The Daily Musings Thread...
Hola twunts,
Day of digging in posts, visiting diy stores and looking after the bacon carriers, my god they do a fark ton of poo!
In other news mrs 13 got me one of those beermaster dispenser things for xmas with a keg of desperado! My life that stuff tastes like lager shandy but kicks you right in the swede!
ToodlesLoving life in rural SW France
Orange 5 Pro
Ribble Audax
On One Scandal 29er0 -
A few jobs planned for today, the worst one is replacing a battery in the clock outside about 20ft up - did it yesterday but think it was a knackered battery
Then we are going for a an actual walk, hopefully back in time for the gp (need to get a recorder)
Later is unknown0 -
Morning Losers!
Early start for me, but as I'm in da Hudd, I don't have to worry about anyone else getting in my way.
Going over to Bury, where they remember the Gallipoli campaign and hundreds of people will come to pay their respects. Sadly it's brought the BNP and other idiotic groups with them in the past, but I don't think they come much now.
Other than that, it's a usual Sunday.
Laters!It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro0 -
Evening all,
The traditional slow start was followed by quite a productive day. replaced the steering rack gaiters and generally did battle with the front suspension on the Mini then put the swing arm back onto the Bonneville. The thing that took the longest was probably finding the bits to fit the swingarm. Must finish tidying the garage.0 -
Managed to do less than I hoped today despite not having to do Dads taxi work. But did get plenty of coffee consumed and bacon sarnis for lunch. Will pedal tomorrow morning to compensate for that."I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0
Morning Losers!
Bit of a lie in for me as I'm off work this week! Wooo! To celebrate, I've decided to go camping, and I'm off to the Lakes for a few days. I really hope the weather is on my side!
Also to celebrate the holiday, I've decided to shave my head. Not that there's a lot there to shave, but I'm curious as to what I look like.
So, you'll probably not be hearing from me for a few days. Don't feck things up!
Laters!It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro0 -
I wouldn't bother shaving your head TKM, it feels cold so you'll wear hats. Just put a hat on, that's what you look like bald. Unless it's been really sunny, then you spend the following day with a glowing red orb on your shoulders.
Morning all, no luxury of a lie in for me unfortunately. Had to drive in so I can go and collect the girl later, now a day of mediocrity. First cup of tea has been had, now have to wait for someone else to turn up and make me another one.0 -
Veronese68 wrote:I wouldn't bother shaving your head TKM, it feels cold so you'll wear hats. Just put a hat on, that's what you look like bald. Unless it's been really sunny, then you spend the following day with a glowing red orb on your shoulders.
I don't mind the cold, I'm northernI wear hats most the time anyway, and my head goes red when someone turns a lightbulb on!
It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro0 -
thekickingmule wrote:Too late now, I am officially a snooker ball!
Having seen me like that the EPO has said she knows what to expect as I get older as she's seen me fat and bald now. Losing my eyebrows made me look weirder than losing my hair.0 -
weird weather morning I should have taken a photo really. Looked out the kitchen window at about half seven, left side brilliant blue no clouds, right side a wall of black cloud all very surreal.
Anywho im at work, our system relies on "faults" being dropped into a queue, an we are fighting over faults theres nearly 30 of us an I think weve had five faults so far? Time to write my CV an brush up on my burger flipping skills I think!
Something from yesterday, was out messing about in the woods on the bike, sodding rear pivot bolt somehow worked itself loose, spent an hour looking for that. Found it an decided some threadlock was needed. Never knew they did it in effectively a pritt stick!
Mind, blown0 -
Work meh is the order of the day0
The pedalling has knackered me out but work was pretty good as the bosses are all out of town so not too much pressure. Also planning a gravity double header in July at BPW and maybe Gawton 8)"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0
Yeah Tuesday
Working from home today to try and catch up, that's about it0 -
Moaning all,
Bleedin' knackered today after a long and boring meeting for the scouts committee last night. Gave notice that I was standing down as treasurer at the AGM. We then had a bit of a laugh when it was suggested that somebody that knew what they were doing might take over. Perish the thought. Not much going on today with any luck, will have to see what lands in my lap. First cup of tea is done, colleague is about to make my second. Onwards, to the urinals...0 -
Nice ride in this morning, sun was shining and my bike was clean and running smooth. Today I'll be doing very little as I have very little to do. I've just sat down to my PC after my shower and I'll be finishing at about half 3. Hoping the weather stays nice so I can extend my ride home a bit.
