Please help trace this thug.

mybreakfastconsisted Posts: 1,018
edited July 2011 in Commuting chat ... tured-film

From Road CC

"Although the registered keeper of the car was easily traceable it seems that on the day in question the vehicle was left unlocked with the keys in the ignition, only for it to be taken without consent but somehow later returned to the owner by person or persons unknown."



  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    People like that should just be exterminated, What a total waste of space.
  • CyclingBantam
    CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
    Wish I could help but all I can say is I hope they find the moron's.

    How pitiful their life must be.
  • motopatter
    motopatter Posts: 179
    I would like for that fucker to be slowly run over by a steamroller :evil:
    wave your willy here !!!! :)
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    If it was up to me I would lock this bloke in a room without food or drink and let him suffocate in his own excrement. Then at least he wouldn't be a burden on the taxpayer.
  • Zachariah
    Zachariah Posts: 782
    Some of the posters here need to take a few deep breaths. Yes, the mystery man is a vicious thug. No, this does not mean he should be subject to mob justice. Save your anger for the ludicrous Police response, which is ultimately far more worrying.
  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    Zachariah wrote:
    Some of the posters here need to take a few deep breaths. Yes, the mystery man is a vicious thug. No, this does not mean he should be subject to mob justice. Save your anger for the ludicrous Police response, which is ultimately far more worrying.

    Yes he should - its the only thing thugs like him understand - clearly he has no respect for either the law or the police. I expect the Met are too busy hiding the evidence of backhanders from the press to worry about solving crime
  • Flyingbogey
    Flyingbogey Posts: 352
    Set the honey badger on them. It doesn't mind the four on to one odds.
    Bianchi Nirone C2C FCN4
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    There is no place in the world for needless aggression. Especially when it affects someone else who is not being aggressive.
  • greg66_tri_v2.0
    greg66_tri_v2.0 Posts: 7,172
    This is the account of the victim, which is linked to in the original piece.
    A few weeks ago I was cycling from Dover to London with 6 other riders. We were coming through a Southeast London suburb when a car tried to overtake whist we were going past a traffic island which significantly narrowed the road. We remonstrated with the driver, shouting etc.

    The car stopped and the driver and passenger got out and started using very threatening language and their body language was highly aggressive.

    I was slightly ahead of the "gentlemen" concerned, standing astride my bike, looking over my right shoulder at what was making all the noise. I said nothing. They saw me reading the number plate and said "we see you have our number, now we're effing gonna run you over you ****ing etc...".

    So they got back in the car and drove off with wheels spinning and clipped my right hand with a wing mirror. Being on a spring, it made a loud noise, and they stopped again, but this time the driver came over and punched me to the ground. I thought they would start kicking me, as I lay tangled in bike on the pavement, but the bystanders (people waiting outside a restaurant) told them to "go away".

    I was shaken but not hurt. The event was witnessed by my fellow riders, a bus driver and the bystanders. It was also captured on video from a helmet cam. The police were called and eventually came.

    You'd think that it would be easy to locate and prosecute. It turns out that the registered keeper of the car was not using the car that day (he/she was not on the video) and apparently whilst the keeper went to a funeral the car was left unlocked with the keys in the ignition.

    Upshot is that someone else, obviously being protected, was the driver and assaulter that day. Unless the police can get the keeper to talk, the assaulter goes scott free!

    What a world!!!

    Watch the video. The passenger side wing mirror is folded in.

    I'm a bit puzzled: how does a car "clip" a rider's hand sufficiently hard to do that to the wing mirror *without* knocking the hand on the handlebars so hard as to knock the rider over, or at least into the kerb?

    Is it possible, perhaps, that the account above is a little guarded, and the rider took a deliberate swing at the wing mirror as the car came past?

    Of course, that wouldn't excuse what then happened, but it would cast it in a rather different light.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • nation
    nation Posts: 609
    I don't think the rider was moving when clipped. I get the impression that they were all still standing about "remonstrating".

    Also it usually doesn't take much to fold in a wing mirror.
  • HebdenBiker
    HebdenBiker Posts: 787
    I hope the victim did not accept that pitiful response from the police, and is in the process of escalating it until this crime is investigated properly, and the perpetrator prosecuted.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Similar thing happened to me, only I got kicked off rather than punched.

    In that instance, I almost got knocked off by said passing car. I then said a few things through the window, not swearing, and he took offense and he tried to run me over. I managed to make it onto the pavement but (alas) was overgeard so he caught me and kicked me off, and gave me another kick on the ground.

    Since then I don't bother with any communcation with drivers, beyond signalling.

    Police were OK - found the guy, took him into the police station, but he denied it. He was in similar pikey wear. The witnesses never came forward so that was the end of that.
  • motopatter
    motopatter Posts: 179
    He was in similar pikey wear.

    wave your willy here !!!! :)
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Hope that charming gentleman hurt his hand hitting the helmet...
  • jonny_trousers
    jonny_trousers Posts: 3,588
    Gussio wrote:
    Hope that charming gentleman hurt his hand hitting the helmet...

    Yeah, the way he punched I suspect he hurt himself more than the cyclist.
  • Flyingbogey
    Flyingbogey Posts: 352
    I have been 'clipped ' on the move by a wing mirror, (Bending it back). Genuinely minding my own business on a fairly wide road between CS7 and Waterloo. I wobbled and the driver pulled in front of me blocking my progress. He was an overweight oaf shouting threats. One of the few times in my life when i have totally lost my rag. Bike was discarded and i tried to get at him through his passenger door. I think he could see the red mist and tore off down the road.
    Bianchi Nirone C2C FCN4
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    I have been 'clipped ' on the move by a wing mirror, (Bending it back). Genuinely minding my own business on a fairly wide road between CS7 and Waterloo. I wobbled and the driver pulled in front of me blocking my progress. He was an overweight oaf shouting threats. One of the few times in my life when i have totally lost my rag. Bike was discarded and i tried to get at him through his passenger door. I think he could see the red mist and tore off down the road.

    I had some imbeciles almost hit me at high speed on the road into Bromley about a year ago. I was passing stationary traffic along a bus lane and the idiot flew past me, horn blasting, shouting something out of the window, along the inside of slow moving traffic. He must have been going at 50-60 odd mph. Inevitably I caught up with him about 200m down the road once he was caught in traffic. I shouted obscenities at him. Wish I had gouged a chunk out of the car with my cleats and cycled off...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • hfidgen
    hfidgen Posts: 340
    I hate these sorts of confrontations. Guys like in the video deserve their morning in court, I hope someone is able to get him there.

    Saying that I've nearly started 2 of my own but each time a little bit of humour and the fact that pure adrenaline and rage was boiling from my pores made them back off and bugger off.

    Having a 18 year scrote tell me he was going to "do me" from a safe distance behind some pedestrian railings made me chuckle. I think his backward step when I unclipped settled the matter in my mind. After all I had done was point out (loudly and with an appropriate language choice) that pulling a wheelie out of a side road into 2 lanes of tower hill traffic wasn't the cleverest thing he'd done that day.

    Or perhaps it was.

    Doing the same to 4 blokes in a car would have led to a different outcome based on the vid. Hey ho.
    FCN 4 - BMC CX02
  • bdave262000
    bdave262000 Posts: 270
    Set the honey badger on them. It doesn't mind the four on to one odds.

    The problem is the Honey Badger would go for their balls and looking at this bunch of pikey inbreds I don't think they have any.
    Fat lads take longer to stop.
  • ...

    A cyclist was attacked by an irate motorist who got out of his car to remonstrate, appparently because he was unable to overtake.

    Video footage shows the moment Simon Page was knocked to the ground by the driver outside a restaurant in Bexley Village in May.

    He was part of a group of seven road cyclists riding from Dover to London. The video was taken by another cyclist and shows a silver Peugeot pulling over and a man getting out and walking over to Mr Page before punching him in the head.

    The 49-year-old lawyer said: "We were coming through a south-east London suburb when a car tried to overtake whilst we were going past a traffic island which significantly narrowed the road. We remonstrated with the driver, shouting.

    "The car stopped and the driver and passenger got out and started using very threatening language and their body language was highly aggressive.

    "They saw me reading the number plate and said 'we see you have our number, now we're effing gonna run you over'.

    "When they drove off they clipped my right hand with a wing mirror. They stopped again, but this time the driver came over and punched me to the ground." Mr Page, from Twickenham, said he was angry that police failed to act despite being presented with the video.

    He said: "You'd think that it would be easy to locate and prosecute. It turns out that the registered keeper of the car was not using the
    car that day and is not on the video.

    "The upshot is that someone else was the driver and assaulter that day."

    The video has now been uploaded on YouTube. The attack has horrified other cyclists. Michael Jones posted on the website: "Not uncommon to get abuse when out riding. Something needs to be done to change this appalling attitude of drivers towards cyclists and pedestrians."

    A Met Police spokesman said: "We can confirm an allegation of assault in Bexley High Street was made which is being investigated by Bexley CID.
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    A Met Police spokesman said: "We can confirm an allegation of assault in Bexley High Street was made which is being investigated by Bexley CID.

    Allegation? Looking at the video no-one alleging anything facts speak for themselves.
  • FFS don't read comments. Who are these cockwombles????
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    too late.

    I did.
    It seems that the group of cyclists provoked the car driver by shouting at him. Sadly all too common behaviour by cyclists towards both moterists and pedestrians along with falling to stop at red lights, riding on the pavement. Perhaps, the odd bit of "self help" by motorists may act a catalyst to help cystists become courtious and responsible road/pavement users!!

    - Mike, London, 12/07/2011 11:45
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • Pork Sword
    Pork Sword Posts: 213
    I'm sorry, but I'd've flattened that ugly Chav if he'd came anywhere near me... it's not easy to have a 'dust-up' in cycling shoes but even so... the cyclist in the video just stood there and let himself be attacked. The comments section on these type of cycling related incidents always gives me a giggle. Don't let these thugs frighten us off our roads! :wink:
    let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....
  • greg66_tri_v2.0
    greg66_tri_v2.0 Posts: 7,172
    The comments are genius!
    I have little sympathy with cyclists these days. They seem to think that they are above the law and flout pedestrian crossings and red lights. Only yesterday morning I almost got mown down half way across the pelican crossing on the Strand by a cyclist who made no attempt to slow down, let alone stop for a red light. Perhaps cycles should have number plates and hold 3rd party insurance like every other road user.

    - graham, london, 12/07/2011 13:42
    I had my door mirror kicked off by an irate cyclist who said i drove too close to him .
    He was wieving accross two lanes to deliberately hold up traffic at rush hour.
    These cyclists should be made to use the foot paths and kept off the roads
    They think they have some god given right to upset vehiclur traffic instead of just grtting from a to b like the rest of us

    encouraging bycicle events on the roads should be STOPPED . because all the cyclists think they are saving the planet . THEY ARE NOT

    - greentea02, london, 12/07/2011 13:40
    Again, only listening to one side of the story. I don't condone violence but this is only a few seconds of the incident.

    I hooted a cyclist one day coz he pulled out right in front of my car. He went absolutely berserk and then did £3k worth of damage on my car with a key back to front.

    If my husband or son had managed to get hold of this guy exactly the same would have happened. If this had been videoed you would not have seen what the cyclist had done earlier.

    Get cyclists OFF THE ROAD OR LICENSE THEM!!!!!

    - Karenf, London, 12/07/2011 13:34
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • hmbadger
    hmbadger Posts: 181
    When I first saw this, my immediate reaction was that the cyclist must have touched the car (banged on it to remonstrate it or whatever). That's normally what enrages drivers in this way.

    Maybe that's what happened here with the wing mirror, or maybe not. I suspect not and any contact was unintentional. Even if it was then obviously still doesn't justify the reaction.

    I'm surprised that the police have seemingly put in so little effort.
  • On BBC News in a minute. The cyclists did nothing wrong, the car barged past and hit a cyclist, they shouted, the rest is on film.
  • Mr Plum
    Mr Plum Posts: 1,097
    Ha, those comments are amazing. Probably more shocking than the video. It takes a twisted mind to watch that video and sympathise with the driver of the car.

    With regards to the wing mirror, I've had that happen to me with a close pass and I hardly felt the knock on the bars - it was the car speeding past me that I noticed, and then realised that he'd clipped his wing mirror on my bars. If you're riding on the hoods and you've got a good grip, you'd hardly notice if the tip of the wing mirror clipped your bars.
    FCN 2 to 8
  • greg66_tri_v2.0
    greg66_tri_v2.0 Posts: 7,172
    hmbadger wrote:
    When I first saw this, my immediate reaction was that the cyclist must have touched the car (banged on it to remonstrate it or whatever). That's normally what enrages drivers in this way.

    Maybe that's what happened here with the wing mirror, or maybe not. I suspect not and any contact was unintentional. Even if it was then obviously still doesn't justify the reaction.

    I'm surprised that the police have seemingly put in so little effort.

    I speculated along similar lines on the previous page of the thread. It's not impossible that the police have done so as well. If so, they may be thinking to themselves that tracing the driver only to hear him say the same thing (because he would say that, wouldn't he, whether or not it is true and then it is either his word vs the driver's or you round up everyone who was there) is a bit of a waste of time.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • jzed
    jzed Posts: 2,926
    Regardless of whether the cyclist shouted or banged on the car, doesn't really justify someone getting out and giving them a smack. Its like everytime a car comes close to me, ripping the driver out and kicking ten bells out of them (and believe me I feel like it sometimes).

    As for the comments on the article, they are beyond belief.