Factory wheels v H Plus Son Archetype hand built



  • Marpick wrote:
    Or are you a Superstar employee?

    You mean him? :wink:


    Ahhhh... I should go back and read it again, such a milestone book!
    left the forum March 2023
  • Marpick wrote:
    Or are you a Superstar employee?

    You mean him? :wink:


    Ahhhh... I should go back and read it again, such a milestone book!

  • paxington wrote:
    I'm really going to have make this my last word on this

    I bet you don't.

    Ugo does post a lot (always entertaining and often informative) but has been known to "DO" the occasional thing related to wheelbuilding - witness his website and great reputation.
  • paxington wrote:
    I'm really going to have make this my last word on this

    I bet you don't.

    Ugo does post a lot (always entertaining and often informative) but has been known to "DO" the occasional thing related to wheelbuilding - witness his website and great reputation.

    Worry not, recently I got used to being attacked with the second lowest level in the pyramid of disagreement (see below). Sadly we only give a ban to those who use the bottom level... :wink:
    What is even more sad, is that we are losing folks who could take a discussion to the next level... I remember being proved wrong on a couple of occasions by Huuregeil years ago (hasn't posted in ages) he knew his stuff and could discuss a topic with authority... while now if I try to make a technical point what I get is someone who built an opinion based on an internet discount and having no technical counter-argument whatsoever (which would elevate his post to level 5 in the pyramid) decides to argue anyway on the grounds that one shouldn't criticise someone who is more successful in life... the kind of message that is probably indoctrinated to underpaid staff in developing countries... once you lose the handful of people who enjoy wasting their time sharing their technical knowledge (right or wrong) on a daily basis, the forum can even pack up, because all is left are petty arguments, typically degenerating to level 1 of the pyramid, which soon dry out the level of interest and the very reason for a forum to exist (big numbers = advertising revenue = healthy forum).

    left the forum March 2023
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120

    LOL, "you are an ass hat"

    That's the best insult of all time!!!! :lol:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • paxington wrote:
    paxington wrote:
    What it means is that if you were half as busy building wheels as you are talking about the subject you'd be a very busy man.... I sincerely hope I've couched that in simple enough terms for you.

    Very clear.
    The way I see it is: if we both spoke from our back side (which we might well be doing), your posts would be just gas with no substance, while mine would be more like turds... like them or not, you can't ignore them, as they are full of substance.... :wink:

    I am glad that you understand. I wasn't for a moment suggesting that you talk sh+t but I'll have to take you at your own estimation on that point.
    My point was that you talk a lot but don't appear to actually DO very much, whilst appering extremely keen to devalue the efforts of more productive and accomplished members of society .My guess would have to be that jealously might be one of several motivating factors for that.
    If I ever want someone adept at puerile responses I'll beat a path to your door. However, if I was ever in the market for a well built set of wheels something tells me you're probably not the person to contact. The way you shied away from a previous posters enquiry for a price speaks volumes on that score.
    You make my point about you being a talker and not a DOer better than I ever could do without your help by your prolific post rate and relentlessly childish and petty responses; all the time shying away from addressing or even acknowledging (perhaps it's too painful) the point that is actually being put across. I'm certain that if you were busier with things more productive, you wouldn't be able to find time to post dross mid-morning on a weekday.
    There are lots of armchair experts in the world who find it preferable to seek their facile gratifications by criticising those who actually DO things. Presumably this as they lack the drive and ability to get out there and actually DO their own thing.
    It's interesting that you chose the word "turds" to describe your words, Your choice of word entirely. I'm really going to have make this my last word on this lest I become hypocritical by doing the very that I find so distasteful about people like yourself .
    As an aside have you ever considered a career as a writer ? I feel almost certain that that is where your true skills might be best realised. The Beano or the The Sun perhaps....
    I have to say in contrast to yourself I take my hat off to guys like the guys at Superstar who have the drive, ambition and ability to get out in the world and actually contribute to the party.

    I'm so glad you've decided to stop hijacking this thread and generally having a grump at Ugo. Now you can take your beef elsewhere. And we can get back to talking about which wheels I'm going to buy.

    To be clear, Ugo did not shy away from giving me a price, he was just being humble. We discussed prices via PM which is the right way to do it far as I'm concerned.
  • jswba
    jswba Posts: 491
    So what did you go for in the end?
  • jswba wrote:
    So what did you go for in the end?

    23mm rim, probably the Archetype. Need to up the budget really, so a new year purchase it shall be! ;)
  • jswba
    jswba Posts: 491
    I'm going for Archetypes too. I've not seen a bad report about them yet. Enjoy!
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    Get the Archetype. My local builder, no names, has built up 4 wheels on this rim. They are abused around London and all ride true.

    Said wheel builder is perfectly capable of talking and doing..
  • iPete wrote:
    Get the Archetype. My local builder, no names, has built up 4 wheels on this rim. They are abused around London and all ride true.

    Said wheel builder is perfectly capable of talking and doing..

    Really struggling with this one Pete, any more clues? :D
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Marpick wrote:
    iPete wrote:
    Get the Archetype. My local builder, no names, has built up 4 wheels on this rim. They are abused around London and all ride true.

    Said wheel builder is perfectly capable of talking and doing..

    Really struggling with this one Pete, any more clues? :D

    I think he means Ugo, do I win a prize?? :mrgreen:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • SecretSam wrote:
    Marpick wrote:
    iPete wrote:
    Get the Archetype. My local builder, no names, has built up 4 wheels on this rim. They are abused around London and all ride true.

    Said wheel builder is perfectly capable of talking and doing..

    Really struggling with this one Pete, any more clues? :D

    I think he means Ugo, do I win a prize?? :mrgreen:

    Blimey Sam, you beat me to it :roll: