Wakefield & Leeds area riders, well west yorkshire really??



  • Final call guys, who's up for Sunday? Bazmundo, your more than welcome to join us mate, the more the merrier! You all have my mobile if you want to text me? Steve
  • Eddy_B
    Eddy_B Posts: 122
    how did you guys get on, Im sorry I couldnt make it I didnt get out of bed until mid day due to a wine and cheese party Saturday night.

    Felt rough all day.

    However, If anyone fancies Thursday night, Ill be definitely up for that. should we still co-ordinate on here or start emailing each other, Ive forgotten to read the forum before now.

    Also Saturday Afternoon I was at Horsforth Woodside Quarry where the trail pixies have been hard at work and have built a fantastic downhill track thats got all sorts for any one of any ability, its really sweet. there's doubles, a log to jump over, gaps, massive berms and some really nice natural stuff too.
    and there are always the natural descents there too, if anyone wants some coaching let me know Ill hold a class

  • LeeRM
    LeeRM Posts: 45
    Afternoon all, for all those who were going Sunday apologies I didn't make it my night shift on Saturday ran over so didn't get off til late (steve apologies I meant to call you back but due to work been hectic it completely slipped my mind).
    Right I'm happy to contact via this forum, mobile, email.

    I can do Any night this week including Thursday night and I can do Sunday this weekend too.

    Think we need a better line of communication aswell as this forum and finally get these rides sorted, what do you all think???
    " I know the voices aren't real.....but they have some really GOOD ideas! "
  • Hi all, sorry can't do any evening rides this week as I have a few late nights ahead of me :( whatevers best as far as communication is ok by me just let me know what we decide, text or e-mail!

    Bazmundo is out at Dalby this weekend if anyone is interested? Otherwise happy to go with the flow providing that we do something chaps!

    Just keep me in the loop! E-mail address is on my profile just don't send me spam! Otherwise you have my mobile.

    Ed a masterclass sounds great, deffo up for that! S
  • LeeRM
    LeeRM Posts: 45
    I could do with a masterclass too ed good idea!!
    I'll happy do dalby on Sunday, unless I can get a shift swap in I can't do anything on Saturday as above keep me in the loop too I'll PM my mobile.
    " I know the voices aren't real.....but they have some really GOOD ideas! "
  • Eddy_B
    Eddy_B Posts: 122
    I'm committed to a big ride on sunday round Grizedale and Claiffe Heights, but will be free for night rides next week and also can do a ride with some skills sessioning next Sunday I'd say Horsforth and Meanwood are excellent venues for that.

  • LeeRM
    LeeRM Posts: 45
    Ok so if ed is not about this Sunday is anyone else still playing out?
    " I know the voices aren't real.....but they have some really GOOD ideas! "
  • Hi guys - anyone want to meet next weekend 10th or 11th? Let's try and get something organised!
  • Eddy_B
    Eddy_B Posts: 122
    Anyone want to ride Local, I was thinking big loop in Leeds.
    Adel, Meanwood, Horsforth, Calverley, Esholt, etc

    I can throw in some skill sessions too.

  • Ed sounds great to me, you thinking Saturday or Sunday and what time you suggesting? Let me know I am sure we can round some of the guys up!

    A skills session sound just what's needed!

    Count me in but would prefer Saturday if possible?
  • Eddy_B
    Eddy_B Posts: 122
    it would be Sunday for me, sunday morning.

    I have to work Saturday :(
  • Ed, yep Sunday's fine for me! Let me know where an what time?
  • if you guys fancy it, we ride most every Thursday, 7pm end of scotland lane horsforth.
    usually couple of hours tops, nothing ridiculous, chevin, adel, calverley all that...
    Usually at least 3 of us out. let me know if u likely to be out....

  • Eddy_B
    Eddy_B Posts: 122
    half ten at Rodley? the Barge again.

    Go and do Calverley, Thackley, Esholt, Horsforth, maybe Bramley too.

    bit of a figure of eight kind of route, we can do a couple of hours round Calverley, thackley Esholt then back near to rodley where we can decide what to do then go for a further hour or two up to Horsforth.

    Plus there's the bike wash at the shop and a pint a the pub after. or carvery at Horsforth.
  • Ed, yep sorted. Meet you there looks like 3 of us in total including you! Message is out there so who knows. You have my mobile number if you need to contact me if not see ya there! Will come prepared, with some layers and protien bars. steve
  • Eddy_B
    Eddy_B Posts: 122
    Good Ride on Sunday

    muddy, and wet, but really good, lots of fun sliding about and found some new lines.

    Good pork scratchings and a couple of Pints after.

    Good to see you Steve,
    Gisburn this weekend?
  • Hey Ed yea great ride Sunday despite the mud! Working this weekend so will have to take a rain check on Gisburn. Hope Spain's good. Catch up after Christmas . S
  • well HNY to all - Hope you had a good one?

    Looking to blow the cobwebs away if anyone's interested in a ride out next weekend saturday 14th or Sunday 15th? let me know then we can decide where to go? Open to offers guys. :mrgreen:
  • Hello,

    I'm keen to get out on Sunday for a ride, happy to go local or further afield. Although I don't know many routes so can't really offer to lead anything