All 2013 models are 29ers?



  • wobbem
    wobbem Posts: 283
    Delicately put as always there Yeehaa :lol:
    Cheers. It's the reason why I earn a bit of extra money at the hospital, by being the one who breaks the news to parents about their child's terminal cancer.
    :lol::lol: :twisted:
    Just got back from Les Arcs, did 99000 ft descending on my 29er hardtail, sweet as. I'm 5' 8" and 48. :mrgreen: Usual adage "It's not the bike but the rider".
    Don't think, BE:
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Rankles wrote:
    I don't actually have a point, I just want to moan. Oh, and I'm also going to state the kinds of facts that need quotation marks around them, you know... "facts"
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Rankles wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    Rankles wrote:
    Wow, since when was this forum full of assholes trying to start a fight?

    My point isn't that I can't buy a 2013 bike, or that I didn't want a 2012 bike. It's that for the forseeable future all new models of the top brands could be 29ers which whilst I have already said, I am fully in favour of, I am not built for. Neither are lots of riders. It's excluding people who would otherwise have the need for a top spec bike.

    I'm not focusing on this year, or even next year. But if this continues what do I do in a year or so when 2012 and 2011 models are long gone?
    Calling yeehaa an asshole may be accurate, but it's a bit rude as well. Most of us assholes are not trying to start fights, just people who are obviously wrong assume that.

    Why are you not built for a 29er? They come in different sizes, just like 26ers.

    Swearing at me on a forum for voicing an opinion which is hardly controversial isn't cool.

    29ers are shown to be beneficial to most riders, however I'm only 5'8 and it's been shown that I would actually get less of an advantage, if not slight disadvantage from riding one. 650b is supposed to be an interesting option but until there's more availability 26" is ideal. I'm now in a position that I have the money, want a top spec bike and can't buy one without feeling like I'm not getting something that's right for me.

    Apparently that causes yeehaa a problem.

    Are you on drugs? You called people arseholes (see bolded bit). I agreed that Yeehaa is one (bolded bit again).

    I then asked a simple question (see italics).

    (I have made bold and italic so you can pick out the relevent bits easily).

    So where did I swear at you?

    You may apologies now.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    Rankles wrote:

    29ers are shown to be beneficial to most riders, however I'm only 5'8 and it's been shown that I would actually get less of an advantage, if not slight disadvantage from riding one. 650b is supposed to be an interesting option but until there's more availability 26" is ideal. I'm now in a position that I have the money, want a top spec bike and can't buy one without feeling like I'm not getting something that's right for me.

    Apparently that causes yeehaa a problem.

    I think, and I hesitate to put anything in Yeehaa's mouth, what annoys Yeehaa is that you are stating the following:

    a) You have money to purchase a new bike
    b) You want a top spec 26er bike
    c) The 2013 models appear not be 26ers
    d) The 2012 models are 26ers
    e) You dont want to buy a top spec 2012 model for reasons as yet unclarified.

    This is leading Yeehaa, and possibly others, not me obviously but "others", to believe the following:

    a) You are a bit of an asshole who is making a small problem that in reality doesnt exist into somethign of a mountain

    Moving on:

    Personally I think the idea of making a 29er only range of bikes is a good idea if you are making a bike that has very specific geometry and suspension to best utilise the larger wheel format. I find the 29 and 26 varieties of the same bike a little difficult to understand as they appear on the face of it to be entirely different.

    A 26er stumpy looks to be a very capable 140mm travel trail bike where as the 29er stumpy seems a bit less hardcore, bit more xc to me but they appear int he line up in the same category as though completely interchangeable - I am not sure they are.

    As a 5'6 fella i am supposedly not suited to a 29er although my mates large stumpy actually has enough standover for me to think a small might fit me but it feels a bit awkward a bit slow steering and just doesnt have the snap and zest of a 26er for me. For that reason, alogn with financial ones, I am out.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    what annoys Yeehaa...
    Many, many things :lol:
    But in this case, yeah I guess you're right.
  • lm_trek
    lm_trek Posts: 1,470
    I was in the spesh concept store birmingham today, playing on a camber, chatting to the guy in there he said there would be a 26er range of cambers for 2013 they just haven't annouced them yet.

    He could of been talking rubbish or maybe some truth in it, time will tell.
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    lm_trek wrote:
    I was in the spesh concept store birmingham today, playing on a camber, chatting to the guy in there he said there would be a 26er range of cambers for 2013 they just haven't annouced them yet.

    He could have been talking rubbish or maybe some truth in it, time will tell.

    I hope so, then Rankles will be able to not buy one for some other reason that he won't tell us.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.