Cyclingnews' forum



  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    I think the forum was a sign of the way the website was going. Too many articles on CN are just about doping and they are becoming too much of a tabloid website for cycling
  • Walter White
    Walter White Posts: 238
    Paul 8v wrote:
    God, that sounds awful, think I will stick to this forum!

    This forum is inching towards theirs though, judging by the performance during the tour.

    You guys forget how much Americans like a conspiracy, and their boy turned out to be b*llock deep in one. So of course they've got a bunch of crackpots.

    Pretty much this, although I have to point out that the Asylum's high security, padded cell candidates includes just as many Australians.

    Theres really only about a dozen relentless people in there that keep the place ticking over, you can tell their lives absolutely revolve around that place, there must be some serious cold turkey going on right now.
  • Walter White
    Walter White Posts: 238
    sherer wrote:
    I think the forum was a sign of the way the website was going. Too many articles on CN are just about doping and they are becoming too much of a tabloid website for cycling

    Even the main forum was rotten with blatent doping talk/innuendo even though all things doping are banned.

    The admin let lots of Sky stuff slide but if you have the audacity to call out a proven doper like Bertie then the hammer comes down.

    Awful place, as far as internet forums go its down there amongst the dregs, i doubt it will be missed by many if its never to be seen again.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    I'm not looking for a critique of the moderating here, nor am I commenting on it on cn ( rarely visited so can't comment) but broadly speaking I try and mod on the basis that everyone is entitled to share their opinion and as long as it's not behaviour which ruins forums - trolling / abuse etc then I will let it slide.

    That way I make a distinction from my own opinions and mod responsibilities.

    I would say that the reason we are here is because we want to discuss the sport with other fans.

    Each person wants to discuss different things and get put off by different things.

    Keeping threads on topic is a way to ensure everyone gets the kind of discussion they are looking for.

    If I want to discuss tactics,I don't want someone to pipe up with "the best tactic was to stick a needle in his arm 2 weeks before".

    That is key.

    Though a good self policing of calling out utter dogsh!t and not responding to pure trolling and clinic esq posts goes a long long way.
  • Alitogata
    Alitogata Posts: 148
    The previous days they said this:
    Thanks for visiting this forum, unfortunately it is not available at the moment. We apologize for this and any frustration it causes

    Today they say this:

    A friend of mine, that works there, told me that their data center was hacked and that many of their servers had problem and they had to shut down everything. If this is the case it will take them some time to put everything in order.
    I believe him and why not after all..if it was CN forum's legal issue they would have been sued long time ago, especially for what was written there about the Lance Armstrong case. I don't think that this has something to do with the content of the forum.. they just been hacked.. Neither the first nor the last.. !!

    Their servers are in UK though and CN forum belongs to the same company with this forum.. Shall we worry about this forum too? :shock: Brrrrrrr.... bad hackers are coming!! :P
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    sherer wrote:
    I think the forum was a sign of the way the website was going. Too many articles on CN are just about doping and they are becoming too much of a tabloid website for cycling

    I actually think that with some their recent "reporting", it's become a case of the tail wagging the dog.

    Dim, on Velorooms has posted pretty much a cause, effect and current status piece:
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Haha, I wondered how long it would be before sky got blamed!
  • davidof
    davidof Posts: 3,095
    Alitogata wrote:
    A friend of mine, that works there, told me that their data center was hacked and that many of their servers had problem and they had to shut down everything.

    Still sounds like BS. They should be able to get back up and running in 24 hours. Even if their data center was hit by a freakin earthquake measuring 8.8 on the spinchter scale.
    BASI Nordic Ski Instructor
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    davidof wrote:
    Alitogata wrote:
    A friend of mine, that works there, told me that their data center was hacked and that many of their servers had problem and they had to shut down everything.

    Still sounds like BS. They should be able to get back up and running in 24 hours. Even if their data center was hit by a freakin earthquake measuring 8.8 on the spinchter scale.

    That's assuming that Future publication give a monkeys about their forum though...

