A nice friendly sport...



  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Seems fair.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • chez_m356
    chez_m356 Posts: 1,893
    Stav wrote:
    Just to clarify, I do have a penis, but enjoy reading, long walks in the rain and knitting. :P
    thats a bit harsh, does your boyfriend know you call him that ? :lol:
    Specialized Hardrock Sport Disc 10- CANYON Nerve AM 6 2011
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    I've watched the whole video now and go-pro man certainly does his best to wind punchy up. Any idiot or copper knows if you wave a pokey finger in someone's face who is arguing with you they are going to kick off, its human nature.
  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    chez_m356 wrote:
    Stav wrote:
    Just to clarify, I do have a penis, but enjoy reading, long walks in the rain and knitting. :P
    thats a bit harsh, does your boyfriend know you call him that ? :lol:

    *makes sailor hand pose* well, thats the only part of him thats useful..

    ohnohedidnt! :lol:
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    stubs wrote:
    people who wear Go pros are almost universally knob heads who think they are gods gift.
  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160
    i liked the screaming like a girl right at the end of the vid
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    That's brilliant.

    According to the author on this: http://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comm ... ills_have/

    His version of events is that the guy pulled off and asked 'Where does it go?' (trail)

    To me it sounds more like Sir Whinybollocks says 'What are you doing?!' and Sir Punchybollocks says 'I'm letting you go'. Only to watch aforementioned whiner to ride the wrong way.

    They deserve each other.
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    I love the comment "I was worried about my go pro or I would have had him" Your getting the snot kicked out of you by a bloke twice your age and twice your belly size and you would have had him. LOL what a pair of knobs is everyone in NZ a whiney bitch or a physco beer belly.
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    stubs wrote:
    I love the comment "I was worried about my go pro or I would have had him" Your getting the snot kicked out of you by a bloke twice your age and twice your belly size and you would have had him. LOL what a pair of knobs is everyone in NZ a whiney ***** or a physco beer belly.

    Yes absolutely, wasn't that obvious from the video? All the women are fat drunken slags as well.
    Or am I thinking of a flat bit of Lancashire?
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    cooldad wrote:
    stubs wrote:
    I love the comment "I was worried about my go pro or I would have had him" Your getting the snot kicked out of you by a bloke twice your age and twice your belly size and you would have had him. LOL what a pair of knobs is everyone in NZ a whiney ***** or a physco beer belly.

    Yes absolutely, wasn't that obvious from the video? All the women are fat drunken slags as well.
    Or am I thinking of a flat bit of Lancashire?

    Only the ones I am banging.
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Peat wrote:
    His version of events is that the guy pulled off and asked 'Where does it go?' (trail)

    To me it sounds more like Sir Whinybollocks says 'What are you doing?!' and Sir Punchybollocks says 'I'm letting you go'. Only to watch aforementioned whiner to ride the wrong way.

    Neither really makes much sense though, he cuts across the corner and stops dead right across the trail, you wouldn't do that either to ask directions or to let someone pass, unless you're a nutter.

    Still... Not sure why people are taking sides here, they're both bellends.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    The reality is Punchy was riding as fast as he could go and beyond his ability (can see that when he takes his feet off the pedals) go-pro matey catches him and has enough capacity to follow casually while asking to pass. punchy then thinks - I'm flat out here, I'm not letting this snotty kid tell me what to do. Its then about measuring their peanuts against each other.

    of course punchy's adrenalin is flat out out, so its his amygdala calling the shots. The amygdala is so primitive that it probably interprets go-pro matey as a hunter, hunting him and floods poor punchy's brain with all sorts of flee, freeze fight instincts. Hence he belts go-pro man.

    Go pro man is particularly annoying, the sort of bloke who's likely to tell you not to have a fight because they have studied carrot-tay.

    Given how small NZ is and that the police cannot trace punchy, my take is punchy is plod.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    NZ is small, but also has fewer cops, obviously. Having lived there for a long time, I'd say most likely they are just not particularly interested. Looks like no one was actually injured, and go pro guy was being a d1ck anyway. Hand bags at dawn sort of stuff.
    And all we actually saw was punchy covering the camera and go pro girly squealing. NZ cops tend to be quite pragmatic, like most Kiwis.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    To be honest though if a guy had said you can go past, then didn't pull over at all i'd get fed up, but then I'm impatient.

    But on the whole both a pair of nobbers
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    I dunno about Kiwi law, but UK cops would arrest and talk him in to accepting a caution. There is enough on tape to do punchy and he's probably the sort of guy that would tell the cops that he didn't need them telling him he couldn't give some snotty kid a slap for not showing respect to his elders.
  • concorde
    concorde Posts: 1,008
    Guy in front should have pulled over, was embarrassing having someone all over his back wheel, he had plenty of opportunity to. But when they nearly come together and both stop why did the one behind go back up and round to be behind him again, should have gone left and been done with it.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    diy wrote:
    I dunno about Kiwi law, but UK cops would arrest and talk him in to accepting a caution. There is enough on tape to do punchy and he's probably the sort of guy that would tell the cops that he didn't need them telling him he couldn't give some snotty kid a slap for not showing respect to his elders.
    But how much effort would they put into tracking him down? Doubt they'd have an APB out on him, and seal the borders.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    you should see the resources they wasted when I was bit by a dog. Embarrassing, since I only reported it in case they already had a file on the owner and dog.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    diy wrote:
    snotty kid a slap
    Slightly off topic, but there is a very satisfying South African (Afrikaans) term for this - a snotklap. Literally a slap/hit that knocks the snot out of someone.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Another similar incident, minus the assault, at Cannock Chase:


    Also, at the end of the video, he is seen to be cutting someone up quite badly. I dont know if it was his riding buddy as he isnt in front of him for the whole video, or if its one the offending 'slow' riders, but he seems quicker than him.

