Seemingly trivial things that annoy you



  • graham.
    graham. Posts: 862
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Graham. wrote:
    People referring to "Poop" (Dog or otherwise) when everyone knows it is "Poo"!

    Bloody Americanisation of the English language!

    PS Oh the irony. Spellcheck wants me to spell it with a "Z"...Zee?

    Are you sure? :wink:

    Oi! Don't you go getting all "Factual" with me. I saw the chance to have a bitch about the Americans and I took it!
    Facts, logic, grammar, common sense? These play no part in my thinking.

    And my moan about the spelling of "Poo" still stands. So there!
  • Veronese68 wrote:
    Manc33 wrote:
    Same here, I cut the top off crisp packets for the same reason. You can cut the sodding bag in half. I'm not reaching all that way into a bag, no way no how.
    What do you do when you get half way through the contents of the bag you've cut in half, cut it in half again? Do you spend more time cutting the bags than eating crisps?
    Have you ever eaten Pringles?

    Why should we have to cut a pack of crisps in half to reach the bottom of the bag?
    why isn't the bag filled to the top? sounds silly some may say but it really gets on my nerves.
    you pay money for a BAG of crisps, it's called a bag for a reason. it's not called half a bag is it, but that's what you get more often than not.
    the same goes for bars of chocolate that have got smaller, but the price has stayed the same or increased.
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
  • Pituophis
    Pituophis Posts: 1,025
    Zak3737 wrote:
    Jeezuz.......only just found this thread......where the hell do I start ????

    Poop - Dog Poop to be precise. As a Dog owner, I carry the obligatory black bags to clean up, its perhaps the least attractive part of dog ownership I conced, but a neccessary must.
    But, what I really cant get my admittedly small brain around, is why would anyone go to the trouble of bagging their dog's deposits, and then rather than carrying that and depositing it in next available bin, they decide to throw the bag to the side of the path/bridleway, or even into the bushes/trees, - hell I've even seen one tree with about 5 hanging there like some form of trophy's.
    WTF !??? If you cant really be @rsed to carry it away and dispose of it, then leave the stuff to decompose natrally, if you REALLY must, rather than leaving it in a bag which will take countless years to decompose, if ever at all.

    *and breathe.........*

    I love you.
    However, I hate your dog because I selfishly and unfathomably group it in with all the other dogs that sh** on the pavement/playing field/park for someone to stand in.

    Thanks for bagging and correctly disposing of your dog's poop/poo by the way. Really. :D
  • graham.
    graham. Posts: 862
    Semi serious question, in that it's the internet and I'm not really bothered, but...

    Why am I not allowed to say "B i t c h"? :shock:
  • Because, apparently the correct descriptor for the female of the species has become a derogatory term.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,568
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175

    Nontrivial? Esp. if you're the stalkee.

    Do you have a stalker?!
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • crispybug2
    crispybug2 Posts: 2,915
    As an Englishman watching the six nations, the realisation that every country has a far superior national anthem to ours!!
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    crispybug2 wrote:
    As an Englishman watching the six nations, the realisation that every country has a far superior national anthem to ours!!

    I thought they played that "Jerusalem" one for the Rugby?

    That is the one a lot of people say the national anthem should be and I agree.

    The KLF "It's grim up North" turned it into an even better tune. :mrgreen:
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,568
    Maybe we should adopt the theme tune from the Archers 'cos we can't sing anyway and it fits.

    I was being stalked by this buxom blonde thing that just wanted me for sex. Then I woke up, which is the annoying thing.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • earth
    earth Posts: 934
    The phrase 'Rinse and repeat'.
    The phrase 'From the get go'.
  • earth
    earth Posts: 934
    The British national anthem!
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,568
    Documentaries that contain these sort of lines:

    "The [insert event of your choice] that re-wrote History..."
    "The [insert event of your choice] that changed the world..."
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    Brit awards.
  • crispybug2
    crispybug2 Posts: 2,915
    Manc33 wrote:
    Brit awards.

    And backing dancers as well........ especially if you're Madonna
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    Manc33 wrote:
    crispybug2 wrote:
    I thought they played that "Jerusalem" one for the Rugby?

    Cricket, I think. Bloody good tune and you can't really get a better lyricist than Blake.

