What happened to the Wiggins thread



  • [

    In that case.....


    I've got one of those dogs, one point to anyone who can name the breed.

    Looks like a Groenendael to me. At last a decent subject in Pro Race. :lol:

    Belgian Shepherd!

    too small surely? Looks more like a lurcher to me.
    When a true genius appears in this world, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him. - Jonathan Swift

  • I've got one of those dogs, one point to anyone who can name the breed.

    Looks like a Groenendael to me. At last a decent subject in Pro Race. :lol:

    Belgian Shepherd!

    4 types....... :)

  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,031
    Yes it's a groenendael which is one of four varieties of Belgian Shepherd which differ on coat type - the others are Tervuren which is the same profuse coat but has a mixed brown type of coat, a laekenois which has a wiry curly type coat a bit like but not exactly like an airedale and a malinois which has a short (but not smooth) coat and a lot of that type are working strain dogs generally bigger which much more drive and are popular with police forces as a more agile alternative to a german shepherd.

    So there you go.

    edit - took me so long to write that someone posted a pic
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]

  • I've got one of those dogs, one point to anyone who can name the breed.

    Looks like a Groenendael to me. At last a decent subject in Pro Race. :lol:

    Belgian Shepherd!

    4 types....... :)


    Ruff! Handsome dogs. Laekenois looks mucho different from the other 3 types
  • Yes it's a groenendael which is one of four varieties of Belgian Shepherd which differ on coat type - the others are Tervuren which is the same profuse coat but has a mixed brown type of coat, a laekenois which has a wiry curly type coat a bit like but not exactly like an airedale and a malinois which has a short (but not smooth) coat and a lot of that type are working strain dogs generally bigger which much more drive and are popular with police forces as a more agile alternative to a german shepherd.

    So there you go.

    edit - took me so long to write that someone posted a pic

    The description you gave goes nicely with the pic :)

    They are nice dogs. I used to walk a Malinois who was deceptively strong, and quite a handful.
  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,313

    I've got one of those dogs, one point to anyone who can name the breed.

    Looks like a Groenendael to me. At last a decent subject in Pro Race. :lol:

    Belgian Shepherd!

    4 types....... :)


    Ruff! Handsome dogs. Laekenois looks mucho different from the other 3 types

    Not when it comes to tongues; the other 3 are clearly giving the Malinois a wide berth on account of its unfeasibly long licker.
  • Mikey23 wrote:
    Fanning the flames? I like to think of it as performing a valuable service by ensuring that discussions such as these reach a wider audience with a divergent range of opinions. Which has got to be good for democracy...

    ‘The cornerstone to effective government is a strong opposition’ I can't recite the actual quote right now, however democracy thrives on checks and balances and an alternative if the people do not like the manner in which current leaders lead and conduct themselves.

    That's why discussion and debate is important. This forum at times appears very intent on not allowing discussion. It wishes to censor and close down reasonable debate which might lead to better understanding of the topics du jour.

    But asking the same questions ad-nauseum is very different to a discussion.

    You seemed to be continually asking the same questions that no one had answers to, asking hypothetical questions that ignored the facts as were known or asking questions despite the answers being known.

    Most of your questions were answered at least once yet you declined to read them or if you did, you chose to ignore them.

    That's what got the thread killed off, it wasn't an attempt to censor or close down reasonable debate. You did not provide any reasonable debate. You repeatedly asked the same questions, ignoring previous facts and answers.

    And I guess you are going to do the same again until this thread is put out of its misery.

    Asking questions, or having a discussion.

    As I stated yesterday, there has been a good deal of information and CMS hearings etc. over the past 3 months. Therefore people want to discuss each of those incidents and events.

    What I find here is a lot of finger pointing and blaming the messenger;

    Daily Mail reports that a suspect package was delivered to Wiggins - Blame the Mail, its a propaganda tool for the Nazi's,

    Brailsford gives some very strange response to the Daily Mail about the package and the reason for Cope's trip - Blame the Mail, its a propaganda tool for the Nazi's and nothing they write is true.

    MP's question Brailsford and British Cycling over package and use of British Cycling - All the MPs don't know what they are talking about, they know nothing about pro cycling.

    That's the level of discussion on this forum. Very few want to look at the details and provide a reasonable summation on what has occurred.

    In terms of questions, I've answered all the questions asked of me with respect to Fancy Bears, Russian Doping, IAAF, JTL, Sky, Wiggins, Sutton etc. If its a serious question, I'll respond.
  • dish_dash
    dish_dash Posts: 5,642
    Ta DeVlaeminck and RR2... I actually gained some knowledge from this thread. My parents have owned several German Shepherds but I had no idea about Belgian ones or the variations!
  • And still the nonsense continues.....

    People will blame the messenger when he talks crap, it's about time you realised that.

    Regrettably, you neglected to read the thread that contained your answers. Any now it is gone. Maybe you ought to go too?
  • carbonclem
    carbonclem Posts: 1,771
    Funny. On this actual thread WCF has ignored a twisted story from the Mail but subsequently quoted the same story as 'interesting' despite it erasing the truth within it.
    Then he continues to protect the Mail :lol:
    He loves the fake news :D
    2020/2021/2022 Metric Century Challenge Winner
  • weekendcyclingfan
    weekendcyclingfan Posts: 980
    edited February 2017
    And still the nonsense continues.....

