Arrogant Roadies



  • rpherts
    rpherts Posts: 207
    Oddly, the 'morning' shouters tend to do it when flying down the hill you are grinding up. I don't recall one doing it when they are the one grinding. A nod or polite hand gesture, maybe even a twitch of a smile, is enough. Though if it is a choice of watching for massive potholes or being distracted, I'll choose the former, so don't take offence.
  • andyd77
    andyd77 Posts: 27
    arenaman wrote:
    I've had a 100% nod rate since starting cycling 9 days ago. 9 rides, about 20 nods, they're a friendly lot round here :D

    suprised you got time for that with your break neck 10 mile rides...
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    rpherts wrote:
    I don't recall one doing it when they are the one grinding. A nod or polite hand gesture, maybe even a twitch of a smile, is enough.
    Thats about the only time I don't acknowledge another rider - when I'm climbing for all I'm worth (not much) and the raise of a hand or twitch of an eyebrow would raise my heart rate to the point of collapse ...
    But I think other riders recognise that stage of a ride ... and I did manage (just) to react to a "Well done, nearly there" hail as I was nearing the top of a 15% climb as she flew down the otherside ... :)
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    flyer wrote:
    I just don't get it.

    You are out of a ride on a nice sunny day and I nod, raise my hand or say hello

    And most won't even acknowledge you!!!!

    What is it?

    Because I weigh 15 stone?
    Because I don't look the part?
    Because I don't have designer gear?
    Because I am 50 and have grey hair.........this is the most likely
    My bike is a carbon one with Ultegra and I use a Garmin and wear reasonably coordinated clobber

    Why are some so Arrogant?

    I just don't get it I am only trying to be pleasant, now I have stopped bothering as I will probably get blanked

    As you can see I am pi... Off about it

    It's not the end of the world :roll:
  • Mark Alexander
    Mark Alexander Posts: 2,277
    I make a point of acknowledging anyone riding or running as well. It's the same as idiot drivers. Some people are rude whatever they are doing. I find commuting is the time you get least acknowledgement but don't forget we're all on the way to work. Wouldn't you be hacked off? lol. Don't worry about it.

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    It amazes me people actually get upset about not being waved back at by a complete stranger. I'm actually a habitual 'acknowledger' (either a nod or a hand raise), doesn't bother me if the gesture isn't returned but most of the time it is. Occasionally I'm on auto-pilot thinking about something and on register the fact a cyclist has passed me after the fact so I wouldn't have returned any gesture they made, please don't tell me I've ruined their day! ;p
  • Well I went out for a ride last night, such a gorgeous evening there were of course plenty of riders out. I probably encountered 20 plus.
    Now out of those 20 I tried to acknowledge 2, meaning I ignored the other 18! The 2 I acknowledged ignored me so hence I was less inclined to bother trying anymore! The guy on the TT bike that glided past me seemingly not trying did look over, so I'm giving myself 0.5 of an anknowledgement! :wink:

    Point is we're all the same, we moan about being ignored but are all guilty of doing the ignoring?

    I put it down to me not wearing £100 jerseys and £200 oakleys!
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    I put it down to me not wearing £100 jerseys and £200 oakleys!

    Get out of this forum you commoner! :D
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Ever since reading the spurious reactions and aspersions on here in response to my post on here I have completely changed my behaviour.

    I have tried nodding or saying a friendly "hello" to every cyclist I have passed. Out of the 1743, I'm now keeping a record, only 4 have acknowledged me. It's nearly enough to give me a breakdown. Or start an internet forum thread on it. Nearly. But much more of this ignorance is going to send me over the edge!

    The fact that their bikes were covered in manky old carrier bags that looked like their wordly possessions and that they were actually walking their bikes hasn't put me off.

    I transferred the logic of expecting acknowledgement from other cyclists to my everyday life. I have started honking and waving every other car that drives past me and saying hello to every pedestrian I walk past.

    This has been quite costly. Firstly I have worn my car horn out. I have also been pulled over 3 times by the police when I was simply waving to every other driver. I explained what I was doing thanks to this forum and they told me that I could possibly be charged for "breaching the peace and driving without due care".

    They told me that I was a, "bloody idiot" and that I should "grow up".

    It has caused me a fair deal of trouble with fellow pedestrians. A group of youths with their pants & socks tucked into their trousers called me a "paedo". That is certainly not me. I prefer the older multi millionaires.

    On the plus side though I now feel that I have to say "hello" to everyone I meet or ever see. These strangers who aren't interested in me or me them now feel an obligation to acknowledge me so I win!

    Where is the OP?

    Or as I like to think of him passive aggressive, overly sensitive and pathetic child like 50 year old.

  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Ever since reading the spurious reactions and aspersions on here in response to my post on here I have completely changed my behaviour.

    I have tried nodding or saying a friendly "hello" to every cyclist I have passed. Out of the 1743, I'm now keeping a record, only 4 have acknowledged me. It's nearly enough to give me a breakdown. Or start an internet forum thread on it. Nearly. But much more of this ignorance is going to send me over the edge!

    The fact that their bikes were covered in manky old carrier bags that looked like their wordly possessions and that they were actually walking their bikes hasn't put me off.

    I transferred the logic of expecting acknowledgement from other cyclists to my everyday life. I have started honking and waving every other car that drives past me and saying hello to every pedestrian I walk past.

    This has been quite costly. Firstly I have worn my car horn out. I have also been pulled over 3 times by the police when I was simply waving to every other driver. I explained what I was doing thanks to this forum and they told me that I could possibly be charged for "breaching the peace and driving without due care".

    They told me that I was a, "bloody idiot" and that I should "grow up".

    It has caused me a fair deal of trouble with fellow pedestrians. A group of youths with their pants & socks tucked into their trousers called me a "paedo". That is certainly not me. I prefer the older multi millionaires.

    On the plus side though I now feel that I have to say "hello" to everyone I meet or ever see. These strangers who aren't interested in me or me them now feel an obligation to acknowledge me so I win!

    Where is the OP?

    Or as I like to think of him passive aggressive, overly sensitive and pathetic child like 50 year old.

    The bit in bold is about the only correct bit in your post ...
  • fatsmoker
    fatsmoker Posts: 585
    The bit in bold is about the only correct bit in your post ...

    That's funnny