Contador`s power meter



  • feltkuota
    feltkuota Posts: 333
    Majority of the posts on this page are blocked so I cant respond properly.

    Pross, thanks. I hope I am consistent but can sure make mistakes and also am very happy to change my opinion where enough information or evidence is provided to the contrary.

    Re Evans my posts are pretty consistent.

    I dont intend to wind anyone up or get any pleasure from it.

    Contador is the greatest.

    Just a question for you.. If the "Majority of the posts on this page are blocked so I cant respond properly" and have opinions counter to your own how do you "change my opinion where enough information or evidence is provided to the contrary"?
  • RoadPainter
    RoadPainter Posts: 375
    New posters that he then blocks :-)
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    As of this morning I was at 22 but I just removed two and added another one so am at 21.

    Contador is the Greatest
  • dsoutar
    dsoutar Posts: 1,746
    Contador is the greatest.

    I know everyone is entitled to have their own opinion, but really ?

    Merckx, Bartali, Indurain, Coppi, Gimondi, Anquetil, Hinault, Kelly etc, etc, etc as Yul Brynner might say

    Oh, I forgot
    I dont intend to wind anyone up or get any pleasure from it.
