Tour Gear



  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    FoldingJoe wrote:
    Did you parents take you to the Doctor's about it? Probably some sort of lack of blood flow if it was white. :);)

    Seriously, I'm sure the difference between your helmet from 18years ago(?) and this one is like chalk and cheese, Rick.

    How has the thread degenerated to talk of cheesy helmets? :(
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    FoldingJoe wrote:
    FoldingJoe wrote:
    Just playing devils advocate, but does anybody think that company such as Giro haven't done sufficient R&D, which probably included feedback from several sports persons, in coming up with this helmet?

    It's not like these helmets haven't been around for a while.

    My helmet when I was 5 looked just like that.

    Did you parents take you to the Doctor's about it? Probably some sort of lack of blood flow if it was white. :);)

    Seriously, I'm sure the difference between your helmet from 18years ago(?) and this one is like chalk and cheese, Rick.

    I bet the difference is minimal.

    I bet.

    It's just fashion. What else can helmet people do. "Oh look, ANOTHER helmet that's lighter and cooler, this time lighter by 2g and an extra hole for ventilation". Big whoop.
  • Dorset_Boy
    Dorset_Boy Posts: 7,402
    Looks like they made too many ski helmets for last winter and are recycling them to shift 'em. :P
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Pross wrote:
    If that 16 secs over 40km has any proof behind it I would assume it is based on riding solo where aerodynamics make a big difference. In the last 40km of a race a rider like Cav will be behind others for 99% of the time and will often be freewheeling in the slipstream, an aero helmet will therefore give very little benefit in a bunch situation as far as I can see. So I agree on the marketing BS point!

    But what if Cavendish is riding behind his team, all who are wearing an aero road helmet? They can either ride faster or ride at the same speed but using less energy. Then Cavendish will have more team mates at the end of the race?

    And what about the rider on a break either in a group or on their own, will it not help him a bit?

    Mind you, you could wear one of these instead, it would have pretty much the same effect.


    As Michael Hutchinson did in his hour record attempt.
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    Grah - will people stop banging on about it being too hot!

    "Ventilation is obviously still a paramount concern for road cyclists, though, and Giro has tackled the challenge by maximizing the Air Attack's internal channel design - an approach similar to the company's full-blown Selector time trial model. There's also a new Roc Loc Air retention system that helps suspend the entire helmet 3mm off the top of the rider's head. In theory, the combination creates enough space inside the helmet such that whatever air does come in has so much room to flow that the Air Attack doesn't feel overly hot.

    In fact, Giro PR man Mark Riedy claims that pressure differentials and Venturi effects make the Air Attack about as cool as having no helmet on at all based on Giro's in-house testing on its instrumented headform (the Aeon, by the way, is supposedly cooler than a bare head). That being said, such a cooling mechanism likely also depends on the rider moving at a reasonable rate of speed, meaning that at first glance, the Air Attack doesn't seem to be the ideal choice for a hot day of steep climbing."

    Marketing speak imho, but they have addressed the heat issue!
  • alwaystoohot
    alwaystoohot Posts: 252
    Saves you 17 seconds over 40kms... hhmmm....... marketing blah blah blah at its best me thinkies......
    'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    So first they sell us helmets on the basis of so many vents.
    Then when they cant get any more vents in they sell us helmets on the basis of speed. And tell us we didn't need the vents anyway.

    I saw a bloke racing Ironman last year with a full aero helmet on - all the lo pro kit, but he had his rainjacket on, and the hood was open in the wind behind him like a drag chute. :-)
  • jonginge
    jonginge Posts: 5,945
    Saves you 17 seconds over 40kms... hhmmm....... marketing blah blah blah at its best me thinkies......
    Or about a metre in a sprint. If true
    FCN 2-4 "Shut up legs", Jens Voigt
    Planet-x Scott
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Saves you 17 seconds over 40kms... hhmmm....... marketing blah blah blah at its best me thinkies......

    Doesn't have to be 17 seconds though, does it? For a pro rider a second would be enough for it to be worth using.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Saves you 17 seconds over 40kms... hhmmm....... marketing blah blah blah at its best me thinkies......

    Doesn't have to be 17 seconds though, does it? For a pro rider a second would be enough for it to be worth using.

    Assuming you don't lose more seconds for having no vents...
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Saves you 17 seconds over 40kms... hhmmm....... marketing blah blah blah at its best me thinkies......

    Doesn't have to be 17 seconds though, does it? For a pro rider a second would be enough for it to be worth using.

    Assuming you don't lose more seconds for having no vents...

    If it's hot, you don't wear it. If it's a Giro that are sponsoring your team, you wear one of their vented helmets intead. It's no different from Castelli making an aero and a climbers jersey, you wear the one that's best for the conditions.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    They make 'climbing' jerseys?!?!
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    edited June 2012
    They make 'climbing' jerseys?!?!

