Dog Ownership - A Rant



  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Anti-cat people - when was the last time you had to scrape cat poo of your shoes after walking down the street, or worse, from your brakes and headset after cycling through it? How many people (other than their owners) get mauled by a cat each year? Cats are a comparatively small problem, I think.
    I've had to scrape cat poo out of the cleats of my spd shoes after simply going into the garden to get my bike out!
    A cat won't crap on a path HH. They go on loose ground, preferably also secluded areas, so that they can cover it. You might find some in flower beds. I do sympathise, but I find this less offensive than, for example, a turd in a penalty area or on a cycle path. But that's just me.

    They also don't like being disturbed or crapping in another cat's toilet, so if you do have a particular problem its likely to be just one cat which regards your garden as its territory. The best way to stop it happening is to get a cat. :D
    Well my garden is a bit ahem, rough and untended, they probably love it! I don't hate cats I just find them a bit discomforting with their claws and funny eyes and for that reason I'm out... For me it had to be a dog, one day I'll have one
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Anti-cat people - when was the last time you had to scrape cat poo of your shoes after walking down the street, or worse, from your brakes and headset after cycling through it? How many people (other than their owners) get mauled by a cat each year? Cats are a comparatively small problem, I think.
    I've had to scrape cat poo out of the cleats of my spd shoes after simply going into the garden to get my bike out!
    A cat won't crap on a path HH. They go on loose ground, preferably also secluded areas, so that they can cover it. You might find some in flower beds. I do sympathise, but I find this less offensive than, for example, a turd in a penalty area or on a cycle path. But that's just me.

    They also don't like being disturbed or crapping in another cat's toilet, so if you do have a particular problem its likely to be just one cat which regards your garden as its territory. The best way to stop it happening is to get a cat. :D
    Well my garden is a bit ahem, rough and untended, they probably love it! I don't hate cats I just find them a bit discomforting with their claws and funny eyes and for that reason I'm out... For me it had to be a dog, one day I'll have one
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    edited March 2013
    we had kittens a few years ago (before i discovered i am horrible allergic to cats), next door had this mangy horrible cat that would come into our house & garden and attack our cats aswell as squirting its scent (stinks) an crapping everywhere

    after soaking it with the hose pipe a few times it an having to take our kittens to the vets to have snapped off claws from the neighbors cat which had become embedded in our kittens backs - i went around an threatened the neighbor with "if it comes in our garden again or attacks our cats wont ever see your cat ever again"

    it worked, it never did come into our garden...might be the fact we have a border collie that loves to chase cats though (evil smirk)

    i dont mind cats, but they are loyal to no one...with their sly eyes, they are always plotting

    me no likey
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • msmancunia
    msmancunia Posts: 1,415
    msmancunia wrote:
    I don't care if I injure someone's pet because it's coming into my garden uninvited.
    You may do when your in court for it, why not try some of the other options stated, water 'pistol' (OK they look more like assault rifles now), tiger Poo works exceptionally well (My sister uses it as her sone gets very bad asthma from cat contact), also orange peel (or other citrus).

    I accept that it's a contentious issue but I just can't have them in my garden and it really annoys me when people don't seem to understand. If I crapped in someone's garden then they'd be round like a shot to complain. It's not just the waste, it's the saliva, the hair, and especially the dander (skin). I can even tell if I'm sat next to a cat owner, because the dander on their clothes (invisble) sets me off.

    It's a pain in the backside - I'm not allergic to anything else, and am fit and healthy, but this seems to get worse the older I get. Tried the citrus peel, the ultrasonic sensors, the prickly plants, the fake cat (yes, really) and I honestly don't have the time to stake out my garden with a water pistol. I've even seen an experiment where cats triggered off a sensor that squirted them, and they still came back - they just didn't have the memory of it inprinted in their brains.

    I am having to move because of it once the housing market in the desolate north wakes up, because there's no point having a garden if I can't use it, so aim to move to a flat with a balcony. Will try the tiger poo though. Would be a bonus if it also worked on the stray peacock....
    Commute: Chadderton - Sportcity
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    msmancunia wrote:

    I am having to move because of it once the housing market in the desolate north wakes up, because there's no point having a garden if I can't use it, so aim to move to a flat with a balcony. Will try the tiger poo though. Would be a bonus if it also worked on the stray peacock....

    try contacting Knowsley Safari Park they have loads of "big cats" you migth be able to get some giant cat crap from them

    could mke for an interesting phone call...

    MissMank - Hi

    knowsley - Hi

    missmank - i hear you have big cats there, can i some of their poo please

    knowsley - right...ok, will you be bringing your own poo bags?
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    msmancunia wrote:
    It's not just the waste, it's the saliva, the hair, and especially the dander (skin). I can even tell if I'm sat next to a cat owner, because the dander on their clothes (invisble) sets me off.

    I'm allergic too. Just googled 'cat dander' and now dislike cats even more.
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,857
    Well my garden is a bit ahem, rough and untended, they probably love it! I don't hate cats I just find them a bit discomforting with their claws and funny eyes and for that reason I'm out... For me it had to be a dog, one day I'll have one
    Ah, you have a cyclist's garden. I understand.
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,857
    edited March 2013
    msmancunia wrote:
    It's not just the waste, it's the saliva, the hair, and especially the dander (skin). I can even tell if I'm sat next to a cat owner, because the dander on their clothes (invisble) sets me off.

    I'm allergic too. Just googled 'cat dander' and now dislike cats even more.
    You dislike most things that aren't exactly like you IP. Take your irrational venom towards Shimano, for example.
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,857
    msmancunia wrote:
    I am having to move because of it once the housing market in the desolate north wakes up, because there's no point having a garden if I can't use it, so aim to move to a flat with a balcony. Will try the tiger poo though. Would be a bonus if it also worked on the stray peacock....
    May contain traces of cat.

