Not competing/mental health



  • focuszing723
    focuszing723 Posts: 8,058

    This thread is do-in me bloody nut in.

    Yeah mate, it's doin my nut in too!
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 16,957
    I wish I could be so completely lacking in self doubt, self awareness and empathy as you Ugo. All those things have really held me back.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310

    I wish I could be so completely lacking in self doubt, self awareness and empathy as you Ugo. All those things have really held me back.

    Yeah, waste of time...
    left the forum March 2023
  • joe2019
    joe2019 Posts: 1,338
    edited August 2021

    Sounds like Team USA need to invest more in sport psychologists?

    As an Olympic team, you can't afford to have your best athlete not competing

    Do you really have no idea what they've been though?

  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930

    Every one of us faces tough points in our life, or situations which make us nervous or anxious, but which we push through as we can see the need or benefit of working through difficult situations to a better outcome. This is not the same as having an anxiety disorder, or suffering from depression and so on.

    Good post, thank you.
    Simplest description of causes of mental health issues I've heard was if we imagine everyone has a bucket in which they put all the stresses, strains and worries of life. Not everybody has the same size bucket. If your bucket overflows this causes mental health issues.
    Huge oversimplification but it gets the point across about everyone having different levels of resilience quite well.

    Well have some sympathy for me then will you. I ain't even got a bucket. :(
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    davidof said:


    We currently have probably 1 in 4 student who at some point seeks help for mental health...
    Which is fine, because we have a robust system in place.
    The problem is the reliance on mitigating circumstances, deadline extensions and whatnot creates a vicious circle and once they move on from Education

    Sounds like my wife's uni... she had a student who had lost 5 grandparents in a single year. My wife asked for some kind of explanation of how that was possible.

    Losers will lose, I'm not overly concerned about students taking advantage of the system...
    What concerns me is that the form filling process has become the first port of call, often before even thinking how much something has impacted them.

    Granfather's death is an example. Immediately running for the mitigating circumstances, then they sit the exam and they get 80%. That concerns me, because there won't be the same mechanism available throughout their life and they need to build a bit of resilience.
    left the forum March 2023
  • Jezyboy
    Jezyboy Posts: 3,560
    Anyone else enjoying the academic complaining about other people not being aware of the real world.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,765

    Every one of us faces tough points in our life, or situations which make us nervous or anxious, but which we push through as we can see the need or benefit of working through difficult situations to a better outcome. This is not the same as having an anxiety disorder, or suffering from depression and so on.

    Good post, thank you.
    Simplest description of causes of mental health issues I've heard was if we imagine everyone has a bucket in which they put all the stresses, strains and worries of life. Not everybody has the same size bucket. If your bucket overflows this causes mental health issues.
    Huge oversimplification but it gets the point across about everyone having different levels of resilience quite well.

    Well have some sympathy for me then will you. I ain't even got a bucket. :(
    I suspect you have something more like a gasometer that just expands to whatever is thrown at it. I've been like that most of my life, but this year has been a bit more challenging. Saying that, I think I'm doing alright considering.
  • womack
    womack Posts: 566
    Mental health will become the new bad back.
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 16,957
    womack said:

    Mental health will become the new bad back.

    I have a bad back. It really affects my mood.
  • mully79
    mully79 Posts: 904
    I’m kind of on the fence with this one. There’s certainly a few jumping on the bandwagon. If you want to take a break from training or competing just do it without feeding a load of bs to the press about mental stress.
    It’s starting to sound like an easy way of getting the press to stop harassing you when you no longer want the publicity.

    On the other hand I do hope those that truly feel they need mental support do get the help they need.
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    I suspect (no first hand experience) that elite sport in the modern age is considerably more mentally demanding than it ever has been.
    Performance levels and professionalism are like never before and the press/social media demands (whilst lucrative) are relentless.

    If you go back through history, sports stars had many more opportunities to relax, indulge themselves and step away from the spotlight. Your event would possibly be shown on TV (with fewer cameras) and then maybe an interview later on.

    Currently every high and low is captured in razor sharp detail on multiple cameras and you can't escape without an interview or even the virtual podium in many events when you just want to go and unwind.

    Yes, they can earn a shed load of money doing what they love but I don't doubt the pressure can seem relentless. Being good at a sport in no way makes you predisposed to dealing with what most of us would find very intrusive.
  • Do we not think that old time athletes had the same problems but feigned a physical injury?

    Footballers never used to get injured in the pre-match warm up but now it is a regular occurrence.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661

    Do we not think that old time athletes had the same problems but feigned a physical injury?

    Footballers never used to get injured in the pre-match warm up but now it is a regular occurrence.

    I think they’re separate issues.

    1) I think a lot of athletes just not performing was just written down as that rather than looking at the underlying causes.

    2) footballers are much much fitter and the intensity of the athletic performance required is so much higher their bodies are much closer to the limit of what is possible and so sail closer to the edge of injury.

  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,750

    Do we not think that old time athletes had the same problems but feigned a physical injury?

    Footballers never used to get injured in the pre-match warm up but now it is a regular occurrence.

    Boycott had three years off.

    There only used to be two subs in football, but the game was much slower so injuries weren't as common. I imagine warm-ups were less vigorous too. The old school type premier league players don't tend to get injured as much even now.
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 16,957
    There is an article today about one of our athletes experiencing imposter syndrome.

    Sure, okay, yeah, uh huh. It is actually getting a bit tiring now. No one is forcing you to do it guys.
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190

    There is an article today about one of our athletes experiencing imposter syndrome.

    Sure, okay, yeah, uh huh. It is actually getting a bit tiring now. No one is forcing you to do it guys.

    In a world of access to everything, understanding the mental issues of competing at an elite level is just one more data stream.
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 16,957
    morstar said:

    There is an article today about one of our athletes experiencing imposter syndrome.

    Sure, okay, yeah, uh huh. It is actually getting a bit tiring now. No one is forcing you to do it guys.

    In a world of access to everything, understanding the mental issues of competing at an elite level is just one more data stream.
    It's a stream of something, that's for sure.
  • womack
    womack Posts: 566
    edited August 2021

    Do we not think that old time athletes had the same problems but feigned a physical injury?

    Footballers never used to get injured in the pre-match warm up but now it is a regular occurrence.

    Boycott had three years off.

    There only used to be two subs in football, but the game was much slower so injuries weren't as common. I imagine warm-ups were less vigorous too. The old school type premier league players don't tend to get injured as much even now.

    There weren't any subs when I first started watching football and from memory it was pretty much the same starting 11 week in week out and players were allowed to tackle then!!
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 16,957
    womack said:

    Do we not think that old time athletes had the same problems but feigned a physical injury?

    Footballers never used to get injured in the pre-match warm up but now it is a regular occurrence.

    Boycott had three years off.

    There only used to be two subs in football, but the game was much slower so injuries weren't as common. I imagine warm-ups were less vigorous too. The old school type premier league players don't tend to get injured as much even now.

    There weren't any subs when I first started watching football and from memory it was pretty much the same starting 11 week in week out and players were allowed to tackle then!!
    Yes but they moved in slow motion, ran about 3000m in a game rather than 10-12 and all see to be semi-crippled by the tackling in later life, assuming they don't have dementia.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,388
    Wasn't sure where best to put this but this felt the most appropriate. Apologies if it's covered elsewhere
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,680
    (weirdly helpful Spam tho...)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver