Best thing for Brekky?



  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    To be fair on my fasting days I eat nothing till the evening, but I do have to drink. That's slumped at a desk all day mind, not sure if I could manage 8 hours of manual work...
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,707
    Keep your own chickens and have a TRUE organic egg (or eggs) every morning.

    Ours are completely different to the 'Free Range' ones in the shops. Much darker yolks, much bigger, much tastier.

    I've seen some of the 'organic' chicken farms in our area and it sure ain't like the picture they draw on the box. No grass, no insects, little space, etc. etc.
    Are you sure they ones you describe are certified organic? Plenty of people use the term and don't know what it means (e.g. must be fed GM-free, access to a suitable ranging area as well as many other things). As for the eggs themselves, size is not really an indicator of nutritional content.

    But I'd agree that eggs and suchlike will keep you going far longer than a sugary high-carb breakfast cereal or cereal/muesli bars. These will just make you feel hungry sooner.

    Can't see why you shouldn't be allowed a butty box, and no access to water seems unhealthy, but I guess money talks...
    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
  • Simon E wrote:
    Keep your own chickens and have a TRUE organic egg (or eggs) every morning.

    Ours are completely different to the 'Free Range' ones in the shops. Much darker yolks, much bigger, much tastier.

    I've seen some of the 'organic' chicken farms in our area and it sure ain't like the picture they draw on the box. No grass, no insects, little space, etc. etc.
    Are you sure they ones you describe are certified organic? Plenty of people use the term and don't know what it means (e.g. must be fed GM-free, access to a suitable ranging area as well as many other things). As for the eggs themselves, size is not really an indicator of nutritional content.

    But I'd agree that eggs and suchlike will keep you going far longer than a sugary high-carb breakfast cereal or cereal/muesli bars. These will just make you feel hungry sooner.

    Can't see why you shouldn't be allowed a butty box, and no access to water seems unhealthy, but I guess money talks...

    I'm sure French regs are different to English ones anyway, but 'access to a suitable ranging area' seems to mean a patch of dirt where grass is a distant memory and space is hard to find. Ours have 3 acres each.....!

    And no size doesn't necessarily mean 'good', but it's always nice to get a double yolker, and ours are all tasty, big or small. It's amazing just how much grass and insects chickens eat; something denied to many, even free range birds. So given that their diet is so different, it's little surprise that the eggs are too.
  • Used to get eggs from a little farm nearby, where we used to live. It was a long drive down a very rough track to a farm. The whole way along the track we drove past chickens. Then at the farmhouse we saw the price list. They did a few grades of eggs ranging from xl to xxxl. We went for the smallest and got the equivalent of the largest supermarket eggs cut in half, pulled apart and a tube of rippled eggshell material put between the halves. Seriously the eggs were stretched and you could see the pain of the hen in the rippled mid section.

    They were very likely to be double yolkers too. Plus the colour was unlike any I'd seen before, orange and a very deep orange at that. Tasted amazing. We just didn't like the damage to the car getting down that long track so we rarely got them.
  • simon_e
    simon_e Posts: 1,707
    I'm sure French regs are different to English ones anyway, but 'access to a suitable ranging area' seems to mean a patch of dirt where grass is a distant memory and space is hard to find. Ours have 3 acres each.....!
    EU organic regulations apply across all member states so are the legal minimum in the UK too (for now! Another potential minefield thanks to Brexit). Quality of ranging area is important as well as the sq. metres per bird. Certifiers can apply stricter terms, known as private standards, if they want. As ever with agriculture, there are farmers who view complying with the law as an intrusion while others go above and beyond what is required.

    There must be great satisfaction in eating eggs laid in your own domestic yard or field.
    Aspire not to have more, but to be more.
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    mr_eddy wrote:
    Look just to clarify the company are NOT forcing us to work all day and we are of course entitled to our usual breaks but as previously mentioned the act of getting out to a suitable place to have a bite to eat/drink is a massive pain in the a**e as it involves 2 security gates and a bag check then a long walk to the car park -
    Seems very strange that it is so difficult to get out even for a drink - not many people would be prepared to go all day without even a drink. Do you also have to go through all that security if you need to go to the toilet?
  • drewesq
    drewesq Posts: 137
    I would recommend experimenting with adding say 4 dessert spoons of chia seeds to your porridge. They have protein, fibre and carbs and all amino acids, I find this helps keep me full for at least 4-5 hours.

    Maybe an omelette to follow?

    I defo wouldn't have any protein powder, waste of money and not even real food!
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  • Tashman
    Tashman Posts: 3,497
    2 x Sausage, 3 x Bacon, 2 Eggs, beans, Black Pudding, Saute potatoes, 2 slices of toast, orange juice and a vat of freshly brewed coffee
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639