The Steven Abraham watch thread



  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,914
    Despite 17 days with no mileage followed by a number of days with sub 50 miles, he's picking up. 4100 miles behind. Is it possible now? Anyone been in contact with him recently? Marcus?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,914
    Despite 17 days with no mileage followed by a number of days with sub 50 miles, he's picking up. 4100 miles behind. Is it possible now? Anyone been in contact with him recently? Marcus?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,457
    He isn't going to match Kurt clearly - but could still take Tommy's record?

    He had been talking about starting another attempt and running it May-May, presumably it's not possible to do that retrospectively?
  • norvernrob
    norvernrob Posts: 1,448
    He isn't going to match Kurt clearly - but could still take Tommy's record?

    He had been talking about starting another attempt and running it May-May, presumably it's not possible to do that retrospectively?

    I look in on YACF he sometimes posts in, and a concurrent attempt is still in the works as far as anyone knows, though Steve and his crew aren't giving out a great deal of info.

    Steve is currently doing roughly 250 miles one day, then 200 another as he continues to build his fitness after the accident. I would personally guess that he will start a new concurrent attempt at the beginning of August (possibly too early)? Sep (I'd say most likely) or Oct. I don't think he'll beat Tommy's record this year, the daily target is above 250 miles now and continuing to rise every time Steve does a shorter day.

    It looks like Kurt is going to break the record though, he's now above the target line and is putting in very solid 220-250 mile days pretty much every day. He can follow the weather right through until January and avoid the ice, snow etc. what that will do is give Steve a new target to aim for, and he'll (Steve) have the advantage of knowing what he needs to do to beat it.
  • markhewitt1978
    markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
    Tweet from Steve this morning:

    steve abraham ‏@steve_abraham74
    I overcooked it and have to ease right back
    Taking it very easy until the restart on 8th August
    #hamr #overtrained #easytiger
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,914
    "... restart on 8th August...", suggests Aug-Aug Attempt. I think it is a kinder calender.
    A friend and I tried to weigh up the Pro's and Con's of a calender year Jan 1st to Jan 1st and other options. That starts in mid winter and finishes in mid winter - 2 lows.
    Maybe due to wok commitments he is forced to do it this way?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,383
    This posted on his web site

    "14 July 2015

    Below is an update message written by Steve Abraham for all his supporters and also for all the people following his world record attempt.

    Steve is now aiming to commence a second (concurrent) record attempt, as he continues to chase down Tommy Godwin's one year mileage total this year. This will mean Steve will be running two record attempts - at the same time (a provision allowed in the UMCA rules for the Highest Annual Mileage Record).

    Steve was forced into this situation by a road traffic accident earlier this year which had resulted in a broken leg, which interrupted his progress for a number of weeks and lost him thousands of miles off his schedule.

    Here is the message from Steve, which he would like to share with his supporters and followers: -

    Can I still do it?

    I'm not going as well as I hoped yet. I want to be doing 250 miles per day now. However, I have had days where I have averaged 18mph, so I know that I can go faster than I do on a lot of my rides (where I seem to average 16mph). Last week I decided to not use an alarm clock and just get up when I wake up naturally, so that I get as much sleep as I need. It has done some good, but the speed still isn't there, so now I am trying to ride gently to get some recovery into my legs.

    We will know within a week whether it is working. I think it will take a good few days because I expect that I need a lot of recovery and that isn't easy when trying to ride over 200 miles per day. Currently, riding over 200 miles feels a lot harder than it ought to be. With a bit of recovery, it should get easier and I should get faster. Once I get faster, I will use that to gain more rest time before I bump up the miles so that I am as well recovered as I can be - which should make me faster.

    I understand that people are doubting whether I can still do it.
    I honestly can't say that I definitely will.

    But looking at the numbers and going from my past experience riding Audax - when I got the Audax points record in 2007, I did half of my total in the first 7 months - and the other half in the last 5. I never suffered any huge losses that year. So if we take my total mileage at the end of July, then add on at least 6000 miles which I must have lost from the broken ankle (probably more) that may give an idea of what I should be aiming at.

    This does mean that my biggest mileages will be in the autumn (just as it was when I was riding 1000km a week while working full-time in 2007 all through September and October). Doing the big miles in Autumn may not be ideal, but I have done it before. November and December are never as bad as January and February either. Because I have always worked in places that shut down for Christmas, it's not that unusual for December's to be in the top 3 months of my monthly mileage for that year.
    Currently I get very sleepy at the end of each day. I think that is down to physical tiredness and not mental tiredness. I think that if I can get my legs recovered and get a bit faster, I should also be able to manage with less sleep. When muscles are damaged from exercise, sleep-inducing hormones are released and I think that is what is making me sleepy at the end of each day. Once I am up to speed my legs should be strong enough to do a day without being damaged and I wouldn't have the sleep-inducing hormones making me so sleepy.

    The situation with my ankle is that it still hurts a little bit, sometimes. The physio told me on 25th June that at best it will take 3 months for it to be at full strength, but with the way my recovery has been going it would probably be more like 6-8 weeks.

    A restart in August makes sense to me for several reasons.
    1. My ankle should almost be up to full strength by then.
    2. I can use the latter part of the current attempt, where I should be doing my best mileages. I can crash and burn in December, recover in Jan-Feb when the weather is at its worst. I shouldn't lose much strength in Jan-Feb, so will probably go better than I did this year and should get up to speed faster too.
    3. Then I build myself up again and go flat out in summer next year.

    Starting later is more of a financial strain but I think that we are probably financially secure for a restart in August. I'd also like to finish this at some point - and I don't see the need to drag it out for more than 20 months. I expect most of you feel the same way too!

    Got to go, time is miles."

    Bonne chance Steve
  • markhewitt1978
    markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
    Good luck indeed!

    As said I think having one winter, rather than two is going to be an advantage, then if he slips behind again he's got Spring and the first half of summer 2016 to put down the big miles.

    He's not wrong about the weather mind, January is always the coldest most horriblest month!
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,457
    Ah I was wondering why he was "only" doing a couple of hundred km a day... His idea of "Taking it very easy" isn't the same as mine!
  • norvernrob
    norvernrob Posts: 1,448
    My opinion on this is that Steve needs to spend less time per day on the bike, and that means making the routes as flat as possible a la Kurt. When Steve does a 250 mile day he's regularly out for 16-18hrs, that's just not really sustainable. Kurt is knocking out 220 mile days in 12-13hrs, on flat roads and taking advantage of tailwinds, giving him lots of recovery time and sleep.

    I really hope he does it though.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,914
    Kurt is and has been using recumbent s, so no matter what mileage he does, to me it is not an authentic attempt at TG's record. If Steve does have another year long attempt, I really hope he does not resort to a recumbent and then if he was to break the record, it would stand alone regardless of what Kurt does.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • norvernrob
    norvernrob Posts: 1,448
    Kurt is and has been using recumbent s, so no matter what mileage he does, to me it is not an authentic attempt at TG's record. If Steve does have another year long attempt, I really hope he does not resort to a recumbent and then if he was to break the record, it would stand alone regardless of what Kurt does.

    Recumbents are allowed though, so regardless of what anybody thinks the record will be Kurts if he keeps going. Not getting into the Kurt bashing, but he does have significant advantages and imo Steve needs to stay on flatter ground to keep his average speed up. Riding for 16-18hrs a day isn't going to allow enough recovery.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,914
    Kurt is and has been using recumbent s, so no matter what mileage he does, to me it is not an authentic attempt at TG's record. If Steve does have another year long attempt, I really hope he does not resort to a recumbent and then if he was to break the record, it would stand alone regardless of what Kurt does.

