Chris Boardman Limited



  • Bloody nora. This is thread is like an episode of Scooby Doo. All it needs now is Mr Boardman to post "....And I would have got away with it had it not been for you meddling kids"

    If I can give my two pence worth, regardless of who owns Boardman (cough*splutter*Halfords*cough), their operational profits, the likelihood of them becoming a FTSE 100 company or Chris becoming Prime Minister, they - whoever they are -make good bikes. I own one, and apart from some brittle paintwork can say I haven't regretted my purchase of 18 months ago.
    Reporter: "What's your prediction for the fight?"
    Clubber Lang: "Prediction?"
    Reporter: "Yes. Prediction"
    Clubber Lang: "....Pain!!!"
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Back on topic....

    The original question: What conclusions can we make from the figures (from a free internet page, derived from a Google search no doubt)?

    The Answer.... still....: Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada....

    Newly formed internet/BR myths about Boardman bikes:

    1) According to Wikipedia (free internet page, anyone can contribute), Merida own the Boardman brand. (CRITICALLY: the source is inrng blog)

    2) According to INRNG an internet blog by an unknown who appears to have some contact in the 'bike world', Merida MANUFACTURES Boardman bikes.

    The key thing about the INRNG article (which is the source of the Wiki based myth) is it's title: Who makes what? It says nothing about Merida owning Boardman, therefore, we have nothing more than myths here.

    Facts from this thread (according to INRNG):

    The Merida Industry Co., Ltd manufacture Boardman bikes (under which circumstances are unkown). They also manufacture bikes for Specialized and their own 'Merida' brand.

    Merida bikes also has a shareholding of 19% in Specialized but are not majority shareholders.

    Thank you for reading yet another objective, choate post based entirely on facts and facts alone. :roll:
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    Soni wrote:
    Stop being childish, Won't be apologising, so don't hold your breath, I stand by what I say, it is wrong of companies to use that type of marketing, do you think the company would have such huge sales if it had their companies name on the frame instead of CB....and again this isn't.personal to cb, as I understand 'from what I've learnt in the thread' that penty of other companies are also doing the same thing.....
    dilemna wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    I haven't even read your whole post, as frankly can't be bothered, you are clearly not listening to a word I've said, you are obviously so wrapped up on your own little paranoid world, or you are after a response, and if the latter you are wasting your time.

    However, for the record, if i really thought boardman bikes were crap,.I would say it, I ain't worried about voicing my opinions to somebodies face, so certainly ain't worried about being some 'keyboard warrior' as you put it.

    Take a read again fella, and maybe next time it may actually go in, although I'm not holding my breath.

    Oh, I suppose next you will want photographic evidence of my wifes boardman next to my trek!!!
    bompington wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    ...Just plain advertising, no different to seeing a celebrity on the tv adverts using an accessory trying to lead you to believe that they have a connection with that product, maybe chris.does maybe he doesn't, who knows.......
    In which case it's not advertising, it's plain lying, and you could always try suing.
    Mightn't it be easier for someone Boardman's skills and proven track record in bike design to actually do what they say (i.e. provide design input into the bikes) than go to all this trouble to deceive the cycling world? And no-one ever claimed that he hand makes the frames himself, it's hardly a secret that they're made in the far east, which is where you can get the best frames for the least money, pure and simple.

    As for what LBSs say, I wouldn't call it snobbery so much as protecting their interests, they're hardly impartial observers here are they?

    I have to say that for speculation, innuendo and jumping to conclusions based on close to zero actual knowledge or information, this whole thread is impressive even by the usual internet standards.

    Finally somebody else who understands my point, its lying and unfair to the consumer.

    Some may know who makes what and who doesn't, however to those new to cycling they are sucked into the my bike is desiged and made by Chris boardman or at least his company.... So must be a good bike, whereas Chris may or maynot have any influence on the design at all!

    I know that if my name was placed on a bike then I would want it to be of a high standard and I would.almost certainly say that Chris would to from the type of guy he seems to be....

