Im gonna shave them

wayne1978 Posts: 56
edited May 2012 in Road beginners
Right lads, been a roadie for nearly a year now, have awesome calf muscles, have nice kit nice bike. But hairy legs. I am gonna shave em, I wanna look like a pro I wanna feel faster and I wanna look cool.
Who gonna take the pledge and join me?


  • thinbo
    thinbo Posts: 93
    body hair is a secondary sexual characteristic to display to the opposite sex that you are ready for mating

    you might find your love-life suffers
    CUBE Agree GTC Pro '10
    Giant Defy 2 '09
  • T-Rekster
    T-Rekster Posts: 110
    Can I just say, I am a man, I wear lycra shorts & I have Hairy legs and I'm proud of them....

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Don't forget the 'tinted' moisturiser ;)
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    "look cool"???!!

    Don't be daft - leave them hairy you silly bloke.

    PS, ever heard of shaving folliculitis?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Secteur wrote:

    PS, ever heard of shaving folliculitis?

    Yes, I get it on my face. Never had it on my legs though...
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Go for it. Think it looks best with the orange look oops, meant San Tropez
  • Robbie1958
    Robbie1958 Posts: 148
    It's the thin end of the wedge you the legs, tomorrow the nether regions, i'm sure they have counselling for this type of thing.
    Colnago..............The name on the worlds finest bikes
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    I haven't shaved (my face) in about 10 years* due to terrible regrowth folliculitis, so I cant imagine the horror of two entire red, spotty, itchy legs when it regrows!

    If you're dead set on it, then maybe get them waxed?

    Having said all that, it just seems so unnatural for a man to do this, unless you're an elite athlete!

    * I use a trimmer to trim it to a fraction of a millimetre above skin level, thus avoiding regrowth problems. I don't look like Gandalf with a massive beard!!
  • pastey_boy
    pastey_boy Posts: 2,083
    i shaved my legs once but didnt know where to stop so ended up doing my entire body including pubes and arms. one big advantage was it was easy to get dry after a shower but the bum crease pimples were an unwanted side effect.
    Viner Salviati
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    One-one Ti 456 Evo
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    Orange Clockwork 2007 ltd ed
    Yeti ASR 5
    Cove Hummer XC Ti
  • gaddster
    gaddster Posts: 401
    Why do you have to fully shave them? Just give them a trim with one of those beard/body hair shaver things! A number 2 should do it.
    "Hello oh great one"
    "Are you talking to me or my ass?"
  • d87heaven
    d87heaven Posts: 348
    pastey_boy wrote:
    i shaved my legs once but didnt know where to stop so ended up doing my entire body including pubes and arms. one big advantage was it was easy to get dry after a shower but the bum crease pimples were an unwanted side effect.

    Funny and stomach turning in equal measures. What did the missus make of it?
    Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel
  • Do it, I did mine the other day, they feel great :oops: the only problem is the speed that the hair starts to grow back, within 24hrs they've got stubble (plus I've cut myself more times in the two times I've done my legs than the 18 years I've been shaving my face), so waxing is the next step as I don't think the Veet will be much better than the razor
  • pastey_boy
    pastey_boy Posts: 2,083
    d87heaven wrote:
    pastey_boy wrote:
    i shaved my legs once but didnt know where to stop so ended up doing my entire body including pubes and arms. one big advantage was it was easy to get dry after a shower but the bum crease pimples were an unwanted side effect.

    Funny and stomach turning in equal measures. What did the missus make of it?
    she was totally jealous, i could see the envy in her eyes as she tweezered her tash.
    Viner Salviati
    Shark Aero Pro
    Px Ti Custom
    Cougar 531
    Sab single speed
    Argon 18 E-112 TT
    One-one Ti 456 Evo
    Ridley Cheetah TT
    Orange Clockwork 2007 ltd ed
    Yeti ASR 5
    Cove Hummer XC Ti
  • aripallaris
    aripallaris Posts: 294
    you should probably wax them if your going down that route. shaving will lead to thicker hair growth and possibility of stubble. waxing will help thin the hair in time and wont cause stubble.

    id say leave the hair be mate. catch as many flies as you an in them!
  • Dodger747
    Dodger747 Posts: 305
    You should be shaving everything/hairless from the beard downwards anyway! 8)