In case you lot didn't know, the humble trig point has turned 80.
Laters0 -
Morning, very dull here today been arguing with someone over email that their laptop isnt on. They maintain it is but keep mailing me from their Blackberry so meh screw them.
Low work levels abound here nothing is being sent over so more CV prep an burger flipping training later.
Friend decided to try an start a cycling club, decided the best time would be Tuesdays at 7AM... Can see that being popular.0 -
Bon soir Eeeegleeeesh peeeegs!
Been grafting like a good un out here but being a french peasant it has been punctuated with wine, cheese and the odd baguette! No washing, bathing or showering are allowed over here so I'm fully immersing myself in french life.
Star wars dvd pitched up today so thats happening tonight.
LatersLoving life in rural SW France
Orange 5 Pro
Ribble Audax
On One Scandal 29er0 -
Evening pond life,
For once a quiet day at work so I naffed off earlyish and am sorting out holidays and gravity trips with the hindrance of the trouble n strife. I'm using donkey psychology and suggesting options I don't want knowing she will say no and maybe go for the option that I do want"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Which is a day in Birmingham - oh so lucky
Later will be something as the youngest rugrat is away for the first time, so the eldest will be a bit lost0 -
Is it really only Wednesday? Feels like it's been a long week already. Nice ride in this morning and it should be a nice ride back as well. Pub later, if I'm still awake that is. I'll have to have a kip at my desk to prepare myself.0
Veronese68 wrote:Is it really only Wednesday? Feels like it's been a long week already. Nice ride in this morning and it should be a nice ride back as well. Pub later, if I'm still awake that is. I'll have to have a kip at my desk to prepare myself.
Have to agree, week is dragging. Naff all sleep for me last night spend most of the night up A&E as the mother decided to have an asthma attack in her sleep. Shes fine now moaning she wants to be home to plant some crap in the garden so ill pick her up at lunch an deposit her at her house.
Full zombie mode engaged this morning required a pig based breakfast to get me going honestly fancied steak but none
Mulling over stupid things like getting the MTB powder coated as the previous owner wrecked the paintwork on it, also debating lunch.0 -
Good ride into work today even if it is London rush hour. Saw a smartar$e school kid trying to be cool on his skateboard and doing a face plant on the pavement
He got up quickly so I carried on. Work is thankfully quiet for now but wifey is still trying to make her mind up over summer holidays despite me doing all the freakin research for her :roll:
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Bon day peeg dogs,
Digging trenches today, not to hide from the enemy or to dispose of dead hookers you understand but for burying baby vegetables that then grow into lots of vegetables, who'd a thought it!
In other news and directly related to the above waffle, my back aches, my shoulders ache and my arms and legs ache, must be beer o clock!
ToodlesLoving life in rural SW France
Orange 5 Pro
Ribble Audax
On One Scandal 29er0 -
Evening Losers!
I have returned from my mini camping trip in the Lakes. The weather was glorious, me and my newly shaved head got surnburned, I got lost on top of a mountain, injured my knee coming down the wrong part of said mountain, met numerous dogs (the four legged variety) and I even ended up at a slate mine that looked so, so familiar, then realised we'd past through it during our Coast 2 Coast last summer!
The only things I'm glad to be home for is a soft bed and phone signal (not even WiFi, just 3G is nice!)
Laters!It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro0 -
Nice family walk and stop with wine last night, means happy TLW
Today is working from home, already sent a few good political emails out - lets see what comes back
Later is the pub - it is Thursday
Laters0 -
Morning Losers!
That was an amazing sleep! It's one thing I love about camping, you sleep so badly that when you get home, you sleep for hours and hours.
Today, I'm going to go slowly, mainly because my thighs ache and my knee hurts. All I have to do is refuel the motorbike, do a bit of shopping, then collect a parcel on the way home. Jobs a goodun.
Laters!It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro0 -
Morning all,
Traditional Thursday hangover is in evidence, not too bad this week thankfully. Pleasant enough wobble in to work this morning, nobody tried to kill me and a comfortable temperature. Not much going on today, at least I hope not. Second cup of tea has just been delivered and a new packet of biscuits needs opening. Ginger nuts or chocolate chip cookies?0