    Oh come on Mr. Chasey, keep up! Your just gonna have to ditch that wool jersey that your Mum knitted you and get with the times!

    garmin-climbers-jrsy-12.jpg?w=2000&h=2000&a=7 ... rsey-2012/
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    They certainly make aero ones - than Garmin bloke at het neuwsblad?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    They make 'climbing' jerseys?!?!

    Oh come on Mr. Chasey, keep up! Your just gonna have to ditch that wool jersey that your Mum knitted you and get with the times!

    garmin-climbers-jrsy-12.jpg?w=2000&h=2000&a=7 ... rsey-2012/

    OK, so it's the same fit only 'lighter' and more cooling?

    Fair enough. Great for when you're bombing downhill.

    Rapha call them lightweight. I've got a lovely baby blue one. Tighter fit than their normal black jersey, so it looks better on me.

    A little long though - so I'm slightly rocking the '50s jersey look when I have stuff in my pockets. The colour doesn't help.

    Bloody comfy though. It's got a little tiny secret pouch for your pills too. I sh!t you not.
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    ddraver wrote:
    They certainly make aero ones - than Garmin bloke at het neuwsblad?

    They make an aero jersey and a "road" skinsuit, think it's called the San Remo, which I think Vanmarcke used in Het Nieuwsblad.
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    A little long though - so I'm slightly rocking the '50s jersey look when I have stuff in my pockets.

    Oh I can't stand that. I quite like Mavic jerseys as they are a bit shorter and you don't end up looking like that! :D
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    A little long though - so I'm slightly rocking the '50s jersey look when I have stuff in my pockets.

    Oh I can't stand that. I quite like Mavic jerseys as they are a bit shorter and you don't end up looking like that! :D

    When you're my height, you just live with it... :P
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    ddraver wrote:
    They certainly make aero ones - than Garmin bloke at het neuwsblad?

    They make an aero jersey and a "road" skinsuit, think it's called the San Remo, which I think Vanmarcke used in Het Nieuwsblad.

    Yeah 'im!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • josame
    josame Posts: 1,162
    edited June 2012
    Not sold on helmets in general .....

    I've often wondered about this comment ...

    Just a little experiment - if I was to hit you on the head with sledge hammer would you rather be wearing a helmet?

    'Do not compare your bike to others, for always there will be greater and lesser bikes'
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    ddraver wrote:
    ddraver wrote:
    They certainly make aero ones - than Garmin bloke at het neuwsblad?

    They make an aero jersey and a "road" skinsuit, think it's called the San Remo, which I think Vanmarcke used in Het Nieuwsblad.

    Yeah 'im!

    And Van Summeren used one when he won Roubaix last year.

  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,183
    josame wrote:
    Not sold on helmets in general .....

    I've often wondered about this comment ...

    Just a little experiment - if I was to hit you on the head with sledge hammer would you rather be wearing a helmet?


    Please no - I'd take being hit on the head with a sledge hammer rather than that 'debate' making it from Beginners into Pro Race!!! :roll:
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,793
    josame wrote:
    Not sold on helmets in general .....

    I've often wondered about this comment ...

    Just a little experiment - if I was to hit you on the head with sledge hammer would you rather be wearing a helmet?


    yeah I would... damm never thought of that. I see now how bankrupt my statement was. I'm clearly no match for your superior debating skillz
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • sonny73
    sonny73 Posts: 2,203
    ddraver wrote:
    They certainly make aero ones - than Garmin bloke at het neuwsblad?

    They make an aero jersey and a "road" skinsuit, think it's called the San Remo, which I think Vanmarcke used in Het Nieuwsblad.
    Also a team jersey, which is anatomically cut. I have one, super comfy. Garmin wear those on occasions too I believe.
  • Rule74Please
    Rule74Please Posts: 307
    Marketing hype!!!

    If they made a get laid one you'd all buy it too. We have got to the end of sensible evolution so all that is left is marketing ideas to get us to empty our wallets.

    They don't make it for the pro's (no ROI in that) it is made to sell. A bit like numpties handing over £150+ for a jersey sown in Switzerland from material made from the same roll as a £40 jersey
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Marketing hype!!!

    So you think that this...


    is as aerodynamic as this?

  • Rule74Please
    Rule74Please Posts: 307
    Not what I said. However 85% of the drag comes off the rider. I seriously doubt the claims made as they have not told us who independently verified and peer reviewed their findings. Hence I feel they came from the marketing team to oddly SELL more helmets.

    Hands up if you bought the helmet worn by Armstrong!! If you did you fell for marketing
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Sure, I know that's not what you said, but how about you answer the question? If you were a pro rider, it's not a hot day, which helmet would you wear? Don't you think that a helmet with vents isn't going to be as aerodynamic as one with none?

    Sure, Giro are trying to sell helmets, but are they not just trying to make a better product? What's wrong with that?