Been driving a car with CVT (Mitsubishi 2.0 ASX hire car).
It's fine driving in town and long distance on flat roads - pretty much like an automatic. However on steep hills the revs seem to hunt up and down without much effect, so you have to stamp on the accelerator to get it to go up at a reasonable speed.
Any other experiences of driving a CVT?
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Yeah, they're dreadful. Test drove a couple Audi models that had those about 10 years ago, and wheezy/anaemic was the main impression. Got given a small Nissan with one as a company pool car for a long trip and hated every minute of it.
Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS0 -
Tried this in "sport" setting - makes a lot more noise from high revs but doesn't seem to go any faster.
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They’re awful, there’s a reason Daf weren’t successful. On the bright side, they can go as fast backwards as they do forwards.
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Finally, manufacturers realising that if you want people to buy EVs, make 'em feel like you're driving an ICE car and not some souped up milk float
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]1 -
Seem to recall this Q being discussed before, but can't find it, helped (not) by the search function of this forum.
Degreasing inside car windows esp windscreen. What's tge best way of doing so? I get a lot of condensation forming on the windscreen, defogs quite quickly once mowtah started. But there seems to be this film of something or other that won't come off by using a cloth. I've tried std domestic glass cleaning spray stuff before, not v effective.
Hints anyone?
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Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing alcohol) on a lint free cloth to clean the inside. You may need to go over it a couple of times to get rid of the smears but this method seems to work well for me.
Wilier Izoard XP0 -
All of the children will be delighted.
That car is vast, by the way.
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Tip from an alpine driver ...
I don't know how north you are but if it's dry - and it needs to be properly dry! - crack a window slightly and let it air out. Even if it's cold it will help.
Make sure you e got nothing damp in the car. Rain coat, dog towel etc
We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
- @ddraver0 -
It will sell well also. The difference between something feeling like real car to drive and something being effectively 'white goods' is a big selling point.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
It will initially, but after a while things like this and the piped engine noise will be just weird reto gimmicks to people who grow up with electric cars as the norm.
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There is no way that ICE's will be banned by 2030.
I've had an Ioniq5 and currently driving a Volvo C40. As nice as they are they just aren't as practical as a petrol hybrid.
The range in winter is an absolute shocker. I lose a minimum of 25% range if I put the heater on. As much as I try and make do with the heated seats and steering wheel it's a huge compromise in this weather.
I have solar panels at work and charge there. If you can home charge then it's not too bad but if not a fast charger costs £0.75kwh so ends up as expensive as a tank of petrol.
Once the BIK changes in a few years I'll go back to a plug-in hybrid which would be ideal for me.
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This seems like a pragmatic solution
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It won't be like that for lots of normal people for quite a while. In any event, even after sales of new ICE cars are banned, existing pnes will be on the roads for a fair amount of time.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
More reasons to stick with what ive currently got. Although the development of solid state batteries may help address the range issues.
It'll be interesting to see whether the 2030 new ICE ban holds up, although I can't see Labour backing down on it even if it does cause chaos.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Yes, but in that case people who want flappy paddles or a clutch pedal and gear lever will drive a car with a combustion engine in it. Whereas people who drive a quiet electric car and think this is both normal and an improvement will consider it odd to gamify driving like this.
Fwiw if anything I will be going electric for most use, and in car two, away from a flappy paddle automatic altogether and back to a manual.
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Heat pumps in EV's will also make a difference.
I'm sceptical to where all the electricity needed to power a country with only EV's is going to come from as well.
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You could put a funnel on the front with a steam generator and tow a trailer full of fake coal behind it if you really want to make it really reai. 🫤
1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
Pinnacle Monzonite
Part of the anti-growth coalition0 -
Heaven forbid anyone try and make things fun...
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Just out of interest, who on here is currently driving an EV?
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Now you're just being silly. A hand crank in the front grille would be plenty.
I'm not much of a petrol head (and 2 wheels is my preference anyway) but I get the impression that most the people I know favour driver convenience/comfort features over 'ultimate driving experience' type things.
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I have no objection, but I think the target market will be not much younger than the Clarkson generation, and will have access to, let's call them "analogue cars" that are their actual preferred product anyway.
Did I read that Fisker (if they survive) are putting an actual 2 speed gearbox in an EV? There was supposedly some technical reason for this. Top speed maybe?
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I am. An MG4 XPower.
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Alcohol for the grease or parts cleaner, even carb cleaner as above. If it's been sitting for a while (which I know it has), pop a dehumidifier in the boot. feed the cable through a window and wind it up as far as it will go. You can gaffer tape up the remaining gap. Put the dehumidifier on a clothes drying function. You'll be amazed how much water it will pull out over say 48hrs.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
For my next vehicle (hopefully my current car will keep running for a while yet) I'm thinking of getting a van. We'd use our Mini as the main car day in, day out but the van would be useful for transporting the dogs, taking out to the countryside for trail running (and maybe even cycling again at some point), going off for weekends camping and maybe even chucking a matress in for the odd night without bothering taking a tent (useful so I can go out doing some overnight photography). A VW Transporter feels like the gold standard here as they're a sensible size and offer pretty car like comfort and driving and a Transit Custom would be a reasonable alternative but both tend to be on the pricey side. What would be the realistic cheaper alternatives? Basically I'd want something that isn't much bigger than a large estate car (and a height that doesn't get restricted by most car park barriers) and that drives smoothly with a cab that doesn't feel like a builder's van. If I moved to a job with a car scheme I'd definitely be considering the VW ID Buzz although the range could do with being larger but privately I guess I'd be pretty much limited to a diesel.
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The AA frequently auction off vans including Transporters in Newport. Might be worth being patient and acquiring one. What you save can be used to paint it a different colour and chuck on some good looking alloys. Full reply later. Busy right now.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!1