    Where is the patience and respect? They say nothing to the guys on the trail, yet behind the safety of their computer at home, post the video and call them 'slow as hell old bastards'.

    A trail centre is open to anyone, even an old man on a BSO, so that we can just enjoy the sport we do.
    People like these guys, and both men in the NZ video, just bring us a bad reputation and intimidate new riders wanting to enjoy trail centres.
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    What an utter dick. From his youtube channel he's just a knob who think's he's gods gift and just insults anyone and everyone from the safety of his PC, he might benefit from a kicking IMO, at least screamy whiny gopro guy complained to the guys face.

    This latest fucktard also seems to be fairly local to me from his videos, hope I don't see him out and about because he'll make me look very stupid and slow in comparisson to his godlike skills and might make a video about it... I mean just him being out on his DH rig and full gear in the nice and tame local woods will make me look like a complete loser straight away :roll:
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Yep - I agree, but I reckon it was his riding buddy as he was in front of him most of the ride. I think there is a difference between coming up on slow riders and looking to pass, and coming up on riders who have stopped and not slowing down. The old guy didn't look before setting off, but matey should have slowed to a near stop when he saw the riders stopped. He had absolutely no idea why they had stopped and therefore you should assume there may be a problem or even a man down.

    It may be trail etiquette to let faster riders pass, but if they don't you don't have some sort of right of way to ride them off the trail. Basic safety really.
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Another similar incident, minus the assault, at Cannock Chase:


    :shock: What a hero that djbikesonline is reading his reponses makes me wonder if his mummy forgot buy his favourite brand of cereal that morning :lol:
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    stubs wrote:
    Another similar incident, minus the assault, at Cannock Chase:


    :shock: What a hero that djbikesonline is reading his reponses makes me wonder if his mummy forgot buy his favourite brand of cereal that morning :lol:

    Also without wanting to sound like a twunt but he's not even that fast down there in the first place.
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Never ridden that trail but it doesnt exactly look like the Alps or a Downhill race track. Looks like a good XC run though, its on my to do list.
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    stubs wrote:
    Never ridden that trail but it doesnt exactly look like the Alps or a Downhill race track. Looks like a good XC run though, its on my to do list.

    It's a really nice bit of descent. Not too techy, fast, flowy, some nice air available, can be a bit hairy on the bottom half depending on conditions and I've seen a fair few crashes where people have gotten to close to the edge to find there's no grip there and slid off the edge down the side. Aside from that just a couple of places where it's a little rutted which you hit at quite high speed so from experience they're not that pleasant on a hardtail. Best bit is it only takes 5 to 10 minutes to get back to the top depending on how quick you are up hills (and assuming you don't get slowed down by old twats :lol:)
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Angry Bird wrote:
    stubs wrote:
    Never ridden that trail but it doesnt exactly look like the Alps or a Downhill race track. Looks like a good XC run though, its on my to do list.

    It's a really nice bit of descent. Not too techy, fast, flowy, some nice air available, can be a bit hairy on the bottom half depending on conditions and I've seen a fair few crashes where people have gotten to close to the edge to find there's no grip there and slid off the edge down the side. Aside from that just a couple of places where it's a little rutted which you hit at quite high speed so from experience they're not that pleasant on a hardtail. Best bit is it only takes 5 to 10 minutes to get back to the top depending on how quick you are up hills (and assuming you don't get slowed down by old twats :lol:)

    I am a slow old tw@t :lol:
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Angry Bird is there enough at Cannock to make it worth a weekend. Just chatting with a couple of mates and we are thinking of a long weekend doing rides in an area we have never been before. Pull a sickie Friday get a B&B friday and sat night ride and booze, ride and booze then ride and booze again. Crawl into work monday with ruined knees and liver :D
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    If I'm honest it's not really somewhere to head for a long weekend.

    Great for filling a days riding, in fact if you really really pushed it you could probably just about eek out 2 days up there, if you don't mind a bit of repetition, but it's not that large an area, not like say the Lakes or Peaks, where you're spoilt for choice, and even when the trail gets a little dull at times the views are great...

    Aside from the marked routes there are some great tracks out there it can be quite hard to find them, and link them together into decent rides unless you know exactly where you're going and what you're looking for, and if you're there for a couple of days I'm guessing you'll be wanting to have some great days riding, not some days of riding the same bits of fireroad repeatedly as you try to work out where to go next.
  • marko75
    marko75 Posts: 52
    Stubbs it depends on where you live..... three weeks ago I drove up to llandegla then drove home via cannock on the sunday (1.5 hours away) after a few beers in north wales. Its a long weekend but a good ride.....if you can get the friday and/or monday off then it might be worth trying to sneak in somewhere else in the north of wales as a cheeky ride (betws etc) ......