Braking from the hoods



  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Wrath Rob wrote:
    In an emergency you'll be able to excerpt a lot of force from the hoods. When a car pulled out in front of me I managed to apply enough force to endo the bike about 4 inches from the car. Unfortunately I wasn't prepared for this and went over the bars and smacked myself on the front wing. If you can endo the bike from the hoods, then you an apply more than enough power.

    That's kind of what I was saying earlier. If you have good pads and strong arms then you can apply sufficient force from the hoods, but your weight distribution is a lot less stable for a sudden stop. From the drops I instinctively brace my arms and get my weight over the back wheel in an emergency stop situation, makes it a lot easier to control.
  • phy2sll2 wrote:
    Rolf F wrote:
    NB thought I'd remembered all the photography rules but forgot the valve stems at 6 o'clock. D'oh!

    Crank arms aligned with seat tube (drive side down) or, if you are a bit avant garde, with the chain stay (again, drive side down)!

    Yeah, sorry Peter - looks like I gave you a bad steer there! :oops:

    Maybe the source I was quoting meant thirty degrees above the vertical position, drive side down.

    Not to worry, I can tell I'm not going to get the hang of this stuff. For example, glasses arms outside helmet straps just feels wrong to me...