Paint issues on 2013 Canyon Nerve.



  • dmorton
    dmorton Posts: 244
    KernowCB wrote:
    I have emailed all of the pictures to Canyon and had one response so far which said something along the lines of;

    "I will pass the pictures onto our technicians but this is usually the consequence of cleaning with aggressive cleaners"

    Just remember you've got the Sale of Goods act to back you up if you believe the paint to be faulty - It's a good trump card to pull out if they try to fob you off after you've asked nicely
    If within the first 6 months from purchase, they have to prove that the bike wasn't faulty when you bought it. You may have to send the bike back for this, but they should pay the costs - - see "Returning faulty goods"

    Also the rights under SoGA are in addition to any warranty offered by Canyon.
  • dmorton wrote:
    KernowCB wrote:
    I have emailed all of the pictures to Canyon and had one response so far which said something along the lines of;

    "I will pass the pictures onto our technicians but this is usually the consequence of cleaning with aggressive cleaners"

    Just remember you've got the Sale of Goods act to back you up if you believe the paint to be faulty - It's a good trump card to pull out if they try to fob you off after you've asked nicely
    If within the first 6 months from purchase, they have to prove that the bike wasn't faulty when you bought it. You may have to send the bike back for this, but they should pay the costs - - see "Returning faulty goods"

    Also the rights under SoGA are in addition to any warranty offered by Canyon.

    Sales of good act is uk legislation so probably not relevant as canyon is a German company is it not?

    If you paid on credit card, the your credit card company may be jointly liable (although they will try to fob you off and say you have to approach the retailer first).
  • Painey
    Painey Posts: 23
    I had this problem on my Nerve AM. Happened after about 5-6 rides and less than a month after I got it. Contacting Canyon was difficult at times, their UK office is a joke for answering the phone and emails are very hit and miss.

    They replaced my whole bike in the end, bit of a pain that was after them telling me they'd have the bike for 1-2 days and that ended up being almost 3 weeks. I'd also added some bits to my original bike that I never saw again when the new one turned up, emails went unanswered.

    The new bike has come close to falling apart on me more than once, the suspension pivots working themselves loose to the point where the rear was barely held on. Also friend of mine has a Nerve XC and where his Thule carrier grips the downtube it's worn through the anodised finish on the frame.

    Whilst I maintain they're great bikes when working, you can't ignore some of their build quality/customer service problems.
  • KernowCB
    KernowCB Posts: 174
    Thanks for the replies and info regarding the consumer goods act, credit card companies and your previous experiences with Canyon.

    I have had a second reply for them today which I have copied and pasted below;

    "Dear Chris,

    Many thanks for your e-mail.

    While we can send you a new sticker/label for the downtube, the sticker on the top tube is painted and
    therefore not replaceable. I have forwarded your pictures to our quality management and they confirmed
    that the condition of the top tube must be scratched due to intensive rubbing or using of agressive cleaning products. Since you confirmed that you have not used agressive liquids we would like to offer you a voucher of 50GBP as a gesture of goodwill.


    Canyon UK"

    I have sent a polite reply saying thanks but no thanks and asked them to reconsider their evaluation. Failing that, the next step will be the credit card company.

    I hope this isn't going to be a complete PITA!
    Whyte 905
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I think it will be difficult to prove the whole bike is faulty - it is a cosmetic problem and does not effect the use of the bike. You need to pursue the line of 'satisfactory quality', explaining that for the price paid you expect a better level of finish, and because of the poor quality the value of the bike has been significantly reduced.
  • Huckfinn
    Huckfinn Posts: 142
    I would take the offer, its more than I got, I have had to order a new down tube protector, which still hasn't arrived.
  • qooqiiu
    qooqiiu Posts: 212
    Take £50 and do one seems to be their default response.

    Not acceptable.
  • I bought the same model late November/early December and i'm now feeling a little twitchy - no paint issues (yet) but I will be watching it like a hawk!

