Frenchfighter's farewell



  • dish_dash
    dish_dash Posts: 5,643
    Also seems to go in cycles where he posts reasonably for a while and then goes through a trolling phase.

    I normally find that whether I feel the need to respond to baiting posts is in direct correlation with whether I've had my morning coffee/breakfast or not...

    For FF think about what the markets are doing.

    It's a shame he's not going to be posting anymore.
  • mike6
    mike6 Posts: 1,199
    I'm sure he's still there reading this thread and having a chuckle that he's still getting a rise out of the usual suspects. I have to admit he used to rile me but after a while I got used to the pattern of his posting and started to try to pick out what were genuine opinions and what was there to wind people up. Still managed to bite at times but not in a fuming sort of way.
    Yeah that's what I tried and mostly succeeded in doing, I've learnt after being on several forums over the years that getting involved in internet arguments is always a mistake... The thing with FF is he posts some interesting and well thought out stuff sometimes but his constant trolling is tiresome. Also seems to go in cycles where he posts reasonably for a while and then goes through a trolling phase.

    I normally find that whether I feel the need to respond to baiting posts is in direct correlation with whether I've had my morning coffee/breakfast or not...


    I still maintain he was not a Troll, a Troll would not block people, they want to read the fallout from there post. Sadly, almost unbelievably, he was serious.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    I'm sure he's still there reading this thread and having a chuckle that he's still getting a rise out of the usual suspects. I have to admit he used to rile me but after a while I got used to the pattern of his posting and started to try to pick out what were genuine opinions and what was there to wind people up. Still managed to bite at times but not in a fuming sort of way.
    Yeah that's what I tried and mostly succeeded in doing, I've learnt after being on several forums over the years that getting involved in internet arguments is always a mistake... The thing with FF is he posts some interesting and well thought out stuff sometimes but his constant trolling is tiresome. Also seems to go in cycles where he posts reasonably for a while and then goes through a trolling phase.

    I normally find that whether I feel the need to respond to baiting posts is in direct correlation with whether I've had my morning coffee/breakfast or not...


    I still maintain he was not a Troll, a Troll would not block people, they want to read the fallout from there post. Sadly, almost unbelievably, he was serious.

    I loved the one where he said he felt very sorry for my kids and I'm obviously a dreadful father as I didn't bring them up according to the morals of the church.
  • Please let this thread die a quick death not a 15 page long drawn out death
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,822
    Please let this thread die a quick death not a 15 page long drawn out death

    yup (as I myself then continue it's life far beyond what it deserved)

    The guy all too frequently exhibited behaviour that had me thinking that he was really a bit of a tool.
    He was probably reasonably knowledgeable, was enthusiastic for the sport but his inability to be unbiased when 'his man' was involved was plain annoying far too frequently.

    The forum will be a better place without IMHO, it may be a bit quieter but it is hardly losing someone that added hugely to our enjoyment of races.
  • More importantly, I haven't heard from any BR staff what they are going to do to get the site traffic back up now he has left.

    Maybe they are in an emergency board meeting.
  • dish_dash
    dish_dash Posts: 5,643
    The forum will be a better place without IMHO, it may be a bit quieter but it is hardly losing someone that added hugely to our enjoyment of races.

    I expect spoilers will be quieter... particularly on the smaller races. And as someone who often can't watch live that will be a loss...
  • Catch ye Versace!
  • AndyEd
    AndyEd Posts: 171
    Post now locked in order to negate the possibility of me having to deal with more reports. Everyone has had a good say on this. Honestly, what a waste of time. Let's talk cycling please. Not each other and certainly not ourselves.
    BikeRadar Community
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