Swains Lane Challenge (North London)



  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Great detour :lol:

    Also strong effort on the Brompton, I've never ridden one but based on FCN Iassume they are slow?

    I bought the geared road bike to work today, so i'll hit the climb again tonight see what time I post.

    Next month I'm going to try and ride up it every night, as it's only an extra 5 miles round trip for me (from West hampstead).
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    i notice none of you are repping it...

    maybe i need to do this as a 100% effort with no other distractions and no reps.

    *awaits spasypaddys post tomorrow*
    *all out, balls to the wire, no reps, single lap, fell over whilst being sick at the top but i did it. 3.21*
  • I was going to try this tonight on the way home, but:

    a) weather isn't great (I know MTFU)
    b) my legs are burnt out due to a ride down to Tonbridge yesterday and back this morning to the office... 2 CAT5 hills in each direction and some short (200m-odd) 20 - 28% climbs (and yes I did have to walk up the 28% one on the way in this morning, there was nothing in the tank at all)...

    Friday maybe...
    Invacare Spectra Plus electric wheelchair, max speed 4mph :cry:
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    I'll hit it hard tonight. I will have a rucksack full of stuffmind, but depending if I can be bothered, I might do 1 timed run. then leave my rucksack and do another. Abit risky maybe...
  • t4tomo
    t4tomo Posts: 2,643
    willy b wrote:
    Great detour :lol:

    Also strong effort on the Brompton, I've never ridden one but based on FCN Iassume they are slow?.

    They aren't too bad on the level - I reckon its quicker than my mountain bike on the flat , due to narrower, higher psi tyres with no nobbles. However I found out its not a climbing machine as the gearing isn't low enough to sit and spin up and out of the saddle pumping is a bit unstable on those little wheels.

    I will have another go at some point, if only to embaress spasypaddy by getting a couple of seconds inside his time! :D
    Bianchi Infinito CV
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Ultegra
    Brompton S Type
    Carrera Vengeance Ultimate Ltd
    Gary Fisher Aquila '98
    Front half of a Viking Saratoga Tandem
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    just you wait until im not injured and able to train properly. :evil:
  • ketsbaia
    ketsbaia Posts: 1,718
    BigMat wrote:
    Judging from those times, it looks a bit shorter than College Road but I gather steeper. I don't think you'd get up College Road under 2 minutes (I managed a 2:43 on my best bike last year), but then I should never underestimate how far off the pace I am when the real fast guys show up!

    College Road is .83 of a mile. Getting up that in less than two minutes would be mightily impressive, as you'd be averaging more than 25mph.
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    willy b......................2:14..........Sep
    willy b......................2:31..........Sep... (53:18 old SS in commuter guise)

    One mistake was staying in the big ring. Think I could have got a better ratio in the bottom ring. I'll try again tomorrow.

    There was a few guys doing it when I was there, one who timed it... not sure what he got but was on a Red Specalized.
  • jds_1981
    jds_1981 Posts: 1,858
    Went back & finally worked out the correct starting & finish lines.. Much better result.

    willy b......................2:14..........Sep
    jds_1981..................2:20..........Sep...(with pannier)
    willy b......................2:31..........Sep... (53:18 old SS in commuter guise)
    FCN 9 || FCN 5
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Good pace. How fast are people hitting this rolling start? I have to stop just before to get the phone out to time it :lol: need to get a real stop watch really...

    My aim is to get sub 2:00 mins, should be doable...
  • jds_1981
    jds_1981 Posts: 1,858
    I did the last one as a standing start, suspect it won't make more than a few seconds difference anyway. Might see if I can get my 49:16 fixie up later this week :D
    Took the timings from my video camera.
    FCN 9 || FCN 5
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    Did Highgate West Hill this evening on 46:15 which is practically identical to the above. Bit of a grind, but not as bad as I was expecting.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    theres a strong possibility that i hate you all...
  • if I can get off the sofa i'll put a strava trace there, though with 48-16 plus all the clobber my bike has might be um a walking trace!
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Went again tonight, didn't beat my last time so no point putting it on the list, but did a 2:17

    Sub 2:00 is going to be hard!
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    Had four pints after work which left me in the perfect state of mind to flip the back wheel over and get on it. Respectable enough first attempt at 2:32, fixed 71" gear (46:17). After riding for six weeks on 81" that felt super-spinny, but I'll leave it as is for the time being and hopefully get a more sober effort in over the weekend.
    willy b.............2:14.........Sep
    jds_1981............2:20.........Sep   with pannier
    willy b.............2:31.........Sep   53:18 old SS in commuter guise
    brun................2:32..s......Sep   71" fixed (after four pints)
    t4tomo..............3.23.........Sep   Brompton
    Edit - Added indication that it was a standing start. Couldn't be arsed reading back to check what other people's were. Suggest an 'r' for rolling efforts, although it'd make sense to decide on one or the other.
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    I didn't make it over last night, however i'm going to do a number of laps tonight about 6:30ish.

    Once I have done it I'll add a segment on Strava (unless there already is one...) 8)

    Brun - What gear is a 71". Cog wise?
  • jds_1981
    jds_1981 Posts: 1,858
    71" = gear (46:17) (he did say)
    FCN 9 || FCN 5
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Hit it again tonight, getting closer to my sub 2:00 target :lol:
    willy b.............2:04.........Sep
    willy b.............2:14.........Sep
    jds_1981.........2:20.........Sep with pannier
    willy b.............2:31.........Sep 53:18 old SS in commuter guise
    brun................2:32..s......Sep 71" fixed (after four pints)
    t4tomo..............3.23.........Sep Brompton

    This app is quite good, and shows how other people also do...
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    Impressive time. However, I propose a 30 second penalty for not respecting my carefully constructed leaderboard.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    that strava link isnt the same as what ive been doing...
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Haha, sorry Brun. Here we go:
    willy b.............2:04..r......Sep
    willy b.............2:14..r......Sep
    jds_1981............2:20.........Sep   with pannier
    willy b.............2:31.........Sep   53:18 old SS in commuter guise
    brun................2:32..s......Sep   71" fixed (after four pints)
    t4tomo..............3.23.........Sep   Brompton

    Where were you going to/from Spanspaddy? The Strava link seems to be the same as what was suggested in this thread?
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    im going from much further back (well to the same finish point.

    http://local.google.co.uk/maps?q=51.562 ... 0&t=m&z=18

    im doing about a 2500ft ride compared to 2100.

    im just bitter at being a shit hill climber :lol:
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    After looking at the strava link again your right! When I timed it previously I based it on the bus stop, and assumed strava did also. Looks like my 2:04 might be a 2:06/2:07 as that bit is still quite flat!
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    According to google maps the distance between the bus stop and the start of the strava segment is about 350 feet. At 20 mph that's over 10 seconds.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    i was just doing that calculation for 3seconds you would be travelling at 80mph :lol:
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    I can do 80 mph down Swains Lane.
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    I'd be doing it now but it's raining.
  • jds_1981
    jds_1981 Posts: 1,858
    spasypaddy wrote:
    im going from much further back (well to the same finish point.

    http://local.google.co.uk/maps?q=51.562 ... 0&t=m&z=18

    im doing about a 2500ft ride compared to 2100.

    im just bitter at being a shoot hill climber :lol:

    I've been going from the bus stop too.
    FCN 9 || FCN 5
  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    3 seconds was a guess (not a great one :lol: ) I have also been timing from the bus stop manually.

    Just made a new segment: http://app.strava.com/rides/1643546#26293402

    This starts just before the bus stop (you can see on aerial photograph) said I did 2:18 so based on the actual bus stop your probably looking around 2:16?
    willy b.............2:14..r......Sep
    jds_1981............2:20.........Sep   with pannier
    willy b.............2:31.........Sep   53:18 old SS in commuter guise
    brun................2:32..s......Sep   71" fixed (after four pints)
    t4tomo..............3.23.........Sep   Brompton

    amended table...

    also, i'm going to do this next week: http://www.rapha.cc/ten-x-ten-challenge ... hallenge-1