    In general I agree with most of the previous comments - amazing bike (when it's working), I have had a number of issues from the outset which haven't been handled very well by Canyon UK. Their "customer service" is atrocious almost to the point of being non-existant, I have never had a single phonecall answered when i've rung (probably 20-30times in total)

    I wouldn't accept the £50 and would ask for a full refund under the sale of good act, as commented above, I believe the onus then lies with them to prove that the goods are suitable/adequate, rather than with you to prove a fault exists.

    I think that a number of bike manufacturers (i.e. Cube) have a separate clause in the guarantee paperwork to cover paintwork, in a similar way that car companies do - I will check all my paperwork and let you know if I find anything.

    In general, I would hope/expect any company that has the franchise for Euro based bike company in the UK would hang around on these forums to try and get a feel for the market/feedback/reviews etc etc.

    I can only assume that a German based bike company that has such stiff competition from other Euro bike brands would be shocked by the poor service and damage to their reputation that Canyon UK is causing - have you considered contacting Canyon Headoffice, I would imagine they'd have somethign to say on the subject.

    Hope things work out for you!
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Is £50 a good deal? Easy one that - if they'd offered it to you in the first place with the top tube a mess for £50 less, would you have bought it? I wouldn't.

    Incidentally, if the damage is caused by 'intensive rubbing' then it should show up on the rest of the frame which you said isn't marked at all. I do like their way with words - "must be scratched due to intensive rubbing or using of agressive cleaning products" and then they accept your word that you haven't used aggressive liquids (and presumably that you haven't been intensively rubbing it (!)) so they'll give you £50.

    I think I'd want to get an independant opinion on this one - Canyon UK are starting to sound a bit dodgy. Though it doesn't help when their spokesperson can't spell and seems confused between stickers and paint.......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    tholianweb wrote:
    I can only assume that a German based bike company that has such stiff competition from other Euro bike brands would be shocked by the poor service and damage to their reputation that Canyon UK is causing - have you considered contacting Canyon Headoffice, I would imagine they'd have somethign to say on the subject.

    I had trouble with a Canyon and I tried contacting Canyon in Germany. If you think customer service is bad from the UK office then you will find yourself landing on Planet Dontgiveacrap. I dont read German and only speak it at a zwei grossen bier bitte level but have a friend who does translations for solicitors. She tried for me and said they put the phone down on her about 4 times and never answered any emails. Apparently on German cycling forums they are legendary for crap service and there "Its cheap what more do you want heres 50 Euros now go away and stop bothering us" attitude.

    Fantastic bikes but just pray nowt goes wrong after the payment has gone through.
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • Huckfinn
    Huckfinn Posts: 142
    Thank god that they use standard bearings.
  • The Northern Monkey
    The Northern Monkey Posts: 19,174
    edited January 2013
    Painey wrote:
    The new bike has come close to falling apart on me more than once, the suspension pivots working themselves loose to the point where the rear was barely held on. Also friend of mine has a Nerve XC and where his Thule carrier grips the downtube it's worn through the anodised finish on the frame.

    Both those issues are down to the user, not Canyon.


    There is a lot of crap being sprouted by people jumping on the bandwaggon here and still not convinced that the OP is giving the full story.
    Still convinced that its shorts/trouser rubbing the top tube in the wet weather that we've had. Unless the OP only rides in dry weather that is.

    Look at the photo below (I don't know how to img link from flickr):
    The arch where the paint has rubbed off is directly where your knees/legs would move past when pedalling.

    The sticker on the downtube is a frame protector, not paint... don't see the issue, Canyon have offered to replace it.

    Canyon's customer service is slow. I've had a few issues, but they were resolved.
    If you want a face to confont, should have gone to your LBS.
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    I scratched some paint off my stumpjumper, so i repainted it.

    Seriously, deal with it.
  • I scratched some paint off my stumpjumper, so i repainted it.

    Seriously, deal with it.


    Chain scraped off all the paint on my chainstay after a month or so... wonder if I should have expected a replacement frame...
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    Only if you can slag off the manufacturer as much as possible first.
  • KernowCB
    KernowCB Posts: 174
    edited January 2013
    Painey wrote:
    The new bike has come close to falling apart on me more than once, the suspension pivots working themselves loose to the point where the rear was barely held on. Also friend of mine has a Nerve XC and where his Thule carrier grips the downtube it's worn through the anodised finish on the frame.