    Recumbents are allowed though, so regardless of what anybody thinks the record will be Kurts if he keeps going. Not getting into the Kurt bashing, but he does have significant advantages and imo Steve needs to stay on flatter ground to keep his average speed up. Riding for 16-18hrs a day isn't going to allow enough recovery.

    Before the accident, he was riding 16-18 hours a day and doing well. You have to remember, we are mere mortals and he is in the incomprehensible dizzy height league of men.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    Trying to revive this thread with a discussion...

    Is there any point at all in these attempts? It is surely mind over matter, credit to the determination and stamina and all of that, but I rather prefer someone cycling around globe in N days, rather than someone clocking endless miles along the same loop over an over for 365 days. There is no panache, there is no excitement and the challenge is to keep pedalling...

    To give you an example of pointless: I found the record Guy Martin did, which is 24 hours riding around a track was completely pointless, made it even more pointless by choosing a vehicle that doesn't even resemble a bicycle.

    It's like folks reaching incredible speeds on a flat land riding a jet engine... what's the point?

    left the forum March 2023
  • marcusjb
    marcusjb Posts: 2,412
    Why do anything?

    I wish we'd remained as single cell organisms floating around in mud.

    Anyway - Steve's started his challenge again yesterday. So, he will be running two consecutive record attempts. The first one obviously taking a huge dive with the collision.

    Be fascinating to see what happens now.

    I hope to see him in Paris next weekend for PBP.

    He will almost certainly beat one of Tommy Godwin's records - the 100000 mile record (500 days).

    Kurt is still well on target to beat Tommy's year mileage, but as all challengers have found, it takes much more than just pedalling a bike to get through the year.

    Good luck to them all - but especially Steve!
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    I am not denying the magnitude of the task... I just find it a dull challenge, that's all...
    left the forum March 2023
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,914
    You've done some mammoth rides and gone into the realms of cycling whilst sleep deprived Ugo. Some would say that's nuts [me included]. I personally don't miss the pain and suffering of racing and as I get older, I just want to enjoy cycling. The only reason I push myself in any shape or form, is because fitter means longer rides.

    It doesn't flick your switch but from a sheer physical point of view, there is nothing surely as arduous and mentally challenging as this.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    You've done some mammoth rides and gone into the realms of cycling whilst sleep deprived Ugo. Some would say that's nuts [me included]. I personally don't miss the pain and suffering of racing and as I get older, I just want to enjoy cycling. The only reason I push myself in any shape or form, is because fitter means longer rides.

    It doesn't flick your switch but from a sheer physical point of view, there is nothing surely as arduous and mentally challenging as this.

    I agree, but if I had to take one year off work (or 20 months as it seems), I would probably looking at a more rewarding challenge than cycling 200 miles a day around Milton Keynes, but that's just me... :wink:
    left the forum March 2023
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    But he's not doing that, is he?
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    But he's not doing that, is he?

    The majority of the rides are around his house... obviously going quite far, given the mileage... basically the point is that the challenge is to clock as many miles as possible... miles are miles and folks have done similar challenges using a circuit, which is uninspiring.

    I understand that is the "only way of doing it", as you need a "base camp" but I still find it a bit dull. I mentioned it to my wife and she had the same reaction.

    I just think to myself... had I the luxury of one year off work to take on a cycling challenge, would I go down to Box hill (to name a spot) every day or would I try to do something more meaningful and rewarding that will provide memories to last for a lifetime?
    How quickly would I get bored of going around the same lanes day after day for 12 hours a day? And if I wasn't to get bored, what would that say about me? :roll:

    Dilemmas... :roll:
    left the forum March 2023
  • mpatts
    mpatts Posts: 1,010
    You've done some mammoth rides and gone into the realms of cycling whilst sleep deprived Ugo. Some would say that's nuts [me included]. I personally don't miss the pain and suffering of racing and as I get older, I just want to enjoy cycling. The only reason I push myself in any shape or form, is because fitter means longer rides.

    It doesn't flick your switch but from a sheer physical point of view, there is nothing surely as arduous and mentally challenging as this.

