


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    dmclite wrote:
    Israels neighbours have been systematically trying to wipe out Israel for decades. After the Holocaust I think all gloves are off are far as the founding and maintaining of Israel.

    The holocaust has no place in this discussion IMHO.

    The fact is that Israel occupies land that doesn't belong to it. We're to blame for that.

    No, I think you are wrong about the Holocaust. Israel's character was defined by what happened to the European jews and they will never back down or kowtow because of it. Thats why Syria and Egypt have both been defeated by Israel. the holocaust has everything to do with today's Israel.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    dmclite wrote:
    dmclite wrote:
    Israels neighbours have been systematically trying to wipe out Israel for decades. After the Holocaust I think all gloves are off are far as the founding and maintaining of Israel.

    The holocaust has no place in this discussion IMHO.

    The fact is that Israel occupies land that doesn't belong to it. We're to blame for that.

    No, I think you are wrong about the Holocaust. Israel's character was defined by what happened to the European jews and they will never back down or kowtow because of it. Thats why Syria and Egypt have both been defeated by Israel. the holocaust has everything to do with today's Israel.

    I don't think I am wrong. I said the Holocaust had nothing to do with this discussion. Not that it didn't have anything to do with Israel.

    Besides which, there's a difference between not backing down and behaving as badly as the Israelis do towards the Palestinians. In many ways, their behaviour towards the Palestinians mirrors the way the Jews were treated by the Germans.

    The Holocaust was horrendous, however, don't think for one second that it's acceptable for the Jews to hide behind it as justification for treating those around them in a sub-human way. They are the bullies of the Middle East.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    dmclite wrote:
    dmclite wrote:
    Israels neighbours have been systematically trying to wipe out Israel for decades. After the Holocaust I think all gloves are off are far as the founding and maintaining of Israel.

    The holocaust has no place in this discussion IMHO.

    The fact is that Israel occupies land that doesn't belong to it. We're to blame for that.

    No, I think you are wrong about the Holocaust. Israel's character was defined by what happened to the European jews and they will never back down or kowtow because of it. Thats why Syria and Egypt have both been defeated by Israel. the holocaust has everything to do with today's Israel.

    Sparta should be a warning from history for anyone who thinks that a small nation can stay unbeatable in war.

    IMO Israel should have been created in land taken from Germany (along with a home for the Roma). They were the ones who were putting the Jews into gas showers, they should have been the ones punished, preferably by taking regions where support for the Nazis was highest.
  • dmclite wrote:
    Israels neighbours have been systematically trying to wipe out Israel for decades. After the Holocaust I think all gloves are off are far as the founding and maintaining of Israel.

    The holocaust has no place in this discussion IMHO.

    The fact is that Israel occupies land that doesn't belong to it. We're to blame for that.

    Ah the 'who owns the land' debate. How long has everyone got?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    dmclite wrote:
    dmclite wrote:
    Israels neighbours have been systematically trying to wipe out Israel for decades. After the Holocaust I think all gloves are off are far as the founding and maintaining of Israel.

    The holocaust has no place in this discussion IMHO.

    The fact is that Israel occupies land that doesn't belong to it. We're to blame for that.

    No, I think you are wrong about the Holocaust. Israel's character was defined by what happened to the European jews and they will never back down or kowtow because of it. Thats why Syria and Egypt have both been defeated by Israel. the holocaust has everything to do with today's Israel.

    I don't think I am wrong. I said the Holocaust had nothing to do with this discussion. Not that it didn't have anything to do with Israel.

    Besides which, there's a difference between not backing down and behaving as badly as the Israelis do towards the Palestinians. In many ways, their behaviour towards the Palestinians mirrors the way the Jews were treated by the Germans.

    The Holocaust was horrendous, however, don't think for one second that it's acceptable for the Jews to hide behind it as justification for treating those around them in a sub-human way. They are the bullies of the Middle East.

    There are quite a few denominations living in Israel. Do I detect some slight anti-semitism, or am I wrong ?
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    dmclite wrote:
    There are quite a few denominations living in Israel. Do I detect some slight anti-semitism, or am I wrong ?

    With respect, you are wrong. It's pretty cheap to accuse someone of being an anti-Semite if they are openly critical of the behaviour of the Israeli Government don't you think? If I were to openly criticise US foreign policy, would that make me anti-American?

    I have worked with the Israeli military in the past (I am ex-military myself), and certainly the men and women I worked with were ordinary decent people. They do what they are told, in exactly the same way I did what I was told. The fault isn't with them, but the people at the top. I am intelligent enough to form the position that you can be critical of the actions of the Government of a country, without extending that criticism to every member of that country.

    And I stand by my position.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    As I recall history and theology, Judaism is THE oldest religion. The occupation of the land was already in state when Saladin and his rebels came along following a religion invented many centuries after Judaism and wiped out the Jews living in and around the site of King Soloman's Temple. Hence Richard the Lionheart and the Cursades ala the Templer Knights fighting Saladin and his armies to protect the right of Jews and Christians to occuppy the scared land. Since then, Islam has decided it's birthpalce is on the same spot of King Soloman's Temple and it is the right of Islam to occupy the sacred land. The post war bombing of the King David hotel during British occupation was the catalyst that lead to land that the Palastinians decided they didn't want, being given to the Israelis. Now the Israelis have made a go of that land and prospered, the Palastinians want it back and the anti jew faiths have teamed up to support the Palastinians. When you consider this is all about mythologil rubbish invented by tribal elders to create control over rebelling hordes thousands of years ago, it shows the idiocy of faith groups that are fighting battles over wars no one really knows anything about. Natural hatred is bred into each side making it endemic that they will take up arms against each other.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    dmclite wrote:
    There are quite a few denominations living in Israel. Do I detect some slight anti-semitism, or am I wrong ?