    What's wrong with the peacock? You do have accept that all animals crap, you know, Mrs Manc, and I think your moral justification extends only to animals which might cause your untimely demise.

    Possibly a stupid question, but have you tried to get desinsitized somehow? Seems cheaper and safer than moving house or otherwise trying to avoid one of the world's most common pet (and stray) animals.
  • msmancunia
    msmancunia Posts: 1,415
    msmancunia wrote:
    I am having to move because of it once the housing market in the desolate north wakes up, because there's no point having a garden if I can't use it, so aim to move to a flat with a balcony. Will try the tiger poo though. Would be a bonus if it also worked on the stray peacock....
    May contain traces of cat.

    What's wrong with the peacock? You do have accept that all animals crap, you know, Mrs Manc, and I think your moral justification extends only to animals which might cause your untimely demise.

    Possibly a stupid question, but have you tried to get desinsitized somehow? Seems cheaper and safer than moving house or otherwise trying to avoid one of the world's most common pet (and stray) animals.

    Yeah, tried the desensitising thing, and also a clinical trial on a long term injectino thing but they didn't work. :cry: Weirdly, the desensitising thing made the whites of my eyes swell up around the blue iris - it was horrific and hurt like hell.

    And the peacock - it's just a pest. Winds the neighbours up more than me because they've got new cars and it jumps on the roofs and scratches them, along with conservatory roofs, greenhouses, and flat bay windows roofs. My car is an oldie so it's already scratched!

    It's also unbelievably noisy when randy, so you've got absolutely no chance of a lie in from about April to July, or to get to sleep at a decent hour, because they screech at dawn, and at night time.
    Commute: Chadderton - Sportcity
  • msmanc: you need a cat to which you have no allergic reaction. He or she will keep other cats out of your garden, and will double your fun by crapping in someone else's garden.

    ETA: What's not to love?

    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    msmancunia wrote:
    It's not just the waste, it's the saliva, the hair, and especially the dander (skin). I can even tell if I'm sat next to a cat owner, because the dander on their clothes (invisble) sets me off.

    I'm allergic too. Just googled 'cat dander' and now dislike cats even more.
    You dislike most things that aren't exactly like you IP. Take your irrational venom towards Shimano, for example.

    I'm a bit lost. Do you genuinely think I'm being serious when I'm rude about Shimano?* :lol:

    *horrible stuff
  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300
    wandsworth wrote:
    little stickers to put on the bag to say "will pick up within an hour"

    Make sure you write the time and date on the sticker, else "within an hour" is meaningless to anyone finding it.

    I've never heard of or known anyone to leave a bag of sh*t on the ground "to collect later". I certainly would never have dreamed of it when I had my dog.
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)
  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300
    the population of indigenous birds and small mammals has been decimated

    Meh, one in ten doesn't seem so bad.
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    Agent57 wrote:
    the population of indigenous birds and small mammals has been decimated

    Meh, one in ten doesn't seem so bad.

    Oi! This ain't the place for pedantry!

    Oh.... wait...
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300

    Separated at birth:


    Actually, Jack here looks nothing like the other cat we got from the same litter. They're very different. Jack's like a Maine coon, while Ellzy's a standard DSH.


    She's an excellent hunter, despite the very jingly bell she wears. Jack's never caught a thing in his life.
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)
  • bushu
    bushu Posts: 711
    edited March 2013
    current epo has two of the bloody things!
    They know to shift oot the way and which rooms they are allowed in, as the constant handful of cold water treatment has trained them. Can still smell them and also allergic, cute they may be but rather she had a dog, suppose she knows as said here they need alot of time, attention and effort to train.
    Had sinus trouble for a long while and thought i would just desensitise to cats eventually, seems to get worse in winter due to heating system. Windows open in summer, to get some air i dont feel like i'm chewing it's so thick! Only way to clear my lungs mostly is a good wheezy ride :) they will probably be death o me...
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,857
    msmancunia wrote:
    It's not just the waste, it's the saliva, the hair, and especially the dander (skin). I can even tell if I'm sat next to a cat owner, because the dander on their clothes (invisble) sets me off.

    I'm allergic too. Just googled 'cat dander' and now dislike cats even more.
    You dislike most things that aren't exactly like you IP. Take your irrational venom towards Shimano, for example.

    I'm a bit lost. Do you genuinely think I'm being serious when I'm rude about Shimano?* :lol:

    *horrible stuff
    My image of you is of an angry young man wearing Rapha and abusing people for their choice of gruppo, in a faux Italian accent.

    I apologise. Castelli.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    hello msmancunia I am called BB 'cos of my special skill of crappin' wherever the fook I like, cute though :D

    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • Agent57 wrote:
    Jack's never caught a thing in his life.

    Funny you should say that. Indy couldn't catch a mouse if it were to be sellotaped to his paw.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • My old Border Collie X was ace. The one thing he was good at was chasing cats, because that's what we trained him to do. Cats are disgusting things. If you have an issue with mice, put down poison.

    And if a cat could eat you, it would. Fact.
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,246
    msmancunia wrote:
    It's not just the waste, it's the saliva, the hair, and especially the dander (skin). I can even tell if I'm sat next to a cat owner, because the dander on their clothes (invisble) sets me off.

    I'm allergic too. Just googled 'cat dander' and now dislike cats even more.
    You dislike most things that aren't exactly like you IP. Take your irrational venom towards Shimano, for example.

    I'm a bit lost. Do you genuinely think I'm being serious when I'm rude about Shimano?* :lol:

    *horrible stuff
    My image of you is of an angry young man wearing Rapha and abusing people for their choice of gruppo, in a faux Italian accent.

    I apologise. Castelli.

    I now kind of wish that was true :lol:
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition