And the Winner of MBR Ultimate trail bike is....

Dick Scruttock
Dick Scruttock Posts: 2,533
edited June 2011 in MTB general
Drumroll please........

The Orange Five Pro :lol::lol:

In other shock news the World is also round.

MBR Even! LOL :oops: :oops:


  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    Do you mean MBR? I thought WMB was the Canyon.
  • Dick Scruttock
    Dick Scruttock Posts: 2,533
    Yep meant MBR, EPIC fail on my part!
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Lol i'm not suprised at all, Love the reveiws of them.

    the last one i saw in MBUK read like a really average reveiw heavy nothing special blah blah, then it won the test. i just don't get how they think we don't notice the seriously biased tests...
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553

    not surprised.

    do you reckon they all paid their own money for them, and continue to justify that purchase in the reviews?


    I personally don't have anything against the 5. It is in fact a really good bike. Some people don't like the way it looks...I don't mind it...

    Would I buy one? Probably not.

    I do think though there are other equally as good bikes, available for less money.
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Well thats the point for me,

    Most of the reveiwers don't actually ride one. So if it's the best why don't they own one :s
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    ha ha, i guessed that would be the answer :lol:
  • TowerRider
    TowerRider Posts: 430
    When I started looking into MTB I dismissed this mag because of the view held here AND I also read about the same thing two years ago. Orange must be doing very well to keep that image going. Do they advertise in the mag?
  • CycloRos
    CycloRos Posts: 579
    I used to find the MBR / Orange 5 love-thing quite annoying but is now mostly funny.

    The thing that annoys me at the moment is WMB reviewing a slightly different variant of the Canyon Nerve XC in every bloody issue! Yes we get it they're really good value, top spec trail bikes!!!
    Current Rides -
    Charge Cooker, Ragley mmmBop, Haro Mary SS 29er
  • :lol::lol::lol: that is all.
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572
    Bloody hell, we're not HONESTLY back to this subject again are we :shock: :roll:

    Orange PR / marketing must be beside themselves - no need to advertise when the forums are full of them! No such things as bad PR chaps..... :wink:
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

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  • hucking_fell
    hucking_fell Posts: 1,056
    No such things as bad PR

    Dunno, I'm kinda put off riding mine by it all.

    Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse for a new bike though :D
    More freerange chicken than Freeride God
    Bighit , 5 , BFe
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    No such things as bad PR

    Dunno, I'm kinda put off riding mine by it all.

    Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse for a new bike though :D

    I would too if I had an Orange :p
  • Dick Scruttock
    Dick Scruttock Posts: 2,533
    No such things as bad PR

    Dunno, I'm kinda put off riding mine by it all.

    Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse for a new bike though :D

    I would too if I had an Orange :p

  • Dick Scruttock
    Dick Scruttock Posts: 2,533
    miss notax wrote:
    Bloody hell, we're not HONESTLY back to this subject again are we :shock: :roll:

    And we are back to this subject as I was so shocked to read it had won a MBR review :roll: :roll:
  • hucking_fell
    hucking_fell Posts: 1,056
    Walked right into that didn't I :oops:

    edit - que the "I'd rather walk than ride a 5" comments
    More freerange chicken than Freeride God
    Bighit , 5 , BFe
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Walked right into that didn't I :oops:

    edit - que the "I'd rather walk than ride a 5" comments

    i know it was so easy i nearly didn't type it, but then figured i couln't resist lol
  • hucking_fell
    hucking_fell Posts: 1,056
    More freerange chicken than Freeride God
    Bighit , 5 , BFe
  • getonyourbike
    getonyourbike Posts: 2,648
    That's no surprise, an Orange 5 wins again. :roll:
  • warpcow
    warpcow Posts: 1,448
    Wasn't it Einstein who said, "The definition of stupidity is reading MBR's 'trail-bike of the year' tests and expecting anything but an Orange 5 to win"?
  • milfredo
    milfredo Posts: 322

    Rick knows what is best... LTC for the win every time! Not that I am biased ;)
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I think it is a superb and logical choice if you want the heaviest, most expensive, worst value and simplest suspension on test.

  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    A swingarm that ugly should rule it out of all consideration, surely? :?
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    Daz555 wrote:
    A swingarm that ugly should rule it out of all consideration, surely? :?

    If it came down to looks then surely a hardtail would win it everytime... Fully suspended bikes are almost without exception, ugly.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Daz555 wrote:
    A swingarm that ugly should rule it out of all consideration, surely? :?

    If it came down to looks then surely a hardtail would win it everytime... Fully suspended bikes are almost without exception, ugly.

    naww not convinced by this, my bike is sexy!
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    I really like the way the five looks.

    Rode a new one and I liked it, seemed really nice... this bike since broke :lol:

    I hate the price though. I'll not be investing in one for this reason, especially being a poor student. Bikes out there that are just as good and cheaper. If I had the money and could afford it I would be mighty tempted by one though.
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    Daz555 wrote:
    A swingarm that ugly should rule it out of all consideration, surely? :?

    If it came down to looks then surely a hardtail would win it everytime... Fully suspended bikes are almost without exception, ugly.

    naww not convinced by this, my bike is sexy!

    It may be sexy, but is asthetically good looking... different things. Some people find Dawn French sexy...

    FS bikes are all fiddly with loads of extraneous tubes and pivots and suchlike... all function over form...

    I fully accept that I may be overthinking this btw.. it's been a slow day.
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    Some people find Dawn French sexy....

    There's a word for people like that. Blind.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Daz555 wrote:
    A swingarm that ugly should rule it out of all consideration, surely? :?

    If it came down to looks then surely a hardtail would win it everytime... Fully suspended bikes are almost without exception, ugly.


    i think not somehow :lol:
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    lawman wrote:
    Daz555 wrote:
    A swingarm that ugly should rule it out of all consideration, surely? :?

    If it came down to looks then surely a hardtail would win it everytime... Fully suspended bikes are almost without exception, ugly.

    i think not somehow :lol:

    Well you can cut that steerer down for starters!! :wink:

    I know where you're coming from and the Mojo was my first thought when I posted that, but it's trying too hard - all those curves and suchlike are trying to compensate for all the fiddly pivots and an ugly shock in the middle...
  • I think those Mojo's are shockingly ugly...each to their own