Nod,wave or hello?



  • merkin
    merkin Posts: 452
    If I am overtaking someone I usually say " I am faster than you"
    If I see someone going the other way I just stare, some time giving them the "I am watching you" sign where I point at my eyes.
    I acknowledge all types of bikes but if it is an adult on a bmx I shout at them "get a job!"
  • Raffles wrote:
    I got blanked yesterday by a Sky #FullKitWanker LOL

    As I passed I shouted 'Y U has knees pointing outwards'

    I wish he had have turned back, grabbed you by the scruff of the neck and clocked you one befitting the little runt that you are.

    Wishing physical violence against others? Get a grip man.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • Davdandy wrote:
    Mountain bikers i leave alone,don't know if that is elitist or not but i just past them,unless of course they nod back but they never do so i ignore them.

    Before I got a road bike I disliked roadies for this reason. They'd all ignore me.

    Then I got a road bike and I realised some MTBers now ignore me.

    But in the grand scheme of things no particular group seems to ignore me more than any other. I nod and say hello to most people. Whether they be roadies, Mtbers, unicyclists, dog walkers, or just dudes walking down the road. Even the odd motorist gives me a wave.

    We're all the same at the end of the day. I don't see the point in ignoring anyone. Except joggers. Because they're too busy listening to The Eye of The Tiger to acknowledge you.
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,636
    I always say hi to everyone, and usually ask little kids on scooters if they want a race. They always say no.
    If I'm overtaking a cyclist (not just geezers on bikes) on my commute home from work I'll often start chatting to find out which way they're going, then end up sharing the journey if we're going the same way. This usually goes one of two ways - a) it's a social thing, and we chat most of the way back, or b) we hammer it, taking turns on the front and end up getting home 10 minutes quicker.
    It certainly breaks the monotony of a regular commute and you can meet some nice people.
    Try it!
    Did you ever think that maybe when they hammer it, they're actually trying to get away from you? :wink:
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • Davdandy
    Davdandy Posts: 571
    Going out on my mountain bike for a quick spin now,i wonder if anyone will nod to me? :mrgreen:
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • gethinceri
    gethinceri Posts: 1,644
    I say hello and wave to everyone regardless of cycle type. If they ignore me I just pity them because I am awesome and they have missed out on accepting my love.
  • FFS, surely this is a wind up....i cant beleive so many of you have bitten...o crap so have i now...why is there not a bang head on brick wall smiley??

    see everyone, this is why there should eb a sticky for this!!!
  • johnny25
    johnny25 Posts: 344
    I nod and smile if they're approaching.

    If I've overtaken them, I wiggle my bum. Could cause some confusion, I guess.
  • pinkteapot
    pinkteapot Posts: 367
    I got blanked this morning by two people on a tandem! :shock:
  • lotus49
    lotus49 Posts: 763
    I wave or say hello to everyone and mostly get a response. There are a few chaps dressed up to the nines on their stupidly expensive bikes who don't respond but if someone is going to be like that, stuff 'em.

    The trouble is, there are so many cyclists around here (I literally must have seen 300 yesterday) it starts to get a little tiresome but I shall do my best to keep being friendly.
  • goonz
    goonz Posts: 3,106
    I tried to nod to as many people I went by in Richmond Park or on the roads yesterday. Thing is most people are also looking at you so its either to judge you on what you are wearing, I was in Rapha, or they want some form of acknowledgment too in which case they usually nod back.

    Interestingly enough I was blanked most by others wearing Rapha as if an Asian is not good enough to be seen in the same gear they wear. May be an extreme way of looking at things but it sometimes felt that way.
    Scott Speedster S20 Roadie for Speed
    Specialized Hardrock MTB for Lumps
    Specialized Langster SS for Ease
    Cinelli Mash Bolt Fixed for Pain
    n+1 is well and truly on track
  • hannahk
    hannahk Posts: 19
    I nod or say hello to everyone. Had a bit of a chat today with an old lady wearing a floppy straw hat, weaving around in the middle of the road on a clapped out bike that looked about 100 years old, complete with basket!
  • SpainSte
    SpainSte Posts: 181
    Living in Andalucia we have a LOT of expats from all over Europe.

