Cycling To Do lists - What's on yours?



  • random man
    random man Posts: 1,518
    Well I'm setting off for a week's touring of the West Country so my current ambition is to get round in one piece!
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    My cycling goal is to complete a duathlon,the only problem is recurring discomfort from a broken metatarsal last year.

    Maybe one day 8)
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    Win at least one race.

    Get a bike fit.

    Eliminate the lower back ache that's stopping me from riding as hard as I can.

    Service the freehub on my commuter bike before it blows up
  • StageWinner
    StageWinner Posts: 202
    I'd like to win more races!

    Sub-22 TT (10)
    Sub-56 TT (25)
    Actually try a 50 or 100 TT

    Ride any of the French Alps (preferably not as part of an organised sportive with 5000 other people)
  • WisePranker
    WisePranker Posts: 823
    The only thing on there at the moment is to manage the Richmond Park Challenge in less than an hour!

    Once I've managed that, I'll think of some more challenges.
  • jclem
    jclem Posts: 33
    Do all of the hills in '100 Greatest Cycling Climbs'.

    Did first one today with a friend: no.38 - Jiggers Bank in Ironbridge. A 3/10 difficulty rating and a nice easy starter.

    Only 99 to go!
    Work Bike - Kona Honky Tonk 11
    Weekend Bike - Trek TCT5000
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    NapoleonD wrote:
    holmeboy wrote:
    Off to France (driving) on Saturday, target Alp de Heuz
    Madelaine after that, what other famous one's are in the Vicinity?

    Head SE out of Bourg d'Oisans and you go on a cracking road through La Grave, Up the Lauteret then hang a left at the big cafe/restaurant up the Galibier.


  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    NapoleonD wrote:
    holmeboy wrote:
    Off to France (driving) on Saturday, target Alp de Heuz
    Madelaine after that, what other famous one's are in the Vicinity?

    Head SE out of Bourg d'Oisans and you go on a cracking road through La Grave, Up the Lauteret then hang a left at the big cafe/restaurant up the Galibier.


    Don't forget the Glandon/Croix de Fer!



  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    Not to mention, Arhem :-

    Alpdehuez, Colombiere, Aravis, Forclaz and Montets, not all on the same day! :D
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    NapoleonD wrote:
    holmeboy wrote:
    Off to France (driving) on Saturday, target Alp de Heuz
    Madelaine after that, what other famous one's are in the Vicinity?

    Head SE out of Bourg d'Oisans and you go on a cracking road through La Grave, Up the Lauteret then hang a left at the big cafe/restaurant up the Galibier.


    Only problem was thick mist cloud and rain so never seen much of the view, looked good on the Tour though.
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    guinea wrote:
    I want to get back under an hour for the Richmond Park challenge.

    I also want to make it up a lot of mountains this year in the Alps and Pyranees. I've never done the Tourmalet and I fancy that. But since I'm just back on the bike after two years off, I think it'll be tough.

    Forgot about this thread.

    Completed the second objective.

    Still working on the first.
  • I've got to get to the point where I ride faster and for longer than my father in law, who got me back into cycling. Once that day comes, i'll be a happy man.

    That, and we want to hit the french alps for some epic mountain road climbing within the next year, as long as funds permit on my end. Pray I sort my act out and start saving!
  • robdaykin
    robdaykin Posts: 102
    Ride down Pikes Peak on a lean mean aero speed machine, (probably with my eyes closed)

    Ride the PCH end to end (Pacific Coast Highway). So far done about 50 miles of it on a hired hardtail, and I want to do the rest on a proper bike.

    Under 40 minutes on my scenic route home. (PB 40:59)
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    Hmm, just to spend a couple of weeks a year at least cycling in some mountains. Pyrenees, alps whatever, no set climbs to tick off, just go and explore.

    Did st-malo (brittany) to Foix (eastern pyrennes) with some friends last month and climbed col de portel 3 days in a row at the end. Not the toughest I'd imagine by a long stretch but each time the descent was more exciting as I knew the roads. And the views were something else at the top of the climb, 360 view over France. . The roads were just perfect too. Need more of that in my life. Loved the mountains especially although the whole trip was amazing. Great company, food and a new experience every day.

    Ordered my dream bike today so just plan to enjoy it for the next 10 yrs or so. Hopefully gran canaria or Mallorca early next year if it arrives in time (Colnago from Maestro!).
  • get a 21 mile TT, plenty of time to get that :) only been racing a year!

    get into a amateur team :) i know a few guys in one and there always looking for fast riders!

    get onto the hall of fame for my club in TT's

    all acheivable :) RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • pjm-84
    pjm-84 Posts: 819
    Look for a new frame to replace my Colnago Extreme Power .....
  • Climb the Telegraph / Galibier on a 39 chain ring without unnecessarily stopping
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    mroli wrote:
    Evil Laugh wrote:
    Ordered my dream bike today.

    Ooo - do tell....

    C59 di2 ready, gloss clearcoat, 56 traditional.

