What's your commute?



  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    Some rides seem unbelieveably flat. At least I have some hills...

    Time: 00:51:33
    Distance: 15.31 mi
    Elevation Gain: 561 ft
    Calories: 1,176 C
    Time: 00:51:33
    Avg Speed: 17.8 mph
    Max Speed: 33.5 mph
    Avg HR: 167 bpm
    Max HR: 181 bpm
    Avg Bike Cadence: 93 rpm

    Time: 00:53:05
    Distance: 14.38 mi
    Elevation Gain: 921 ft
    Calories: 1,352 C
    Avg Speed: 16.3 mph
    Max Speed: 43.1 mph
    Avg HR: 161 bpm
    Max HR: 179 bpm
    Avg Bike Cadence: 88 rpm
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • blimey your homeward journey is double your outbound!! Top speed of 43.1 some nice decents?

    Impressive time, I thought I was doing okay with hills @ 375 wouldn't fancy 921ft every day, kudos to you sir!
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    blimey your homeward journey is double your outbound!! Top speed of 43.1 some nice decents?

    Impressive time, I thought I was doing okay with hills @ 375 wouldn't fancy 921ft every day, kudos to you sir!

    Yup - it's kinda net-downhill on the way in. The way back tends to be more into the prevailing wind and net-uphill. That last slope a mile or two from home is a good place to give it a blast - I could probably go a tad faster but I've met tractors coming the other way before now with spiky bits and it's a twisty single-track road...

    I want to include a bit more climbing on the way home because I'm trying to get better at it. The route home climbs and then drops back to sea-level and there's a bit of a brutal climb out of Munlochy.

    It's the return journey that put me off attempting the commute for a while but then at the beginning of last year I just decided to go for it on my 10 year old Kona Cinder Cone MTB and Ice Spiker tyres. After 400 miles on that set-up, a road bike seems easy.
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    just wondering how many of these journeys are 5 days a week?
    www.conjunctivitis.com - a site for sore eyes
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    Chris Bass wrote:
    just wondering how many of these journeys are 5 days a week?

    I want to do 5 days but struggling with other commitments especially my son's cancer treatment so typically 3 or 4 right now though the odd 5 days straight.
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • rickyrider
    rickyrider Posts: 294
    Some of these are really impressive, this is my best run this year, could not imagine getting an average of 18mph let alone 20mph :( 47 and slightly overweight as per my username :P

    i wouldn't worry too much about some of the stats in here - everyones commutes will be completely different so comparisons are pointless. I've got a stretch on my commute for instance when I have to navigate about 12 sets of lights in a mile and a half, and being a good boy I don;t RLJ... sticks a bit of a dent on your average speed though!
  • Asif Tufal
    Asif Tufal Posts: 109
    I'm lucky enough to have recently discovered a mainly off-road commute, with about a mile of road at each end. It goes around Pound Wood and then through Tile Wood and West Wood: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/80146341 :-) On the way home, I can add a loop around Belfairs Woods, depending on time and energy available! Does anyone else have an off-road commute?
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Minimum of 14.7 miles each way.

    Takes between 50 mins-1 hour depending on traffic.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    Chris Bass wrote:
    just wondering how many of these journeys are 5 days a week?

    Where possible, always seems to be something that stops me & its not my legs. Tomorrow is a train day due to smashing a rim on the way home & pub visit after work.
  • mrobbie
    mrobbie Posts: 64
    I've just changed my commute to include some hills - starting out I took the flattest option, but as I am now doing this with ease, I need to start pushing myself more. I do this commute 4 days a week at the moment but will increase to 5 days from May. Only been commuting since mid-March.

    First time on the new route last night was:

    Distance = 9.9 miles
    Time = 45 mins
    Av Speed = 13.1mph
    Max height = 203ft
    Min height = 16ft
    Total ascent = 338ft
    Total descent = 318ft

    The av speed seems low compared to others. I want to get this into the 15s or 16s. I'm just getting used to the new road bike, but hope to get to thsee speeds in the next month or so as I am about to start a Sunday ride into the routine.
    Quite addicted to cycling now....
  • Well it seems my Garnin is not very accurate regarding hills...