    However, the point of.the matter is that it is misleading and companies shouldn't be trade off of somebody else's name....
    Errr, no, I don't understand your point, and I understand it even less after your last post. Like other posters here, I was getting the impression that all the waffle about company value, registered address etc. was leading up to the thinly veiled accusations that Boardman is nothing to do with Boardman bikes, and so is a fraud and a liar. My point was that if this is true, he should be getting locked up, and the challenge should be open and legal rather than the same old keyboard warrior innuendo.
    Soni wrote:
    this is forum and people are.entitled to discuss matters of interest
    This is indeed an open forum and people do discuss matters of interest, so when you post a load of slanderous bullfeathers about someone who has a lot of respect from a lot of people here then you can reasonably expect them to call you out. Most posters here are not that easily offended (OK, Dilemna is :wink: but I'm definitely with him here) but a lot of us just get tired of tedious trolling followed by "OK so I was being stupid and insulting but no need to get upset by it"

    dilemna wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    ...Just plain advertising, no different to seeing a celebrity on the tv adverts using an accessory trying to lead you to believe that they have a connection with that product, maybe chris.does maybe he doesn't, who knows.......
    In which case it's not advertising, it's plain lying, and you could always try suing.
    Mightn't it be easier for someone Boardman's skills and proven track record in bike design to actually do what they say (i.e. provide design input into the bikes) than go to all this trouble to deceive the cycling world? And no-one ever claimed that he hand makes the frames himself, it's hardly a secret that they're made in the far east, which is where you can get the best frames for the least money, pure and simple.

    As for what LBSs say, I wouldn't call it snobbery so much as protecting their interests, they're hardly impartial observers here are they?

    I have to say that for speculation, innuendo and jumping to conclusions based on close to zero actual knowledge or information, this whole thread is impressive even by the usual internet standards.

    Finally somebody else who understands my point, its lying and unfair to the consumer.

    Some may know who makes what and who doesn't, however to those new to cycling they are sucked into the my bike is desiged and made by Chris boardman or at least his company.... So must be a good bike, whereas Chris may or maynot have any influence on the design at all!

    I know that if my name was placed on a bike then I would want it to be of a high standard and I would.almost certainly say that Chris would to from the type of guy he seems to be....

    However, the point of.the matter is that it is misleading and companies shouldn't be trade off of somebody else's name....

    Ehh, wake up you numptee. Reading your posts so far I get the impression that you are deliberately trying to impune, slander, libel and damage Chris Boardman's name and the bikes produced in his name. Read the forum rules on defamatory posts. There is nothing under hand or misleading in what he is doing. Do you have a personal grudge against him or have you had a bad experience with Halfords the distributor of his bikes?

    From what I have seen of the Boardman bikes they seem pretty good, well thought out and represent good value for money except IMHO the Boardman CX which is over priced for the spec. Many people have bought Boardman bikes and have been very pleased.

    When he came on here ages ago when there were problems with Halfords he was pretty good and obviously takes seriously how his bikes are made and distributed ensuring that purchasers are satisfied.

    So cut your attempts to destroy his name and brand. Perhaps it is time for the mods to lock or bin this pathetic thread.

    Surprise suprise an LBS or large retailer rubbishes the oppositions' bikes in preference to selling it's own. Do you have a few sandwiches short of a full lunch box?

    Do you still stand by your libellous and defamatory remarks or are you going to make an apology?

    I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when Mr Boardman reads your posts about him and his commercial activities. Damages for defamation can be considerable.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • Dilemna:

    I say Boardman bikes are made in Taiwan. Is that defamatory?
  • This thread has me baffled. How can anyone deduce, from the evidence quoted, anything about the involvement of C B in his company beyond his statements? I am certain Eddie Merckx hasn't turned a spanner in his factory for weeks! :wink: Also all those plays were not written by that Shakespeare fellow were they? Or the paintings by Picasso! It's all a plot!

    What difference does it make?
    The older I get the faster I was
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    kingmho wrote:

    I say Boardman bikes are made in Taiwan. Is that defamatory?

    Don't wind him up even more!! :D

    I think he's having a bit of a Dilemna :lol:
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    dilemna wrote:
    I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when Mr Boardman reads your posts about him and his commercial activities. Damages for defamation can be considerable.

    He better be on his best Chris Boardman Carbon machine otherwise he won't catch me on my Trek!

    I suppose thats damaging as well is it! :lol:
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    I would like to thank those good members who have posted constructively in this thread and enlighted me, as i have now learnt the following and would like to summarise:-

    1. I initially thought Chris Boardman bikes were manufactured by Chris Boardman Bikes, which i think is a genuine and easy enough assumption to make surely.

    2. I was then puzzled why a Bike Company like Chris Boardman would only be worth 37K, which again i think is a valid question, as quite honestly if i had a spare 37K i would certainly bite his hand off if that was all it was worth!

    3. I was then enlighted by the 'Shell' companies that operate, which i had no idea what they were.

    4. I was then even more shocked when i was advised of the 'possibility' that Merida owns Chris Boardman Bikes, as i personally believe that its unfair to have a company in the background 'hiding if you like' and operating under another name. Now this isn't to say that Merida are doing anything wrong or illegal, as i understand (again from this thread) that a lot of bicycle companies do the same and own certain parts of one another, however i do think its misleading to the general public, as not many people have ever heard of Merida (i hadn't thats for sure), however i had heard of Chris Boardman, and that is a good enough reason to buy a bike when you think the company is owned and run by him.

    I understand that CB wouldn't be on the production line tightening bolts etc., however i did honestly think that he owned the company.

    The bottom line is though, although i am curious and it is nice to know things like what has been discovered in this thread, at the end of the day they are really decent and well specced bikes, my wife bought the female white/pink road bike on my recommendation, and its been a really good bike at a fantastic price, she would have never got the same specced bike at that price from any other manufacturer.

    I was also thinking of buying a CB road bike myself before i purchased the Trek, however i sat on one in Halfords and the guy said i was a 54cm, which is what the bike was i was sitting on, and it felt really small, and the handebars felt thin and not very robust, this is when i then went into my LBS, and i mentioned that i'm thinking of the CB, and i was told (what i mentioned previously in this thread without winding people up again!) and when i sat on the Trek, the owner said that i'm a 56, when he measured me on the GIG, i ended up being a 58, so two sizes different compared to what Halfords would have sold me.....also the handlebars on the Trek felt more solid, but may have just been the thicker bar tape, as they have Bontrager cork bar tape as standard.

    And in amongst the above, a few have become rather hostile and paranoid :roll: , thinking that i'm somehow knocking CB Bikes......although i'm sure we've got it under control now and satisfied them that i'm not having a dig at all :D

    My Summary of these last 5 pages....
  • kingmho wrote:

    I say Boardman bikes are made in Taiwan. Is that defamatory?
    Butbutbut that is not on the Boardman Bikes website - therefore you must be a libelling defamer!
  • Sorry, I'm not sure whether you are naive or slightly crackers. You know that skoda you boast about know it's pretty much a VW right? and you are still fixated by cash in the bank indicating a companies value?! This thread is madness, it really doesn't mean anything.
  • When everyone refers to CB Bikes is it Claud Butler thats being talked about? Only asking like, as I'm sure Claud 'passed on' years ago but you can still buy his bikes. Whats that all about?
  • Redhog14
    Redhog14 Posts: 1,377
    Sorry, I'm not sure whether you are naive or slightly crackers. You know that skoda you boast about know it's pretty much a VW right? and you are still fixated by cash in the bank indicating a companies value?! This thread is madness, it really doesn't mean anything.
    Good analogy, here is how modern manufacturers work:
    Audi, develop and specify a car for the VW group they launch it in 2011, 18 months later the same engines, chassis etc are rebadged and fettled as VW, 18 after that they become skoda some time later they become Seat. This way the engineering and development costs are shared across 4 different brands using essentially the same parts. Bikes are not really any different, nor are tv's, Samsung and Sony are they same but for a few differently specified chips for sound and graphics.
  • Redhog14 wrote:
    Sorry, I'm not sure whether you are naive or slightly crackers. You know that skoda you boast about know it's pretty much a VW right? and you are still fixated by cash in the bank indicating a companies value?! This thread is madness, it really doesn't mean anything.
    Good analogy, here is how modern manufacturers work:
    Audi, develop and specify a car for the VW group they launch it in 2011, 18 months later the same engines, chassis etc are rebadged and fettled as VW, 18 after that they become skoda some time later they become Seat. This way the engineering and development costs are shared across 4 different brands using essentially the same parts. Bikes are not really any different, nor are tv's, Samsung and Sony are they same but for a few differently specified chips for sound and graphics.
    Absolutely, but don't tell anyone because you'll be accused of having an agenda.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    snailracer wrote:
    Redhog14 wrote:
    Sorry, I'm not sure whether you are naive or slightly crackers. You know that skoda you boast about know it's pretty much a VW right? and you are still fixated by cash in the bank indicating a companies value?! This thread is madness, it really doesn't mean anything.
    Good analogy, here is how modern manufacturers work:
    Audi, develop and specify a car for the VW group they launch it in 2011, 18 months later the same engines, chassis etc are rebadged and fettled as VW, 18 after that they become skoda some time later they become Seat. This way the engineering and development costs are shared across 4 different brands using essentially the same parts. Bikes are not really any different, nor are tv's, Samsung and Sony are they same but for a few differently specified chips for sound and graphics.
    Absolutely, but don't tell anyone because you'll be accused of having an agenda.

    Yeah, just wait until dilema hears this, he will want you to apologise to vw and Audi for being liable.....
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    Soni wrote:
    snailracer wrote:
    Redhog14 wrote:
    Sorry, I'm not sure whether you are naive or slightly crackers. You know that skoda you boast about know it's pretty much a VW right? and you are still fixated by cash in the bank indicating a companies value?! This thread is madness, it really doesn't mean anything.
    Good analogy, here is how modern manufacturers work:
    Audi, develop and specify a car for the VW group they launch it in 2011, 18 months later the same engines, chassis etc are rebadged and fettled as VW, 18 after that they become skoda some time later they become Seat. This way the engineering and development costs are shared across 4 different brands using essentially the same parts. Bikes are not really any different, nor are tv's, Samsung and Sony are they same but for a few differently specified chips for sound and graphics.
    Absolutely, but don't tell anyone because you'll be accused of having an agenda.

    Yeah, just wait until dilema hears this, he will want you to apologise to vw and Audi for being liable.....

    Soni you are an idiot. I suggest you look up the definition of defamation. You have stated in your posts above that Chris Boardman bikes are misleading people and that it is lying. This is clearly detrimental to his reputation and commercial interests. In a subsequent post you attempted a half hearted retreat by stating your wife bought a Boardman bike with which she is very happy and they represent fantastic value for money, so much so, that you would have bought one if Halfords had given you a suitably fitting bike. To me this seems like you are trying to climb out of a huge hole you have dug for yourself. All the other crap and digs you are now posting about me indicates how childish you are.

    If you are genuinely interested in Chris Boardman Bikes Ltd then do a company search through Companies House.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    :lol::lol::lol::lol: Whats the matter pal, you can't take it on the return!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Typical Dilemna style ah, having to result in getting personal and abusive due to your lack of maturity........

    I could think of a few fine words for you too pal, but i'm a little more mature and a lot less childish......

    Also, retreat regarding Boardman bikes i.e., about them being good and that my wife bought one, which part of that don't you believe then? You want to see pictures, or are you saying Boardman bikes are no good??

    Tell me what part of putting a guys name or a companies name on a product and it not being that company or person that owns it isn't misleading? Hello....wakey wakey, thats not defamation, thats pure fact!

    I think you need to stop throwing your toys out of the pram each time you can't get your own way, i.e., me to apologise, i told you not to hold your breath and i meant it, wrong and i would, but i'm not wrong, i'm just being factual, and there is a destinct difference, and if you don't like it, then you'll have to just get over it i'm afraid.....

    dilemna wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    snailracer wrote:
    Redhog14 wrote:
    Sorry, I'm not sure whether you are naive or slightly crackers. You know that skoda you boast about know it's pretty much a VW right? and you are still fixated by cash in the bank indicating a companies value?! This thread is madness, it really doesn't mean anything.
    Good analogy, here is how modern manufacturers work:
    Audi, develop and specify a car for the VW group they launch it in 2011, 18 months later the same engines, chassis etc are rebadged and fettled as VW, 18 after that they become skoda some time later they become Seat. This way the engineering and development costs are shared across 4 different brands using essentially the same parts. Bikes are not really any different, nor are tv's, Samsung and Sony are they same but for a few differently specified chips for sound and graphics.
    Absolutely, but don't tell anyone because you'll be accused of having an agenda.

    Yeah, just wait until dilema hears this, he will want you to apologise to vw and Audi for being liable.....

    Soni you are an idiot. I suggest you look up the definition of defamation. You have stated in your posts above that Chris Boardman bikes are misleading people and that it is lying. This is clearly detrimental to his reputation and commercial interests. In a subsequent post you attempted a half hearted retreat by stating your wife bought a Boardman bike with which she is very happy and they represent fantastic value for money, so much so, that you would have bought one if Halfords had given you a suitably fitting bike. To me this seems like you are trying to climb out of a huge hole you have dug for yourself. All the other crap and digs you are now posting about me indicates how childish you are.

    If you are genuinely interested in Chris Boardman Bikes Ltd then do a company search through Companies House.
  • This is surely the most Groundhog thread on here...round...and round...
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • lemoncurd
    lemoncurd Posts: 1,428
    This is surely the most Groundhog thread on here...round...and round...

    Which reminds me, lighter wheels are no faster than heavy wheels. :lol:
  • lemoncurd wrote:
    This is surely the most Groundhog thread on here...round...and round...

    Which reminds me, lighter wheels are no faster than heavy wheels. :lol:

    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • dilemna wrote:
    ... You have stated in your posts above that Chris Boardman bikes are misleading people and that it is lying. ...
    According to DTI guidelines, if an imported product (manufactured abroad) is branded in a way that suggests it originates in the UK, which includes names of people who are closely associated with the UK (and most people would say CBoardman is), then it is considered misleading, unless there is a clearly displayed disclaimer otherwise.