    The problem with God Save the Queen is you lot (or us lot, when it's the UK) don't sing the best verse:

    O Lord our God arise,
    Scatter her enemies,
    And make them fall:
    Confound their politics,
    Frustrate their knavish tricks,
    On Thee our hopes we fix:
    God save us all.

    Irritating thing: Phone cameras at arm's length at gigs (and all public occasions), blocking the view for everyone behind.
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,974


    No problem at all with the food, it's the packaging.
    The "tear from here" openers are at the top of the picture, but notice that the slices are stacked so that they can only taken out from the opposite end.

    Very trivial, but for me, very annoying.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,568
    Even Jerusalem is tongue and cheek. Very clever man Blake. So that means that the Archers tune should officially be our national anthem. Then we don't have to put up with poor singing and watching sports ple... sorry people, half heartedly mouth the words to that spine rubbing God save the Queen tune.

    The Kenyan National Anthem is more melodic:
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • crispybug2 wrote:
    As an Englishman watching the six nations, the realisation that every country has a far superior national anthem to ours!!

    Better than having some makey-uppy crowd pleasing bunk invented a few years back that's ultimately pleasing no one.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,568
    crispybug2 wrote:
    As an Englishman watching the six nations, the realisation that every country has a far superior national anthem to ours!!

    Better than having some makey-uppy crowd pleasing bunk invented a few years back that's ultimately pleasing no one.

    What are you saying about our beloved masterful genius golf player, slayer of Western Dogs Kim Jung Un?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
    CHRISNOIR Posts: 1,400
    People misunderstanding the Amazon Review system. You're looking at something and you note a one star review. "Hang on", you think. "Is this film actually sh*te. Hmm. Lets see what this here Johnny One-Star has to say."

    So you look a bit closer only to find some complete top-hat has commented "TOOK TWO WEEKS TO DELIVER AND BLURAY DOSENT WORK IN DVD. WILL NOT BUY FROM SELLER AGAIN!!!!111!!!"

    Well post a review of the seller then, you helmet.
  • "Easy peeler" orange-coloured citrus fruits that do not easily peel.
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    The guy sat behind me at work who is sniffing every 20 seconds - if you don't hear from me again assume I've been arrested for murder. - a site for sore eyes
  • Wunnunda
    Wunnunda Posts: 214
    CHRISNOIR wrote:
    People misunderstanding the Amazon Review system. You're looking at something and you note a one star review. "Hang on", you think. "Is this film actually sh*te. Hmm. Lets see what this here Johnny One-Star has to say."

    So you look a bit closer only to find some complete top-hat has commented "TOOK TWO WEEKS TO DELIVER AND BLURAY DOSENT WORK IN DVD. WILL NOT BUY FROM SELLER AGAIN!!!!111!!!"

    Well post a review of the seller then, you helmet.
    ^^^This !

    Was looking for a new PC a while back and review after review could be summed up as "Fast, great screen, good graphics, big hard-drive and delivery superb but can't get on with Windows 8 so 1 star from me" :roll:
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    When you ride over a little pebble and your back wheel flicks the pebble pretty fast at a perfect 90 degree angle to the bike - usually at a parked car, or worse - one thats just overtaking, making him think you threw something at his car as he overtook.
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    Manc33 wrote:
    When you ride over a little pebble and your back wheel flicks the pebble pretty fast at a perfect 90 degree angle to the bike - usually at a parked car, or worse - one thats just overtaking, making him think you threw something at his car as he overtook.

    Dude, seriously thats the security services trying to remove you from society by leaving remote control pebbles in your way as they can't afford the spotlight of truth and enlightenment you shine on their activities or woz it Ed milliband trying to silence you. :wink:
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    RDW wrote:
    Irritating thing: Phone cameras at arm's length at gigs (and all public occasions), blocking the view for everyone behind.

    Worse: bell-ends who think holding up an I-Pad really enhances everyone else's view. Next time I'm going to throw something at the damn thing. :evil:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,568
    SecretSam wrote:
    RDW wrote:
    Irritating thing: Phone cameras at arm's length at gigs (and all public occasions), blocking the view for everyone behind.

    Worse: bell-ends who think holding up an I-Pad really enhances everyone else's view. Next time I'm going to throw something at the damn thing. :evil:

    Like a remote control pebble?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    The pebbles aren't remote controlled... they're Teflon coated and yes planted there. :lol: Why would a pebble just flick from under your wheel, think about it, has to be a setup.