Russians Doping.



  • people in the team should be aware 'something' was going on.

    People I work with aren't aware of how much time I spend on this forum... :wink:

    They work/live/eat/sleep with you! :shock: :wink:

    From what I've read, riders sleep two to a room when on camps or tours. Team physios/masseurs/helpers/docs/nutritionists/coaches/trainers/managers are around them a LOT. there are times when the riders is alone i know, but his job is to be around and with the team for a large part of the year.

    OK, fair enough, I won't be rooming with one of my workmates this evening at a Campanile or an Ibis, but that's not really relevant. I'm looking at and posting on this forum whilst I'm at work, when I should be working. There is no problem if I'm at home, on my own time. Whereas if a pro rider is using EPO, doesn't matter where he does it. On the team bus, at the hotel, at home...

    Anyway, I can see that the team's management may not have known about it, they can't be with a rider all the time. And it's not just the one rider they have to be keeping an eye on. But it's quite likely someone on the team, maybe a team mate or a soigneur knew he was up to something.
  • josame
    josame Posts: 1,162
    people in the team should be aware 'something' was going on.

    People I work with aren't aware of how much time I spend on this forum... :wink:

    They work/live/eat/sleep with you! :shock: :wink:

    From what I've read, riders sleep two to a room when on camps or tours. Team physios/masseurs/helpers/docs/nutritionists/coaches/trainers/managers are around them a LOT. there are times when the riders is alone i know, but his job is to be around and with the team for a large part of the year.

    I think that is a misconception re togetherness... teams can be as high as 28 - 30 riders (ie not racing every week), they spend weeks on end training on their own. Camps are short and exceptional.
    'Do not compare your bike to others, for always there will be greater and lesser bikes'
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,450
    josame wrote:

    I think that is a misconception re togetherness... teams can be as high as 28 - 30 riders (ie not racing every week), they spend weeks on end training on their own. Camps are short and exceptional.

    It depends on the team. Liquigas, as an example, hold frequent camps, usually at altitude, for all their non-racing riders. I think they are fairly unique though.
  • andrewjoseph
    andrewjoseph Posts: 2,165
    I think it would be a poor coach/manager that didn't spot unexplained changes to a riders performance throughout the year. Just as it's the riders job to be around the team, it's the manager/coaches job to carefully watch the performance of their riders.

    Not every team has the equipment that Team GB has to monitor riders condition and health, but they should be able to see how the rider performs on the road before and after any doping, especially as many riders now routinely use power meters. Either doping will give a power/endurance boost or it is doing nothing. if it is doing nothing the rider will see and adjust doping regime, if it is enhancing, it will be noticed by the coaches/manager/other riders in the team.

    My view is that it is virtually impossible to dupe the coach/manager for years at a time.
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    Dave_1 wrote:
    I think this Russian will be micro dosing like Alberto to mask transfusions..doing EPO on it's own seems too old school. Think the Russian should explain who the at least two other enablers were..1 courier and 1 Dr at least

    Zabel's advice

    "Erik Zabel ‏ @EteZabel · Close
    I wish Denis,that he'll find Rest&that his Family&good Friends are Strong enough to help him Out in the next Months!good Luck&dont Comeback!

    That final "&dont Comeback!" doesn't fit at all with the rest of the message. Waiting to see if Zabel corrects himself at some point.
  • thomthom
    thomthom Posts: 3,574
    My russian isn't what it used to be.. Neither is Google's... But anyway.. ... t=&act=url

    - And you did not realize that the EPO is detected quite easily?

    "Understand perfectly. Therefore stabbed him in very small quantities, predicted breeding periods. If the ampoule was 1,000 units, then divided into five injections. Monitor trends, analyze. Remember the story when the driver Lotto team found the hormone TB-500. This trend of the Australian veterinary medicine. It is also called "equine hormone." In that year, Lotto rider Philippe Gilbert won almost everywhere started. "
  • salsiccia1
    salsiccia1 Posts: 3,725
    It's only a bit of sport, Mun. Relax and enjoy the racing.