    Both those issues are down to the user, not Canyon.


    There is a lot of crap being sprouted by people jumping on the bandwaggon here and still not convinced that the OP is giving the full story.
    Still convinced that its shorts/trouser rubbing the top tube in the wet weather that we've had. Unless the OP only rides in dry weather that is.

    Look at the photo below (I don't know how to img link from flickr):
    The arch where the paint has rubbed off is directly where your knees/legs would move past when pedalling.

    The sticker on the downtube is a frame protector, not paint... don't see the issue, Canyon have offered to replace it.

    Canyon's customer service is slow. I've had a few issues, but they were resolved.
    If you want a face to confont, should have gone to your LBS.

    Not sure how much of a story you want?

    Ride a bike less than 10 hours - paint fades away and makes the bike look shit. Seriously, you can't see the problem of spending nearly 1400 quid and having something that looks rubbish compared with the showroom version? Wow, your standards of quality and customer service are very different to mine then. I think it's completely unacceptable and as a previous poster says further up, he had a similar problem to which canyon sent him a new bike.

    Why isn't any of the rest of my paint fading then? Because it's an issue with that crap silver spray paint that's tried to be fixed to the top tube. I mean the crank arms aren't even showing signs of rub for god sake!

    With regard to the sticker on the downtube, again, it shouldn't be peeling off within 8 rides! That is just poor quality. And Canyon acknowledge this by offering to replace it for free.

    The bike is awesome, I love it but the silver paint is pathetic and I will be chasing them for more than a £50 voucher.
    Whyte 905
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    I blame Wiggle.
  • TheNorthernTrain
    TheNorthernTrain Posts: 1,049
    edited January 2013
    I know I'm on about a completely different bike, but my top tube is almost down to the bare metal from exactly what TNM describes. And the shine from the paintjob had gone within 3 rides.

    I barely ever clean my bike apart from the essential parts and when I do I just spray the worst of the mud off with a hose, wiping takes too much effort when its gonna get filthy on the next ride anyway. So it can't be put down to aggressive cleaning... It is simply from riding in typical british weather and mud soaked shorts rubbing up and down the top tube through pedaling, bending knees going over jumps/bumps etc.

    The problem is exactly as you describe, it hasn't happened anywhere else on the frame because it is annodised. The white/silver part is painted on, and therefore is always going to rub off when coming up against shorts with a bit of dirt stuck on them, even dust off dry trails that is stuck on your shorts is going to do exactly the same.

    Once it gets bad enough that you can't stand it, repaint it and helitape it... Your bike is gonna get scratches and chips in the paint everywhere unless you protect it.

    Yes, it's annoying for a new bike but accept it and move on, take the £50 and run before they change their mind.

    Go big or go home.
  • KernowCB wrote:
    Painey wrote:
    The new bike has come close to falling apart on me more than once, the suspension pivots working themselves loose to the point where the rear was barely held on. Also friend of mine has a Nerve XC and where his Thule carrier grips the downtube it's worn through the anodised finish on the frame.

    Both those issues are down to the user, not Canyon.


    There is a lot of crap being sprouted by people jumping on the bandwaggon here and still not convinced that the OP is giving the full story.
    Still convinced that its shorts/trouser rubbing the top tube in the wet weather that we've had. Unless the OP only rides in dry weather that is.

    Look at the photo below (I don't know how to img link from flickr):
    The arch where the paint has rubbed off is directly where your knees/legs would move past when pedalling.

    The sticker on the downtube is a frame protector, not paint... don't see the issue, Canyon have offered to replace it.

    Canyon's customer service is slow. I've had a few issues, but they were resolved.
    If you want a face to confont, should have gone to your LBS.

    Not sure how much of a story you want?

    Ride a bike less than 10 hours - paint fades away and makes the bike look shoot. Seriously, you can't see the problem of spending nearly 1400 quid and having something that looks rubbish compared with the showroom version? Wow, your standards of quality and customer service are very different to mine then. I think it's completely unacceptable and as a previous poster says further up, he had a similar problem to which canyon sent him a new bike.