    Agonised over it for nearly a year, thought about an enigma xcr but the testride was a letdown, good but not what I'd hoped for. The c59 blew me away when i tried it last year and I've not had my hands on anything close since. Gonna try the new ultegra di2. bit of a gamble but i had to order the frame before the colours change at the end of the month so no chance to try the groupset first.

    Really excited though could be a long wait, thinking if I have it by March I'll be ok.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Is it really dull to say have a lifestyle where I can ride enough to be satisfied without being at the expense of anything else?
  • Eyon
    Eyon Posts: 623
    Do a 10 mile TT
    Do a Road Race
    Do my first 100 mile ride
    Ride to work averaging 20mph (at 19 right now)

    Take my road bike where there are hills
  • marusches
    marusches Posts: 129
    coast to coast

    rosedale chimney and a 100 was this years goals did both the 100 being the ryedale rumble
  • Slapshot
    Slapshot Posts: 211
    Get back to stage I was at 20 years effin likely!

    Get into condition to bag some of the big mountains in the Pyreneees and Alps in addition to my crawl up the Aubisque a few weeks ago. A trip back to northern Italy Passo Giau, Passo Fedaia together, The Mortirolo and another go at the Stelvio. I'd also love a crack at the Colle del Finestre...... pipe dreams butyou never know.. :roll:
  • Until recently my goal was to do a coast to coast but now that that's done,I have a misty vision of me effortlessly spinning up the Stelvio Pass. 8)
  • davis
    davis Posts: 2,506
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Tonymufc wrote:
    NapoleonD wrote:
    It was get to 2nd cat and do a 20min 10 but I've jacked in racing.
    I'd also hoped to do Ventoux but I can't see it happening :(

    If you don't mind me asking, how comes dude? Thought you were rocking it. Motivation gone a bit?

    Broke my back and my collar bone in a crash at a race caused by someone else's crap riding. I wasn't even near the initial crash and I was near the front of the bunch where it's, apparently, much safer...
    Landed on my head/shoulder having gone over the handlebars at 28mph, my back was curved over as I landed.
    Lucky that I'm not paralysed or have head injuries, helmet (a Spesh S-Works Prevail, brand new worn for the first time) possibly saved my life. It broke into many pieces and I have no head injuries save a little concussion.
    Can't risk it happening again due to career/3 kids to support. Already looking like I'm going to lose my current (dream) posting. Livid isn't a strong enough word. Reported to BC but not doing anything due to lack of information.

    Anyhoo I digress. I broke my leg rather badly 2 years ago and after that my motivation to get back on the bike was massive, I entered a club '10' 10 weeks later and did a PB 14 weeks later.

    This time my motivation has completely and utterly gone. I'm contemplating selling my TT bike and all the training eqpt (powermeter etc) and just having a basic road bike to go out for the odd bimble. I don't even give a sh1t about my fitness/weight. This has unfortunately coincided with a really bad period in relation to work/money (despite it being as good a posting as it gets) so everything is rock bottom at the moment.

    Now, where's that cake?

    I broke my back around the time you did (I think; it was Feb 2011, and I wasn't paying much attention to the the rest of the world post-crash).

    In all honesty, I struggle to get out of bed sometimes, and I'm in (bearable) pain most of the time. Best of luck, and bugger the "think positive" brigade.

    [whisper]Fancy Galibier, or perhaps the Col du Tourmalet?[/whisper]
    Sometimes parts break. Sometimes you crash. Sometimes it’s your fault.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Have a riding holiday every year (money permitting) and take in some events - probably sportives in the foreseeable future but needn't be competitive.

    Do at least one major tour on a bike - 2 weeks plus - across part of America, South America or even somewhere a bit more off the beaten track - thinking more of mtb carrying tent etc - something along those lines.

    There are other things I'd love to do - win a road race being the one that springs to mind - but if I never do I wont lose sleep over them - but doing a bit of travelling with the bike is something I would regret not having done if one day I didn't have the good health to ride a bike.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • exlaser
    exlaser Posts: 266
    NapoleonD wrote:
    It was get to 2nd cat and do a 20min 10 but I've jacked in racing.
    I'd also hoped to do Ventoux but I can't see it happening :(

    do ventoux, its the best and worst day you can have on a bike.

    if i can do it , anyone can.
    all it takes is a four day holiday. and a lot of pain! :lol:
    Van Nicholas Ventus
    Rose Xeon RS
  • seemunkee
    seemunkee Posts: 206
    As I've been having major knee problems the last 3 months my first wish it to get back on the bike and be able to ride without pain.
    After that is to do a double century next summer.
    I would love to do the Furnace Creek 508 out in the Mojave, maybe as 2 man relay.
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    APIII wrote:
    Buy a house in the pyrenees and ride every pass before I retire :D

    I am saving hard.

    Apologies for resurrecting such an old thread, but I'm a bit excited having just realised part 1 of my to do list. Ok, so it's an apartment, not a house, but I've bought it and I'm chuffed to bits :D
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    Well done!

    Now the easy bit!

    Why before you retire, are you going to stop cycling when you retire?
    my isetta is a 300cc bike