    I make a game out of trying to work out which country people are from and then offering a greeting in whatever I think suits! The Spanish are ok, they always talk back - even if you say "Good morning sir" in your best English accent they still reply in a torrent of Spanish. The Brits tend to smile or wave, Scandies, Germans, and others generally just stare in a really off-putting way!
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    nob and hello from me, if its a group i try and hello all that acknowledge me. on passing someone atleast a hello. also will nod any car that seems to slow or move over at all...way i see it most people you see either cyclist walker or car are probbaly on those roads often and if I'm sprawled over a bank after crashing id like to think they wont think im that w@nker who never says hello or moves over etc
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • upperoilcan
    upperoilcan Posts: 1,180
    I wait for a wave or nod first as there are too many ignorant people riding bikes down these parts.
    Cervelo S5 Ultegra Di2.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    A guy whizzed past me the other day without acknowledgement. Turned out to be a friend and strava bud who was in the zone and chasing a segment so apologised afterwards..
  • chuckla
    chuckla Posts: 132
    I nod or say hello to everyone I see! Most people do the same, the odd one or two just blank!

    Got overtaken by a group from Cardiff Ajax yesterday who didn't utter a word! It was on a mile long drag, going as quick. A 19st bloke can! Not a hello from any of then! They didn't even warn they were going past, they appeared on my right, could have caused an accident! Not the first time that club have come across rude mind!
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    chuckla wrote:
    I nod or say hello to everyone I see! Most people do the same, the odd one or two just blank!

    Got overtaken by a group from Cardiff Ajax yesterday who didn't utter a word! It was on a mile long drag, going as quick. A 19st bloke can! Not a hello from any of then! They didn't even warn they were going past, they appeared on my right, could have caused an accident! Not the first time that club have come across rude mind!

    Slightly annoying post...
    perhaps... just perhaps (it being a Saurday) it was a chaingang?
    If so then the last thing in your head is being a nodder to a needy.
    I am being a bit harsh but riding hard can take all your concentration.. as for passing you in close, quick order.. what do you want them to do..?
  • lawrences
    lawrences Posts: 1,011
    I wait for a wave or nod first as there are too many ignorant people riding bikes down these parts.

    What if everyone else is doing the same?
  • chuckla
    chuckla Posts: 132
    JGSI wrote:
    chuckla wrote:
    I nod or say hello to everyone I see! Most people do the same, the odd one or two just blank!

    Got overtaken by a group from Cardiff Ajax yesterday who didn't utter a word! It was on a mile long drag, going as quick. A 19st bloke can! Not a hello from any of then! They didn't even warn they were going past, they appeared on my right, could have caused an accident! Not the first time that club have come across rude mind!

    Slightly annoying post...
    perhaps... just perhaps (it being a Saurday) it was a chaingang?
    If so then the last thing in your head is being a nodder to a needy.
    I am being a bit harsh but riding hard can take all your concentration.. as for passing you in close, quick order.. what do you want them to do..?

    I'm far from a needy butt! The were a lot of cyclists out, it was a mixed group of men and women, was just a saturday morning ride in the rain! I know about concentrating on a ride, I'm doing it myself funnily enough! Not looking for a conversation, but a coming through wouldn't go amiss, you can hear cars, you can't hear cyclists! I'm pretty new to road biking, but observations over the last few months are its not a friendly pastime, I've been mountain biking for a couple of years and they're all a much friendlier!

    Is a shame were not all experts like yourself as soon as we get a road bike!
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    I reckon you upset 'em then...ok, if it was an ordinary club run, then I'd agree with you, was pretty ignorant of them not to say in passing a quick ay up.
    Don'r write off the potential in friendliness though