TV Series - Reviews and Recommendations......



  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,863

    It's very much worth persevering with if you can find the time 😊

    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • Webboo2
    Webboo2 Posts: 892

    Apparently we all need to watch out for series 2 episode 8 of The Good Ship Murder as Mrs W work colleague Vickies foot is apparently staring in it.😂😂😂

  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807

    Tokyo Vice hasn’t been cancelled, it’s just not going to be released via HBO Max (because Americans can’t do subtitles). The series has been a massive hit in Europe, Asia and Australia, so the company that own and film the series is looking at other angles for season 3. I suspect it’ll end up becoming a BBC America thing.

  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,863

    Interesting, on the piece I read it sounded very much like they had committed actors for two series, and had written it accordingly - certainly with the way series 2 ended, it felt like a conclusion on many levels.

    Looking online now I see many posts about how the show was revered, and loved, and how the shows creators are keen to provide a third series.

    I wonder how this will go - it felt like a complete piece of work after 18 episodes, I wonder if due to potential profits they might try and write another series or two and make a hash of it, or Americanise it too much, hopefully not though.

    I suspect we won't see anything for 18-24 months IF anything goes ahead anyway, I would imagine most of the cast will already be committed to other projects, and presumably filming 8 or 10 episodes must take 3-4 months.

    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • Munsford0
    Munsford0 Posts: 659

    We watched the first series 'live' when it first appeared on the Beeb. Really enjoyed it and thought WTF? when it ended the way it did. Very excited when the second series was announced and recording it on the Virgin box for a bit of binge watching later.

  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,863
    edited June 28

    You'll love it is my confident assumption - it's a step up from the first series imho.

    Depending on how long ago you watched, it might be worth re-visiting the final episode before embarking on series 2.

    Aside from sporting events, I don't really watch anything live anymore, so consequently totally missed either of these series being broadbast on an actual channel - 99% of the time I cast programs from my phone via iplayer/itv/c4 equivalents.

    Sounds like from earlier posts they mucked about with the scheduling something rotten though, so probably for the best.

    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,936
    edited September 3

    Gotta say that I enjoyed Cleo on Netflix. Got through the 2 series much quicker than most is a guide. Silly, absurd, and funny in enough moments to keep it light while touching on some poignant moments and keeping things moving.

    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,120

    On the subject of silly and absurd the wife put the first episode of Kaos on the other night which is about the Greek Gods set in modern day Crete and a plot to get ride of Zeus (Jeff Goldblum). It’s weird, I can’t decide whether to watch more or not.

    in a completely different vein, been watching the second series of Sherwood. It feels very much like someone trying to piggy back an idea off the success of the original, based on a true story, original and it’s not really working for me.

  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,936
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,936

    I've heard mixed reviews from meh to excellent. I'm still undecided whether to watch but I find Jeff Goldblum to be entertaining. 🤔

    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.