BR Fanboi!



  • shockedsoshocked
    shockedsoshocked Posts: 4,021
    I do love a bit of Ulle and his massive quads.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    Put me down for the Little Tommy Voeckler fanboi.

    And the Katusha Team fanboi.
  • secretsqirrel
    secretsqirrel Posts: 2,037
    Vinokourov fan'boi' since 2003. Astana since 2006.
    2009 was a tough year for me. Talk about emotional rollercoaster :shock:
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    2009 was a tough year for me. Talk about emotional rollercoaster :shock:

    That's what I like to hear, a true fanboi knows how to suffer!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    2009 was a tough year for me. Talk about emotional rollercoaster :shock:

    That's what I like to hear, a true fanboi knows how to suffer!

    Absolutely. I was more or less the only chap here waving the Boonen flag in the last two years. I even endured the coke taunts.... Now all the Boonen fans come out of the woodwork!
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    2009 was a tough year for me. Talk about emotional rollercoaster :shock:

    That's what I like to hear, a true fanboi knows how to suffer!

    Absolutely. I was more or less the only chap here waving the Boonen flag in the last two years. I even endured the coke taunts.... Now all the Boonen fans come out of the woodwork!

    And there was this...


    How old was she again?
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,185
    2009 was a tough year for me. Talk about emotional rollercoaster :shock:

    That's what I like to hear, a true fanboi knows how to suffer!

    Absolutely. I was more or less the only chap here waving the Boonen flag in the last two years. I even endured the coke taunts.... Now all the Boonen fans come out of the woodwork!

    And there was this...


    How old was she again?

    Looks more than old enough to me - those bikini shots would convince any judge and jury surely? Honest mistake :lol:
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    Pross wrote:
    Looks more than old enough to me - those bikini shots would convince any judge and jury surely? Honest mistake :lol:

    She looks old enough to me too. And yes. I would. If I weren't married. And deliriously happy of course ;)
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    2009 was a tough year for me. Talk about emotional rollercoaster :shock:

    That's what I like to hear, a true fanboi knows how to suffer!

    Absolutely. I was more or less the only chap here waving the Boonen flag in the last two years. I even endured the coke taunts.... Now all the Boonen fans come out of the woodwork!

    And there was this...


    How old was she again?

    Pfft. I have my opinions on the matter.

    Current gf: tomboonen_lore_koppel.gif
  • secretsqirrel
    secretsqirrel Posts: 2,037
    2009 was a tough year for me. Talk about emotional rollercoaster :shock:

    That's what I like to hear, a true fanboi knows how to suffer!

    And be prepared to bleed for their team.

    Did I really just write that? :oops:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Fanboi for British riders & Team Sky. 2 x road width union jacks & and plenty of rider name & sky painting.

    Partly Wiggo, have painted road several times & have his TT board from last year's Vuelta.
    Think he's a bit of
    a c*ck though, so I can't be full fanboi.

    G, if he wadn't already taken: really like how he's so down to earth and seems a genuinely decent lad. Have painted road several times and have his TT board from the Giro (would gave been awesome souvenir if his time had stuck).

    I'd have a chance of Cav if Tusher wasn't about. Have painted road etc etc
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    I know afx has been assigned someone, but he's always been the bastion of unknown up and comers in small Belgian races.

    Jens Keukeleire was one of the riders he championed from early on
  • BelgianBeerGeek
    BelgianBeerGeek Posts: 5,226
    Geraint - spoke to him at the start of the TdF 2010. Really nice chap, got his autograph. Mrs BBGeek really smitten. I think he's the only pro rider she knows by name!

    Michael Barry. True gent, what a bike rider. Impressive guy all round.

    But...fanboi. Nicky Roche. Feel it in my bones that this year will be his year.
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Geraint - spoke to him at the start of the TdF 2010. Really nice chap, got his autograph. Mrs BBGeek really smitten. I think he's the only pro rider she knows by name!

    Michael Barry. True gent, what a bike rider. Impressive guy all round.

    But...fanboi. Nicky Roche. Feel it in my bones that this year will be his year.

    I think you don't get to be a named fanboi and a Beer guru too..... :wink:
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver