Exmoor Beast

Ron Keegan
Ron Keegan Posts: 41
The Exmoor Beast is looking good this year. Nearly 1300 are already signed-up and there's still a few days to go before entries close. The mid-range forecast aint looking too bad either so it'll be great for the family to visit Butlins; they get in free with a rider and can use all the facilities while their loved ones are out on the road trying to tame the beast. Anybody reading this thread done it before and, if so, any tips specific to the event.


  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Hello Ron, probably worth doing a search as this does come up on an annual basis :)

    I did the Beast back in 2010 and the 100m route is tough but achievable, it just peters out a bit towards the end as the interest levels drop off so try and keep your spirits up.

    My advice, not knowing how experienced you are, is check the weather carefully as it makes a big difference to this one (see 2009!). I would take a spare and thin wind proof top that you can stow in your back pocket, whatever the forecast is as it can blow a lot on the tops and be very changeable. There are quite a few cattle grids which can be done but make sure loose lights are secured, etc. Oh, watch out for the first hill out of Luccombe. For some reason a lot of folks get this completely wrong. There is a sharp left hander and then the road ramps up...many get caught in the big ring and stall in the middle of the road leaving a scene of carnage as others who have got it right have to weave around them. The ford on the next descent can be crossed but just approach it sensibly, keep your line and stay well balanced. If in doubt, walk as I have seen folks come down and there is still a long way to go with bruised limbs and a crest fallen ego. Be carefull on the descent into Lynmouth. You can easily get over 40mph but the road at the bottom is narrow, steep and has a distinct camber with manhole covers inthe middle so don't get carried away...or you will be carried away. The organisation is great, as are the feedstops. I am just waiting for confirmation that I will be in the area and then will join up myself. Stay hydrated, eat well. Have a good one.
  • FoldingJoe
    FoldingJoe Posts: 1,327
    Thanks for the info, Bobbinogs.

    Did the 100km Dartmoor Classic earlier this year so thought I'd stick my name up for the Beast as well.
    Little boy to Obama: "My Dad says that you read all our emails"
    Obama to little boy: "He's not your real Dad"

    Kona Honky Tonk for sale: http://www.bikeradar.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40090&t=13000807
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    I signed up for this earlier in the year and then got an email saying they were moving the event forward a week due to Butlins hosting an "adult themed" weekend on the original date!

  • Just a quick up-date on 'The Beast'

    Entries have just passed 1400 and the on-line booking system closes on Monday.
  • Registrations for the Exmoor Beast are now approaching 1600 and extra parking capacity has just been arranged at Butlins. Looks like it's going to be a great climax to the sportive season, so a big thanks to all who have already signed up. Today's the last chance to book a place; on-line entries close at midnight.
  • JamesB
    JamesB Posts: 1,184
    check the weather carefully as it makes a big difference to this one (

    forecasts seem to be very much settling now for cold and dry but probably quite breezy later in day; but at least DRY :)

    Looks to be my first serious outing of winter clothing, better check it still fits :lol:
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    Im down for the 100 mile and hoping to complete it in under 8 hours. Kinda looking forward to it and kinda dreading it. Ive just come back from a 16 day holiday so trying to get back into the rythum on my bike again. I done 60 miles and 3000ft of hills without stopping on Sunday so fingers crossed I will be ok on the day.
  • This'll be my first sportive, taking part in the 100k. 39/53 and 12/25. Been told to expect death. We'll see.
  • Wrap up warm reformedfatty, don't go off too fast in the opening miles and you'll be absolutely fine to tame The Beast. Of the 1611 entrants, several are sportive virgins, so you won't be on your own. Aim to be in one of the first waves of riders to leave the start and you should have company most of the way round.
  • Did the Beauty in the spring, which by he way didn't live up to it's name, but really looking forward to the Beast. Aiming for an A finish in my age category. Good luck to everyone.
  • That was cold wet and windy! Did the 100miles, most of which on my own, 1 puncture at about 65 miles that cost me a silver :( 6:49 moving, 7:06 overall. Good day out though, enjoyed it but could have done with finding a group that were traveling at my pace.
  • great event despite the inclement conditions. I was a bit surprised that my garmin recorded 2000m of ascent rather than the 1300m advertised for the 100km event
  • Great route, really enjoyed it, it was my first Beast...BUT
    Not normally one to moan but turning up to a venue the size of Butlin's at 0700, only to be turned away as there was no parking is very bad management. You knew how many had registered, which should have given you an idea on the amount of spaces needed.
    Cannondale Synapse Carbon Road
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  • Made it round, gear ratios definately made the first climb a struggle, combined with the cattle grid mat making a bid for freedom under the immense power (maybe) that I was putting through the rear wheel. Couldnt hurt to put some eyelets through that and tie it down.

    4:29 on the 100k. Huge respect to those on the 100 miler, despite overshoes, sealskins and winter gloves my fingers and toes were numb by ~60k.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    100 miler done. 2850m climbing, so the organisers have been telling some porkies...