    Same run this morning gave this

    Elevation Gain: 743 ft
    Elevation Loss: 779 ft
    Min Elevation: 54 ft
    Max Elevation: 466 ft

    Elevation Gain: 504 ft
    Elevation Loss: 511 ft
    Min Elevation: 232 ft
    Max Elevation: 478 ft

    Of course the 743ft will be deemed the correct one :lol:
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    Well it seems my Garnin is not very accurate regarding hills...


    Do you use Garmin Connect? Do you have Elevation Correction enabled? It's not fool-proof (it "corrects" my minimum elevation to -41ft) but it should sort a 200ft error. I also find that Garmin Connect gives me a very different result to Training Centre (TC being much higher) - the numbers I listed are from Connect.
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • andyjr
    andyjr Posts: 635
    27 miles one way
    Best into work 95.24, 16.9mph average
    Best home 88.55, 18.1mph average
  • richrock
    richrock Posts: 77
    I track my rides on runkeeper - http://runkeeper.com/user/richrock/profile

    Typically 7.1 miles, currently riding at around 30 minutes. Got some variations in the routes, but doesn't alter length, just the hills :)

    Will get a computer at some point to see mph (something runkeeper doesn't do - just xx minutes per mile and I'm rubbish at maths to work it out whilst riding)
  • I ride a Brompton so the bike ride part of my commute is as long as I want it to be.... If I can't be bothered or the weather gets rubbish I just hop on a bus or train.

    Today I got a bus in for half my journey because it started off really foggy... cleared up a bit after about 8 miles so I got off and did the last 6 on bike.

    Nice weather coming home so I just cycled the whole 14 miles.

  • richVSrich
    richVSrich Posts: 527
    7.4 miles - 35 mins through London
  • raymc
    raymc Posts: 38
    20miles roundtrip door to door.

    Nice hilly route, average time 35minutes both ways.

    Can be very trying in a Southerly wind straight in your face! Oh and have had to contend with road closures for the past 2 wks, although to be fair have found the workmen very co-operative allowing me to cycle on the closed road.

    Also as I work shifts, leave the house at 0625ish if on an early and leave work at 1430 finish. Excellent shower facilities at work. If on a late, leave house at 1300 and leave work at 2130ish.

    Last 2 miles always into a headwind coming home, straight road Westerly wind.

    Complete with loaded pannier.

    Good thread!

  • seadog12
    seadog12 Posts: 36
    My commute depends on what time I drag myself out of bed in the morning :)

    Direct route:
    Time: 00:37:19
    Distance: 8.64 mi
    Elevation Gain: 1,042 ft

    Normal (safe on country lane) route:
    Time: 00:38:16
    Distance: 9.97 mi
    Elevation Gain: 812 ft

    Long route (through Chatsworth):
    Time: 00:56:11
    Distance: 16.83 mi
    Elevation Gain: 995 ft

    Will sometimes try a challenge on the way home - did Rowlsey Bar the other day (they held the national hill climb championships there until 1997) 700ft of elevation in 1.3miles (won't be doing it very often) .
  • clarkey cat
    clarkey cat Posts: 3,641
    20 miles
    1hr 15
  • whitestar1
    whitestar1 Posts: 530
    2nd week, 5 days per week commute

    Distance 4.4 mi
    Elapsed time 00.20.31
    Elevation 422.32
    Calorie 194 Kcal
    Max speed 26.2
    Average Speed 12.93

    iPhone BikeMateGPS
    Ride Safe! Keep Safe!
    Specialized Roubaix Comp 2017
    Cube Agree Pro 2014
    Triban 7 2013
    RockRider 8.0 2011
  • Eskimo427
    Eskimo427 Posts: 288
    Commute while training:

    One way:
    Distance 24 mi
    Elapsed time 1.35.00
    Total Climb 755 Feet
    Total Decent 770 Feet
    Calorie 1333 Kcal
    Max speed 28.8 mph
    Average Speed 14.8 mph

    Cycling back the figures are roughly the same depending on the wind.

