Test rides (and strange bike shops)



  • Blimey, went away for 5 minutes and came back to this great read.

    My 2 penneth:

    Half day test ride? you dont get to test a car that long, and could you imagine the strange look you'd get if you asked to test live in a house for a half day? We buy these much more significant items without spending so long in them beforehand. If you ride a bike that long it is no longer new! They were very kind to find a model for you to try, and the owner of it was very kind to let you have it. I wouldn't let someone I didn't know ride my Bianchi for half day. OP has a developed opinion on many matters of global business practise but it would appear a whacking great gap in knowledge with regards to some very basic business realities nearer to home.

    Also, as the OP is clearly well read and thoughful, I'm surprised how little reading / research was done on the matter before heading out to look at bikes. ie "What's a bike fitting / what's geometry, I want it to move when I pedal" ... come on!... and then to say the shop assistant's tone insulted to his intelligence. Jeez...

    Before making a big purchase, research is the key. Whether its your computer, TV, a new kitchen appliance etc. None of which are test driven first.

    OP: I enjoyed this thread and I hope you stay on the forum despite having had a bit of a bashing - it comes with the territory here. I also hope you like whichever bike you end up with. But do try not to be such a numpty.
  • numpty.

    Any day that I read the word numpty on my pc screen at work is a good day - thanks slj