Oscar Pistorious kills girlfriend



  • Mikey23 wrote:
    So I have this possible burglar person locked in my bathroom and I'm outside with a gun... Shall I 1) call the police or 2) fire indiscriminately three times through the bathroom door...

    3 Not check to see if my girlfriend has got up in the middle of the night for a pee pee.
    The number of times the bathroom door in my house has been closed and thought "there's probably a burglar in there, I'd better get a gun and shoot blindly through the door."

    Errrrrrrr, never, I always seem to come to the outrageous conclusion it's the missus in there.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Mikey23 wrote:
    So I have this possible burglar person locked in my bathroom and I'm outside with a gun... Shall I 1) call the police or 2) fire indiscriminately three times through the bathroom door...

    3 Not check to see if my girlfriend has got up in the middle of the night for a pee pee.
    The number of times the bathroom door in my house has been closed and thought "there's probably a burglar in there, I'd better get a gun and shoot blindly through the door."

    Errrrrrrr, never, I always seem to come to the outrageous conclusion it's the missus in there.

    Im with you, ive never shot any of my kids or the wife.
    I still think he will walk from this though.
    Living MY dream.
  • I went to jo'burg once, went down on a UN flight to pick up some fresh rations etc. Went to a market to buy toiletries etc for some of the lads and was mugged at knifepoint within 5 minutes. I smilingly gave the bloke my watch, compass, money, wallet etc all the time smiling and kakking myself. I was in uniform at the time but had no weapon and assured the mugger this was between me and him and can I please go and get my flight back to Angola ? He agreed as he was rather pleased with a lot of US dollars that I had. Massive stupidity on my behalf but glad not to have been killed outright. Dodgy place lots and lots of paranoia and hatred.
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...