The furthest you've ridden your Mountainbike?



  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,702
    BHF London to South Coast off road is about 80 miles. Not too hard, a lot of it is along the Downs Link. Really enjoyed it with some nice climbs in the Downs, bot North and South.
    It's on next Saturday (the 24th) and if it's like last year you can turn up and register. I can't do it myself as it's my son's 13th birthday. I did it on a 13 year old Marin hardtail, can you see when I stopped spending money on myself?
    I highly recommend it. It's not as hard as the South Downs Way, but still a good achievement.
  • I completed the Evans Rideit event in the Lake District this August, 36.4 miles 1791 meters ascent in 6:04 hours. The quickest rider was 4:17.

    I'm looking to ride the Mary Townely loop next which is 47miles and then the next Rideit event in Cannock in October.
    Specialized Camber Elite 2011