    [apart from arms...]
    VO2 Max - 79 ml/kg/min
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  • lemoncurd
    lemoncurd Posts: 1,428
    Shave one leg first, leave for a couple of weeks and see whether you like it before fully committing to the lady look.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,659
    I'd rather be still hairy and sail past people with shaved legs, just to disprove the 'better aerodynamics' myth. Of course the most fun is to be had wearing long jeans and sailing past lycra-clad, shaved-leg racers, whilst waving a cheery "hello". Simple pleasures. Childish too, but I do make a living by blowing raspberries down a brass tube, so I should be excused.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    It's nowt to do with aerodynamics.

    It's 90% Vanity, 10% Road Rash help (in my case)

    For the pros it helps with massage too.

    Brian I'm disappointed in you! Should I be gleaning pleasure sailing past you on your Supersix while I'm on my heavy alloy bike? :wink:
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,659
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Brian I'm disappointed in you! Should I be gleaning pleasure sailing past you on your Supersix while I'm on my heavy alloy bike?
  • martincashman
    martincashman Posts: 116
    How fast are you? Not gonna look very pro trying to suck in the atmosphere at 15mph up a 4% incline when a hippy on a mountain bike with a Gandalf beard cruises past you.

    Surely the only reason to add the hassle to your routine, is if they are earning you money, whether that's as a regular cat race winner or a street walking ladyboy turning tricks to pay for your carbon habit.
    MTB HardTail: GT Aggressor XC2 '09
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  • wayne1978
    wayne1978 Posts: 56
    I never laughed so much guys, thanks for all the posts.
    Each to their own, we live once so why not enjoy what we have left on this crazy planet and do crazy things once in a while.
    I did feel the odd one out when I cycled the 20 miles to work and all eight roadies I saw also cycling to work had theirs shave too.
    Even the more for me to go and do it.
    Will keep you posted. (now where is the wifes razor)
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    Do it.
    With it being a cycling forum, I was quite surprised to see that most of your replies seemed to be 'no'.
    I don't race and my club are about 60/40 for shaving but it makes me feel the part more and just don't like the look of hairy legs with cycling shorts.
    For the first time get some clippers before getting the razor or Veet out :)
  • Juttzman
    Juttzman Posts: 3
    Wax or wet shave? I dont know what to do haha
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    I started with clippers minus the guard and then Veet but I've now gone to shaving.
    I think waxing will last longer.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,659
    RC856 wrote:
    With it being a cycling forum, I was quite surprised to see that most of your replies seemed to be 'no'.
    I prefer cycling to shaving. I shave my face reluctantly, so I'm not going to do anything to increase the workload. I'd rather be on the bike.
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    one practical reason for shaving is that it makes application of sun block etc a whole lot easier, the stuff rubs in really quick when your hair free ...and you don't get loads of dead flies in your hairs..
    On the vanity side though it just looks so much better - when the sun started to appear in April I shaved legs for 1st time this year - and when I went out on a nice day, on my good bike in the sun it was just the icing on the cake... After a while, hairy legs on a roadie just looks wrong...
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,659
    bam49 wrote:
    ...and you don't get loads of dead flies in your hairs..
    Ah, I've realised the reason to shave - the flies both increase your drag AND add weight. What's the point in having carbon bottle cages if you weigh yourself down with extra animals? Add that to the weight of the suncream, and it's amazing anyone with hairy legs can get up a hill.
  • Zoomer37
    Zoomer37 Posts: 725
    If the ''they need to be shaved to make it easier to clean if i fall off'' thing is not working with your mates, just get a tattoo on your calf and try ''whats the point of having a tat if you can't see if properly?'' If that fails then perhaps you could just call yourself Tracy and switch sides.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I just reply with an over the top "WTF?!? You don't shave your legs? You freaking gorilla!" Basically try and assert it as the norm amongst my fellow men.

    Anyhoo, got to go, got a coffee date with the boys at M+S Food.
  • ThatBikeGuy
    ThatBikeGuy Posts: 394
    I don't shave my legs as it acts as the insulating layer during the winter. I live up north see, where real men wear shorts all year round! :lol:
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