    My guess is that they really don't care. Bit like when Rundy and Trev the Rev started up with the rubbish about "Future Publication clearly are nt interested in Free Speech." You ll notice that Future Publications A) indeed were truely not interested or 99% more likely B) Never come near the forum until they have something they want us to buy...The reality is that I bet no one at FP noticed the forum had gone down for several days, let alone made it any sort of priority to fix!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    sherer wrote:
    I think the forum was a sign of the way the website was going. Too many articles on CN are just about doping and they are becoming too much of a tabloid website for cycling

    I actually think that with some their recent "reporting", it's become a case of the tail wagging the dog.

    Dim, on Velorooms has posted pretty much a cause, effect and current status piece:

    I agree with this. It's a shame because there are/were some really good posters over there, it's just The Clinic had stopped leaking and was gushing full on into the main forum, and definitely into the tone of most articles.

    I also agree that the above is not just a problem afflicting CN.
  • dimspace
    dimspace Posts: 53
    ddraver wrote:
    This forum is always insane during the tour...give it a few weeks and all we ll have to worry about is frenchie crashing our phones again

    Every forum is insane during the tour, twitter is insane during the tour, roadside is insane during the tour, hell, im insane during the tour. ;)
  • Alitogata
    Alitogata Posts: 148
    davidof wrote:
    Alitogata wrote:
    A friend of mine, that works there, told me that their data center was hacked and that many of their servers had problem and they had to shut down everything.

    Still sounds like BS. They should be able to get back up and running in 24 hours. Even if their data center was hit by a freakin earthquake measuring 8.8 on the spinchter scale.

    Oh com'on .. he had no reason to lie to me..:)
    He admins in this forum, I asked him why the forum is down and he told me what I'm saying to you.. Is not some kind of state secret. And to tell you the truth I really don't get why there is so much fuss for this matter. A forum is of line for some days.. Big deal.. they'll be back online sooner or later.. Have you miss it ??? :P :P :P :P Are you forum junkies :P :P :P ( I'm teasing you :D )

    Don't worry... they'll manage to fix it .. :)
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    They're saying they were hacked and it's preventative security
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Alitogata wrote:
    He admins in this forum,

  • Alitogata
    Alitogata Posts: 148
    Alitogata wrote:
    He admins in this forum,


    :lol: Not this one.. the CN forum.. :lol::lol:

    Good morning .. have a nice day and week..:)
  • Biffcp
    Biffcp Posts: 813
    Top banana of the Clinic 12, with 'his' mentor who won't let him post any more of his scientifically proven findings (he can spell biology an' everything) until he's tidied his room:


    Other high-powered members of the executive


    WARNING! These people MUST be taken seriously, or they'll be ever so miffed.

    <i>Rarer than a one-liner by Howard Peel</i>
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    Dim seems to have inherited a few of the posters on VeloRooms, so the question is will they migrate back when the clinic re-opens or are they happy in the monster Froome thread on the darkside.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Dim seems to have inherited a few of the posters on VeloRooms, so the question is will they migrate back when the clinic re-opens or are they happy in the monster Froome thread on the darkside.

    Poor Dim.... :(

    Its worse than having your nightmare rellies come to stay, cause havoc, wreak the joint, and never want to go home
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    Ha ha.

    There has been a couple of instances where the mods have had to remind people to keep on topic in certain threads. Its the Contador never really got proved guilty vs. the everyone is a dirty drugs cheat factions.

    (Exaggerated a bit for comedy effect.)
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    Dim seems to have inherited a few of the posters on VeloRooms, so the question is will they migrate back when the clinic re-opens or are they happy in the monster Froome thread on the darkside.

    Don't forget the Walsh/Kimmage thread, too. :wink:
    Poor Velorooms, indeed.
    The longer this goes on, the more tinfoil territorials
    are turning up in the "Darkside" and carry on posting
    as if it were the Clinic.
    They remind me of "The Waking Dead", outside the prison, trying to get in. :P
    The Mods are in for a stern test.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    Before the (albeit temporary) demise of "The Clinic" I did pop in and view the thread about this new superdrug (who's name I have forgotten) that basically implied that Froome was genetically altered to win the Tour.

    Now at some point this may be proved true and I will have to issue a full apology. It does seem a little far fetched to win a sporting event though.
  • dimspace
    dimspace Posts: 53
    Ha ha.

    There has been a couple of instances where the mods have had to remind people to keep on topic in certain threads. Its the Contador never really got proved guilty vs. the everyone is a dirty drugs cheat factions.