    My right IT band went 30 miles in, so those last 70 were incredibly painful. Can't wait to do it again!
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • JamesB
    JamesB Posts: 1,184
    my garmin recorded 2000m of ascent

    1800 m on mine so organisers do seem to have badly understated ascent on 100 km. There was a total of 600m climbing to the A39 junction, then another 450 out of Lynmouth to S`bath + all the subsequent sections of 100- 150 m out to Wheddon etc; so I `believe` my Garmin here
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    I did it, 100 miles. Although it took me 9 and half hours. I couldnt move my fingers at the end, I had to use the palm of my hand to change gears. I lost my climbing legs around mile 60, so was really slow on all the hills from then on. I must have hurt my ankle as well and not realised due to the cold and not being able to feel most of my body.

    The worst thing is, I forgot my Mug. I left it on the table in the crazy horse bar. GGGGGrrrrrrrrr
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Good job on doing the full route!

    Aside from my knee going I lost feeling in my feet at 20 miles and had to change gloves at 60 miles as the others were soaked through. The descents were incredibly scary for me as my brakes were worn to nothing and I was so hard on them my hands kept cramping (still couldn't scrub sufficient speed for several very hairy corners!). I reckon in nice weather it would have been a lovely ride.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • FoldingJoe
    FoldingJoe Posts: 1,327
    Anybody know what distance the ford was at?
    Little boy to Obama: "My Dad says that you read all our emails"
    Obama to little boy: "He's not your real Dad"

    Kona Honky Tonk for sale: http://www.bikeradar.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40090&t=13000807
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    IIRC it was somewhere around the 14-17 mile mark. I rambled straight through it, although others attempted it with varying degrees of success.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Grill wrote:
    100 miler done. 2850m climbing, so the organisers have been telling some porkies...

    My right IT band went 30 miles in, so those last 70 were incredibly painful. Can't wait to do it again!

    I had exactly the same problem - my right knee was killing me after about 20 miles (although I only did the 60 miler). I was telling myself it was just a knock or something, didn't realise that cycling can also cause ITB problems (I'd only had it during running up until now) - but annoyingly it seems that's exactly what it was. Was absolute agony limping round the rest of the course.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    pibrahim wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    100 miler done. 2850m climbing, so the organisers have been telling some porkies...

    My right IT band went 30 miles in, so those last 70 were incredibly painful. Can't wait to do it again!

    I had exactly the same problem - my right knee was killing me after about 20 miles (although I only did the 60 miler). I was telling myself it was just a knock or something, didn't realise that cycling can also cause ITB problems (I'd only had it during running up until now) - but annoyingly it seems that's exactly what it was. Was absolute agony limping round the rest of the course.

    Yup, I have serious ITB issues (my asymmetry exasperates it when cycling). It was my own fault as I hadn't used my foam roller enough last week and I'd been caning hills. I'll be on my roller for a good hour today. Oh joy!
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • tc345
    tc345 Posts: 98
    Anyone have any idea when the timings go up on the website? I got mine at the end but i want to check to make sure that i didn't mis-read it and get an idea of moving vs overall time. The bike computer wasn't working so i only have a vague idea of time from my watch...

    I enjoyed it though, the first climb was pretty steep and on the extra loop for the 100 miles some of the climbs really got to my legs! The inner ring got a full workout and i am well acquainted with my 25 sprocket!!
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    I hope that 25t was mated to a compact! If not you're certainly a stronger and braver man than myself!
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • tc345
    tc345 Posts: 98
    Grill wrote:
    I hope that 25t was mated to a compact! If not you're certainly a stronger and braver man than myself!

    There would be no way i would have gotten up that first climb on a double, let alone the short, sharp ones later on!
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Using a triple? If so you could probably manage a 28t on a compact.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • tc345
    tc345 Posts: 98
    Grill wrote:
    Using a triple? If so you could probably manage a 28t on a compact.

    Compact got me up ok. i've never bothered getting a different cassette than what came on the bike tbh. Round my way there is little need for the inner ring, let alone anything bigger than 25t. What did you use?
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Compact with an 11-28. I was happy for the bailout on Crook Horn Hill but aside from that even with the knee gone the 24t sufficed.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • wyadvd
    wyadvd Posts: 590
    Did the 100 mile route. Ha! Just goes to prove how wrong the medium term forecast can be! It was 8celsius 25-40mph NW winds and almost constant heavy rain. Loved it! Few ambulances around for those of us who believed the forecast though re: hypothermia!
  • tc345
    tc345 Posts: 98
    wyadvd wrote:
    Did the 100 mile route. Ha! Just goes to prove how wrong the medium term forecast can be! It was 8celsius 25-40mph NW winds and almost constant heavy rain. Loved it! Few ambulances around for those of us who believed the forecast though re: hypothermia!

    Rule 9! Woop woop!