    I agree, but if I had to take one year off work (or 20 months as it seems), I would probably looking at a more rewarding challenge than cycling 200 miles a day around Milton Keynes, but that's just me... :wink:

    At the risk of over-reacting as I live in Milton keynes.....

    I do half agree with you, but there is a huge variety of riding around here (and anywhere in the coutry for that matter), and although there will be some repetition there is much to keep one excited.

    I rode a familiar (but lovely) loop last night, and even found a road I'd never riden before.
    Insert bike here:
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,383

    The majority of the rides are around his house...

    Post accident they were. But he had originally planned to get out and around the country, remember reading as much on his website. Hadn't he set up a schedule where he stayed overnight with supporters in various places? Indeed was on one such west country jaunt when the moped numptie took him out.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665

  • The majority of the rides are around his house...

    Post accident they were. But he had originally planned to get out and around the country, remember reading as much on his website. Hadn't he set up a schedule where he stayed overnight with supporters in various places? Indeed was on one such west country jaunt when the moped numptie took him out.

    Yes, one of our club members was set to host him overnight in his house in Durham. Obviously cancelled due to the moped rider.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337

    The majority of the rides are around his house...

    Post accident they were. But he had originally planned to get out and around the country, remember reading as much on his website. Hadn't he set up a schedule where he stayed overnight with supporters in various places? Indeed was on one such west country jaunt when the moped numptie took him out.

    That sounds better...
    left the forum March 2023
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890

    The majority of the rides are around his house...

    Post accident they were. But he had originally planned to get out and around the country, remember reading as much on his website. Hadn't he set up a schedule where he stayed overnight with supporters in various places? Indeed was on one such west country jaunt when the moped numptie took him out.

    That sounds better...

    I'm amazed you'd overlooked this, it was a much vaunted aspect of the attempt.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337

    The majority of the rides are around his house...

    Post accident they were. But he had originally planned to get out and around the country, remember reading as much on his website. Hadn't he set up a schedule where he stayed overnight with supporters in various places? Indeed was on one such west country jaunt when the moped numptie took him out.

    That sounds better...

    I'm amazed you'd overlooked this, it was a much vaunted aspect of the attempt.

    Looked at his website and saw an endless string of loops from Milton Keynes and thought it an extremely dull way to spend 12 months off work... it's not that the website is so great that one is tempted to go any further than that, to be honest.
    The problem with these records is that dullness give you an edge, as hypothetically you could loop at Hillingdon circuit endlessly, with fewer risks due to traffic or adverse weather (there are local yobbos though) and if you are the kind of guy who can spend 6 hours on a turbo in a garage, then you have the competitive advantage, as you can take a lot of dullness... that's what I find uninspiring in a record solely based on mileage.
    I am a long time denier of things like "Everesting" by climbing up the local hill endless times and all that nonsense...
    left the forum March 2023
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    I am a long time denier of things like "Everesting" by climbing up the local hill endless times and all that nonsense...

    Me too, unbelievable moribund.

    But this attempt isn't like that, or at least it wasn't planned to be, the crash and injury saw to that.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,383
    SA on his way to the start of PBP. Attaboy.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,116
    Why do anything?

    I wish we'd remained as single cell organisms floating around in mud.

    Anyway - Steve's started his challenge again yesterday. So, he will be running two consecutive record attempts. The first one obviously taking a huge dive with the collision.

    Be fascinating to see what happens now.

    I hope to see him in Paris next weekend for PBP.

    He will almost certainly beat one of Tommy Godwin's records - the 100000 mile record (500 days).

    Kurt is still well on target to beat Tommy's year mileage, but as all challengers have found, it takes much more than just pedalling a bike to get through the year.

    Good luck to them all - but especially Steve!

    Whether they beat Tommy Godwin's record is debatable, for me once they started using recumbents they were no longer attempting the same thing. Good luck to both of them they'll set records of sorts but not the most mileage done in a year on a bike.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]