Retard thinks Muddyfox BMX is better than GT

gt-arrowhead Posts: 2,507
edited May 2013 in The Crudcatcher
Some guy that i know thinks that his rusted up bodged up Muddyfox BMX with no brakes is better than a well looked after custom GT? He seems to be totally convinced that it really is better than a GT.

I told him to go look it up online and see how much more GTs are worth compared to Muddyfoxes...apparently he doesnt need to because Muddyfox are amazing? So i told him to find his bike in the Argos catalogue, and if he finds it in there it is obviously a pile of shit :lol::lol:

I would tell him to compare the specs of GT bikes to Muddyfox bikes of the same year but he has NO clue how to do anything with bikes but still calls himself "a bike builder" (he takes the front wheel off one supermarket bike and puts it on another) So he obviously cannot compare specs on bikes.

I told him that ill make a thread on a forum and prove him wrong. So i wanted to post on here to get peoples opinions and prove to him that a crappy Muddyfox BMX with missing/rusted parts is better than a GT. The actual word he used to describe my bike is "girly" and heres the picture of my GT. Dont unfortunately have a picture of the BMX.



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