    This is all done on a full suspension mountain bike with knobbly tyres on.

    About 9 of the miles are done on road the rest an old railway line.

    My fastest time was 1.20.00 with a little help from the wind and on a slightly modified Scott Spark 20.
  • 17 miles each way
    1:10 to 1:15 depending on traffic.
  • dodgerdog
    dodgerdog Posts: 292
    Average of 16.2 mph
    Normally around 46-47 min
    ave HR 138ish
    Allez Triple (hairy with mudguards) - FCN 4
    Ribble Gran Fondo
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    14 miles to site A (http://www.endomondo.com/workouts/odv2dkDr4lE)
    7.3 miles at lunch time to site B (http://www.endomondo.com/workouts/vqqe75SqmxQ)
    7.7 miles home (http://www.endomondo.com/workouts/pC4VgwUOzhg)

    Some days it's the other way round. I try to do this 2-3 times a week but it's not always possible for far too many reasons.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • Extralight
    Extralight Posts: 136
    Exactly 15 miles each way for me (from near Windsor to Ealing), done 3 or 4 times a week on a road bike. Usually takes around an hour. Moving average varies from 14mph on a day when I'm grovelling in the gutter, to my best run of 17.0mph when my legs felt good and the lights were with me. I don't have a Garmin, so can't tell you about elevations, but it's mostly flat. Needless to say, it seems as though there's (almost) always a headwind!
  • Mccrear
    Mccrear Posts: 256
    i do 8.5 miles each way, along the clyde+forth canal. I only started last week, its taken me anything from 40-55 mins dependent on weather,traffic and fitness! really enjoying it, but i am finding a lot of obnoxious/arrogant/stupid cyclists who weave in and out of traffic/jump onto pavements - generally dont pay attention to people around them - and i feel guilty/ashamed to be associated with them!
  • mingmong
    mingmong Posts: 542
    25 each way.

    1hr 20 +/- this morning.

    Estimated 1hr 40 on the way back.

    Only manage it twice in the working week.

    Bit rough on Monday :oops:
    Spin Wednesday :lol:
    Out early on Friday :P
  • Crawler2
    Crawler2 Posts: 29
    12 miles each way, four pedestrian-only bridges, one subway, 19 sets of traffic lights.

    And a headwind. Always a freakin' headwind.

    Best time: 49 minutes.
    My legs really ache.
  • whitestar1
    whitestar1 Posts: 530
    eyko wrote:
    Is it possible to get commute envy? I have a measly 4 mile round commute, think I'm just going to have to stick a few miles on the return journey so I don't feel so bad :lol:

    dont feel that way! Mine is just over 4 miles. I am awed by the amount of miles this lot covers :roll:
    Ride Safe! Keep Safe!
    Specialized Roubaix Comp 2017
    Cube Agree Pro 2014
    Triban 7 2013
    RockRider 8.0 2011
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 290
    Chingford, Walthamstow, Tottenham Hale, Dalston, Islington, Holborn, Covent Garden...

    Distance 10.74 miles
    Duration 49m:19s
    Avg Speed 13.1 mph
    Max Speed 23.9 mph
    Calories 630 kcal
    Altitude 36 ft / 410 ft
    Elevation 827 ft ↑ / 732 ft ↓

    Distance 10.20 miles
    Duration 42m:56s
    Avg Speed 14.3 mph
    Max Speed 22.4 mph
    Calories 599 kcal
    Altitude 82 ft / 180 ft
    Elevation 66 ft ↑ / 0 ft ↓

    B'Twin Sport 1
    FCN 7 =4, +2(non cycling clothes) +1(beard)