    Why isn't any of the rest of my paint fading then? Because it's an issue with that crap silver spray paint that's tried to be fixed to the top tube. I mean the crank arms aren't even showing signs of rub for god sake!

    With regard to the sticker on the downtube, again, it shouldn't be peeling off within 8 rides! That is just poor quality.

    The bike is awesome, I love it but the silver paint is pathetic and I will be chasing them for more than a £50 voucher.

    So what are you expecting them to do about it?

    Assume they replace the frame/bike and the same thing happens, what then?
    Money won't solve the paint fading....

    10 rides in the wet, without having the top tube helitaped.... Surprised? nope.
  • I know I'm on about a completely different bike, but my top tube is almost down to the bare metal from exactly what TNM describes. And the shine from the paintjob had gone within 3 rides.

    Same thing happened to the top tube on my old NS.

    Have helitaped top tubes ever since.
  • KernowCB
    KernowCB Posts: 174
    [/quote]So what are you expecting them to do about it?

    Assume they replace the frame/bike and the same thing happens, what then?
    Money won't solve the paint fading....

    10 rides in the wet, without having the top tube helitaped.... Surprised? nope.[/quote]

    <10 rides. I would estimate around 4 of those rides to have been in the wet.
    Whyte 905
  • KernowCB wrote:
    So what are you expecting them to do about it?

    Assume they replace the frame/bike and the same thing happens, what then?
    Money won't solve the paint fading....

    10 rides in the wet, without having the top tube helitaped.... Surprised? nope.

    <10 rides. I would estimate around 4 of those rides to have been in the wet.

    And 2 people have just said they had paint fade after 3 wet rides....
  • KernowCB wrote:

    <10 rides. I would estimate around 4 of those rides to have been in the wet.

    There's your problem... I can't believe this thread has gone on for 3 pages on something so obvious.

    Anodising = hard and resistant as it is bonded with the metal

    Paint = Weak it isn't the same bond with the metal, it's effectively a layer on top.

    Go big or go home.
  • KernowCB
    KernowCB Posts: 174
    If you all expect that to happen after 4 wet rides on a mountain bike you are absolutely mental, and in the minority. End of.

    I will update the thread when I hear back from Canyon.
    Whyte 905
  • So you are seriously telling me that if you bought a new car, and got a wet, muddy cloth and had it rubbing up and down the side of the car (even just gently) for an hour or more (4 times after buying the car) That you would go back to the dealer and complain that the paint was starting to deteriorate and wear off?

    I don't think so somehow...

    Go big or go home.
  • KernowCB wrote:
    End of.

    Not really. Interested to see what Canyon say.

    Massive kudos to them if they do replace the bike....
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    The sticker on the downtube is a frame protector, not paint... don't see the issue, Canyon have offered to replace it.

    So why would Canyon bother to put a frame protector on the downtube and not on the top tube if the paintwork on the top tube was very poorly bonded? If the frame finish doesn't matter and is expected to look crap after a few rides, there is not much point putting any frame protectors on at all surely?
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Its to stop rock strikes from denting/pitting the downtube.
  • Rolf F wrote:
    The sticker on the downtube is a frame protector, not paint... don't see the issue, Canyon have offered to replace it.

    So why would Canyon bother to put a frame protector on the downtube and not on the top tube if the paintwork on the top tube was very poorly bonded? If the frame finish doesn't matter and is expected to look crap after a few rides, there is not much point putting any frame protectors on at all surely?

    The downtube protector is to protect the downtube from rock strikes etc.

    Bring back TBC, he never road his bikes off road so this sort of thing would never happen!
  • KernowCB
    KernowCB Posts: 174
    So you are seriously telling me that if you bought a new car, and got a wet, muddy cloth and had it rubbing up and down the side of the car (even just gently) for an hour or more (4 times after buying the car) That you would go back to the dealer and complain that the paint was starting to deteriorate and wear off?

    I don't think so somehow...

    If it was a machine that was designed and built for use in those conditions then yes, I would be taking it back. Obviously you're going a bit OTT but it's ok, I like the drama.

    We obviously have the completely opposite view on this. No point arguing about it, we'll see what Canyon do.

    Whyte 905