    People will blame the messenger when he talks crap, it's about time you realised that.

    Regrettably, you neglected to read the thread that contained your answers. Any now it is gone. Maybe you ought to go too?

    Oh, yes, I forgot, when there is no argument - WCF is a moron, an idiot, doesn't know what she is talking about.

    You could have just admitted you didn't have a retort and went down the aggressive name calling route :roll:
  • dish_dash wrote:
    Ta DeVlaeminck and RR2... I actually gained some knowledge from this thread. My parents have owned several German Shepherds but I had no idea about Belgian ones or the variations!

    Like to think I played a part? :(


    If you like shepherds, look up Berger Blanc Suisse....... stunning. Although probably derived from the white GSD.
  • gsk82
    gsk82 Posts: 3,570
    Since we're playing name that breed. Here's me and my dog (yes it's an easy one)


    Oh and go Wiggo and Team Sky and Brits!
    "Unfortunately these days a lot of people don’t understand the real quality of a bike" Ernesto Colnago
  • gsk82 wrote:
    Since we're playing name that breed. Here's me and my dog (yes it's an easy one)

    Oh and go Wiggo and Team Sky and Brits!

    Does Wiggo have a dog? If not, I can't see how he is relevant to this thread.

  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    *considers very nasty Fran Millar joke*

    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    Pross wrote:
    There may have been a level of intransigence on both sides but there was valid opinion and even a smattering of fact.

    I noticed a number of new posters in the last few days who took a more cycnical view than the forum longtimers,

    Um, not sure if you're joking or if you didn't realise where the new posters came from


    Basically a thread dedicated to finding arguments on the forum and fanning the flames!

    To be fair, there isn't a lot of flaming the flames going on. Some threads just don't need it.

    [Sorry for the lack of mention of Wiggins or dogs but I do know a bloke with a Tervuran Belgian Shepherd and it's a really gorgeous dog unlike gsk82's. Although it would make for a decent size kebab].
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Vino'sGhost
    Vino'sGhost Posts: 4,129
    gsk82 wrote:
    Since we're playing name that breed. Here's me and my dog (yes it's an easy one)

    Oh and go Wiggo and Team Sky and Brits!

    Does Wiggo have a dog? If not, I can't see how he is relevant to this thread.

    That's not a dog, it's a snack.
  • Can this thread be renamed to who it is really about? Then when any new news comes along regarding Wiggins, he can get a thread.
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    I have a cat.
  • Vino'sGhost
    Vino'sGhost Posts: 4,129
    The thing with ridiculing wcf and anyone who dares doubt wiggins is that its a lot like trumps approach to rewriting facts.

    I remember a lot of people on the pro wiggins viewpoint being similarly angry about Armstrong denouncers. He's not broken the rules so hes innocent etc. Why cant you accept on the balance of probability that you might be wrong??? You might be right of course too.........
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,535
    The thing with ridiculing wcf and anyone who dares doubt wiggins is that its a lot like trumps approach to rewriting facts.

    I remember a lot of people on the pro wiggins viewpoint being similarly angry about Armstrong denouncers. He's not broken the rules so hes innocent etc. Why cant you accept on the balance of probability that you might be wrong??? You might be right of course too.........

    Name one.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format
  • Garry H wrote:
    I have a cat.

    We sort of bought a cat with our house. Theoretically it had been left with next door 'because she's too old to move', but hadn't got the memo and assumed it was just her food dish that had relocated. Also 'too old to move' was almost certainly a euphemism for 'has no working sphincters'.

    I wasn't a fan. The children knew this. The cat has now disappeared. The kids are convinced that I have something to do with it 'because you hate cats, Daddy' and still threaten to call the RSPCA on a regular basis.

    Is there any proper racing yet?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    The thing with ridiculing wcf and anyone who dares doubt wiggins is that its a lot like trumps approach to rewriting facts.

    I remember a lot of people on the pro wiggins viewpoint being similarly angry about Armstrong denouncers. He's not broken the rules so hes innocent etc. Why cant you accept on the balance of probability that you might be wrong??? You might be right of course too.........
    You had over a hundred pages to make your points. Was that not enough?

    All you seem to have to offer is weak comparisons to offer. Maybe you are right and maybe you will get a few days of saying 'I told so'.

    But remember this - you will still be an incredibly boring person. Do you understand how utterly tedious you and WCF are? This is what we object to, not your difference of opinion. I would rather be wrong a thousand times than be as dull as you two for a day.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • RichN95 wrote:
    The thing with ridiculing wcf and anyone who dares doubt wiggins is that its a lot like trumps approach to rewriting facts.

    I remember a lot of people on the pro wiggins viewpoint being similarly angry about Armstrong denouncers. He's not broken the rules so hes innocent etc. Why cant you accept on the balance of probability that you might be wrong??? You might be right of course too.........
    You had over a hundred pages to make your points. Was that not enough?

    All you seem to have to offer is weak comparisons to offer. Maybe you are right and maybe you will get a few days of saying 'I told so'.

    But remember this - you will still be an incredibly boring person. Do you understand how utterly tedious you and WCF are? This is what we object to, not your difference of opinion. I would rather be wrong a thousand times than be as dull as you two for a day.

    Probably the first time and the last that a Welsh person considered themselves more interesting than a New Yorker! Now that is humor!

    Besides, who cares, who's right? Aren't we allowed to discuss the events with Wiggins/BC and Sky? If you don't want to read it or participate there are countless other threads to post in.

    Methinks you are uncomfortable with the fact that Wiggins might have doped and Sky/BC are not as ethical that they may claim to be. That is not my fault or anyone's else. Perhaps take that frustration out on the perpetrators and let those who wish to discuss the details, discuss it. This is not your forum alone.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,089
    Garry H wrote:
    The usual bollox
    Is there any proper racing yet?

    No and that is the problem. The weather is pants, it's at least 5 weeks to Milan San Remo and there's no bones left to chew on. Everything has been covered ad nauseum.
    Perhaps, what we really need is... drugs. Prescription drugs: barbiturates, anti-depressants. That sort of thing; to tide us over...
    (There's irony in there somewhere).
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Probably the first time and the last that a Welsh person considered themselves more interesting than a New Yorker! Now that is humor!

    Besides, who cares, who's right? Aren't we allowed to discuss the events with Wiggins/BC and Sky? If you don't want to read it or participate there are countless other threads to post in.

    Methinks you are uncomfortable with the fact that Wiggins might have doped and Sky/BC are not as ethical that they may claim to be. That is not my fault or anyone's else. Perhaps take that frustration out on the perpetrators and let those who wish to discuss the details, discuss it. This is not your forum alone.
    You're in New York, one of the most vibrant cities in the world and you chose to spend hour after hour, day after day banging on about the same thing on the internet without getting anywhere.

    That's the very definition of a bore. If this is your life I pity you.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    VG & WCF only have one aim - to destroy this forum.

    At the moment we are doing a very good job of letting them. Can we please stop?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • RichN95 wrote:
    Probably the first time and the last that a Welsh person considered themselves more interesting than a New Yorker! Now that is humor!

    Besides, who cares, who's right? Aren't we allowed to discuss the events with Wiggins/BC and Sky? If you don't want to read it or participate there are countless other threads to post in.

    Methinks you are uncomfortable with the fact that Wiggins might have doped and Sky/BC are not as ethical that they may claim to be. That is not my fault or anyone's else. Perhaps take that frustration out on the perpetrators and let those who wish to discuss the details, discuss it. This is not your forum alone.
    You're in New York, one of the most vibrant cities in the world and you chose to spend day after day banging on about the same thing on the internet without getting anywhere.

    That's the very definition of a bore.

    Not at all. I post in the morning from my iPhone. Over lunch, rarely on weekends, sometimes at night. You see, not all day. But in New York we love doing 37 things at once. I'm typing this post now waiting for a buddy to turn up for some beers. Cool eh?

    In Wales, I'm sure its cold, dark, raining and everyone is complaining. No wonder you get fed up with everyone on internet forums.
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    edited February 2017
    RichN95 wrote:
    Probably the first time and the last that a Welsh person considered themselves more interesting than a New Yorker! Now that is humor!

    Besides, who cares, who's right? Aren't we allowed to discuss the events with Wiggins/BC and Sky? If you don't want to read it or participate there are countless other threads to post in.

    Methinks you are uncomfortable with the fact that Wiggins might have doped and Sky/BC are not as ethical that they may claim to be. That is not my fault or anyone's else. Perhaps take that frustration out on the perpetrators and let those who wish to discuss the details, discuss it. This is not your forum alone.
    You're in New York, one of the most vibrant cities in the world and you chose to spend day after day banging on about the same thing on the internet without getting anywhere.

    That's the very definition of a bore.

    Not at all. I post in the morning from my iPhone. Over lunch, rarely on weekends, sometimes at night. You see, not all day. But in New York we love doing 37 things at once. I'm typing this post now waiting for a buddy to turn up for some beers. Cool eh?

    In Wales, I'm sure its cold, dark, raining and everyone is complaining. No wonder you get fed up with everyone on internet forums.

    You are correct. It's also full of people with funny voices - especially here in the valleys .......
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • salsiccia1
    salsiccia1 Posts: 3,725
    The thing with ridiculing wcf and anyone who dares doubt wiggins is that its a lot like trumps approach to rewriting facts.

    Sorry, respectfully I disagree. For me, there is some doubt about Wiggins, but it's the desperation for us to accept that there's absolutely no possibility he was not doping that made the discussion so grating. And trying to use the Daily Mail as some sort of authority on cycling and an objective reporter of facts is faintly ludicrous.

    Most of us accept that, at the least, Wiggins might have gamed the TUE system. But it's the unwillingness to accept any possibility that Sky/Wiggins are not US Postal mk2 that undermines any semblance of reasonableness and objectivity.
    It's only a bit of sport, Mun. Relax and enjoy the racing.
This discussion has been closed.