Paralympics - Good luck Pokerface!



  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,089
    Pross wrote:
    Hmm, we seem to have a couple of trolls here (or more likely one troll with two accounts judging by the way tis follows daveyc everywhere). From what I can tell daveyc is jealous that a world champion para cyclist has the audacity to approach companies for sponsorship and so has taken to sniping at Colin who very rarely even uses this site anymore so cannot defend himself. Proper cowardly troll behaviour - maybe it's that idiot Colin made to look a fool a couple of years back? I suspect this person hasn't won any world titles in either persona or even represented their country at world or Olympic / Paralympic level but like to laugh at other's 'failures'.

    You should be on Cracker. No, really :roll: .

    You registered in 2011 and that's your first post? Great contribution. :roll:

    Congrats on your non-existant cycling career by the way.

    Yep, and the 'other two' registered within days of each other and just a few weeks earlier. Very sad that people go to such lengths. Colin may not have won an Olympic gold but he was there and also has a world champs jersey. This person has probably never even won a local chipper (or even entered one, you have to have a pretty sad and empty life to behave like that.


    100% agree, easier to sit at home in your pants and spread hatrid than actually achieve something
  • I think you misunderstand, I'm not making any negative comment about Pokerface at all. What I am expressing a view about is the extent to which some contributors here speculate about the possible reasons and motivations of individuals who happen to express a different point of view. It is inevitable that this is usually done without there being any knowledge at all about the particular contributor. However, Pross' analysis was quite exceptional on this occasion and worthy of comment. What is interesting and a little predictable to see is that, in so doing, the same speculative assumptions are being made again.

    There was no "expression" of a different or alternate point of view though. It was trolling. Plain, simple, purile trolling aimed at a successful athlete by some individual who (from a previous post - i.e. actual evidence) took some strange exception by the fact he applies for sponsorship to continue and support his profession.
    2011 Trek Madone 3.1c
    2012 Ribble 7005 Winter Trainer

    Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,174
    Yep, in addition to the post above we have recently had this in response from Davey C to a suggestion that Pokerface could possibly help with an informed comment about testing procedures
    Unlikely to help, he has to beg/borrow/steal his kit, I imagine any PEDS would be the same.
    with the hilarious favourite response of tis of :lol:

    tis registered within days of Davey C and seems to follow him around like a bad smell with 10 posts over nearly 2 years almost all coming within seconds of a Davey C post and backing him up. I'd say it's a perfectly reasonable deduction.
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