    (Exaggerated a bit for comedy effect.)

    They are behaving themselves. Thing is, and im not going to criticise CN, their mods have a huge job, but the clinic is a bit like a runaway train, its been going flat out for years, and unfortunately the ones on the train are also the ones chucking more coal in the proverbial furnace. Its pretty hard to slow something like that down. We have the advantage that our train has been merrily trundling along for a while, just as your train has. It takes a fair amount to board that train, mob the driver, and force him to go faster.

    I actually think the cn forum being shut for a while might be a blessing in disguise for them, gives everyone time to calm down a little bit, and when it reopens hopefully they will all be a bit more placid.

    (We also have some good functions installed, like the ability to unnaprove a post at a touch of a button. The mods see the post, the member sees the post but nobody else. If they want the post re-approved, they have to edit out whatever causes offence. Saves the moderators an awful lot of work. We dont have to edit posts. We just unnaprove and leave the member to sort it out. ;) )
  • dimspace
    dimspace Posts: 53
    One thing we have learnt is that forum colour has a big impact. For the tour the site was a very lurid orange, people got crazy, the day we went back to blue, suddenly calm appeared.

    Im having serious misgivings about turned red for the vuelta :D
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Before the (albeit temporary) demise of "The Clinic" I did pop in and view the thread about this new superdrug (who's name I have forgotten) that basically implied that Froome was genetically altered to win the Tour.

    Now at some point this may be proved true and I will have to issue a full apology. It does seem a little far fetched to win a sporting event though.

    To be fair, he DOES have strangely long arms.... :wink:
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    dimspace wrote:
    One thing we have learnt is that forum colour has a big impact. For the tour the site was a very lurid orange, people got crazy, the day we went back to blue, suddenly calm appeared.

    Im having serious misgivings about turned red for the vuelta :D

    For the sake of all concerned, especially yours and your mods, DONT DO IT :shock:
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    I heard that it got shut down because one of the iluminati 12 had found an advert in My Weekly promising to reduce joint aches and give you your youth back in Chris Froome's bin. Then had it DNA tested to see if Froome had looked at it. Then analysed his power output by inputting some numbers on his ZX81 programme he made to determine doping performances. Well Sky found out and Murdoch himself threatened FP with legal action so they thought it was easier to take the forums out completely. So my mate Dave in the pub told me that he heard from the hairdresser of Greg Lemond's haberdasher in Monaco.

    Or it was hacked.
    Seriously full of deluded fools who were only able to write about LA after real journalists found witnesses and evidence. Idiots.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • dimspace
    dimspace Posts: 53
    dimspace wrote:
    One thing we have learnt is that forum colour has a big impact. For the tour the site was a very lurid orange, people got crazy, the day we went back to blue, suddenly calm appeared.

    Im having serious misgivings about turned red for the vuelta :D

    For the sake of all concerned, especially yours and your mods, DONT DO IT :shock:

    Gonna have a chat with Steve Peters and pick his brain on mood lighting :D
  • dimspace
    dimspace Posts: 53
    symo wrote:
    I heard that it got shut down because one of the iluminati 12 had found an advert in My Weekly promising to reduce joint aches and give you your youth back in Chris Froome's bin. Then had it DNA tested to see if Froome had looked at it. Then analysed his power output by inputting some numbers on his ZX81 programme he made to determine doping performances. Well Sky found out and Murdoch himself threatened FP with legal action so they thought it was easier to take the forums out completely. So my mate Dave in the pub told me that he heard from the hairdresser of Greg Lemond's haberdasher in Monaco.

    Or it was hacked.
    Seriously full of deluded fools who were only able to write about LA after real journalists found witnesses and evidence. Idiots.

    Your mate didnt happen to see Luis Suarez get out of taxi outside Arsenals stadium did he?
  • BilgeRat
    BilgeRat Posts: 23
    To be fair, he DOES have strangely long arms.... :wink:
    Preying mantis DNA.
  • jswba
    jswba Posts: 491
    BilgeRat wrote:
    To be fair, he DOES have strangely long arms.... :wink:
    Preying mantis DNA.

    I have it on good authority that Froome's DNA was spliced with a Stretch Armstrong doll...