    With respect, you are wrong. It's pretty cheap to accuse someone of being an anti-Semite if they are openly critical of the behaviour of the Israeli Government don't you think? If I were to openly criticise US foreign policy, would that make me anti-American?

    I have worked with the Israeli military in the past (I am ex-military myself), and certainly the men and women I worked with were ordinary decent people. They do what they are told, in exactly the same way I did what I was told. The fault isn't with them, but the people at the top. I am intelligent enough to form the position that you can be critical of the actions of the Government of a country, without extending that criticism to every member of that country.

    And I stand by my position.

    Not cheap at all, just an honest question based upon your posts.

    Difference is, Libya seems to be sliding toward civil war, not just revolution. Killing your own people who openly want change is wrong in any arena.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    dmclite wrote:
    Not cheap at all, just an honest question based upon your posts.

    Fair enough.
    Difference is, Libya seems to be sliding toward civil war, not just revolution. Killing your own people who openly want change is wrong in any arena.

    Absolutely. There can be no justification. Gaddafi has a case to answer; although whether that occurs at the Hague, or at the end of a rope wielded by a baying crowd remains to be seen.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    He'll reappear soon as Gene Simmons and Kiss will be doing another shopping mall tour soon.

    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    philthy3 wrote:
    He'll reappear soon as Gene Simmons and Kiss will be doing another shopping mall tour soon.


    Goddamned good lookin' guy. :D
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Off topic but in that image you can see where his wig is taped on by his right ear. The blokes got less hair than I have allegedly.

    And the man himself:
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    end of
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,504
    dilemna wrote:
    Gadaffi could always see out his days in Scotland ................

    The best way out of this situation is for Gadaffi to be given safe haven in another country. It may not be 'justice' or what the West would want to see happen by would avoid a lot of bloodshed.

    Probably not Scotland though
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    bompington wrote:
    end of

    Am I wrong? :roll:
  • Weejie54
    Weejie54 Posts: 750
    The occupation of the land was already in state when Saladin and his rebels came along following a religion invented many centuries after Judaism and wiped out the Jews living in and around the site of King Soloman's Temple. Hence Richard the Lionheart and the Cursades ala the Templer Knights fighting Saladin and his armies to protect the right of Jews and Christians to occuppy the scared land.

    This is so funny....

    1096 - Participants in the First Crusade massacre Jews in several Central European cities, beginning centuries of pogroms linked to the Crusades.

    1096 - More than 5,000 Jews were murdered in Germany in several different attacks.

    May 3, 1096 Count Emico of Leiningen, on his way to join a Crusade, attacked the synagogue at Speyers and killed all the defenders.

    May 27, 1096 1,200 Jews commit suicide in Mayence to escape Count Emico, who tried to forcibly convert them.

    1099 - Crusaders (European Christians) capture Jerusalem and massacre tens of thousands of the city's Jews.

    ....1171 - Saladin (1138-1193) overthrows Fatimid dynasty in Egypt

    1187 - Saladin recaptures Jerusalem from Crusaders grants Jews permission to re-enter... ... etime.html

    Quite what this has to do with Qaddafi, I'm not sure....
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    edited February 2011
    bompington wrote:
    end of

    Am I wrong? :roll:
    Yes, you must have known that an inflammatory statement like that was never going to be the "end of" anything :wink:

    As for the statement itself, surely it's a bit of an insult to the 98% of Americans who aren't Jewish? You may argue that Jews have a disproportionately high influence in the US, but the bald stement "Jews rule the US" sounds like something out of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to me
  • Just for the record Judaism is not the oldest religion and the first settlers in the region were not Jewish. Other older cultures and religions predate Judaism by quite a few thousand years.

    back to the OP, I can't see Gaddfi every standing down. he is appears ro be far too desulional for that. saying that he can surprise so he might.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    History Timeline of World Religions and its Founders

    2,085 BC. Judaism-Abraham

    1,500 BC. Hinduism- no specific founder

    560 BC. Buddhism- Gautama Buddha

    550 BC. Taoism - Lao Tzu

    599 BC. Jainism, Mahavira

    30 AD. Christianity –Jesus Christ

    50-100 AD. Gnosticism-

    150-250 AD. -Modalism (Monarchianism)–Sabellius, Praxeus, Noetus, Paul of Samosata

    325 AD. -After being persecuted for almost 200 years Constantine made the Church becomes a legal religion, compromise begins to enter.

    590 AD.-Roman Catholicism- Developed after Constantine; Pope Gregory?

    610 AD.- Islam- Mohammed

    1400 AD.- Rosicrucians-Christian Rosenkreuz (1694 US) Rosicrucians- Master Kelpius, Johann Andrea

    1515 AD.- Protestantism- (Reformers) Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin

    1650 AD.- Tibetan Buddhism-Dalai Lama

    1700 AD.- Freemasony- Albert Mackey, Albert Pike

    1760 AD.-Swedenborgism- Emmanuel Swedenborg

    1784 AD.- Shakers - Mother Ann Lee

    1830 AD.- Mormonism – Joseph Smith

    1830 AD.-Cambellites-Alexander & Thomas Cambell, Barton Stone

    1838 AD.-Tenrikyo- Miki Maegawa Nakayama

    1844 AD.-Christadelphians- John Thomas

    1840-45 AD.-Millerites 2nd day Adventists –William Miller then became 7th Day Adventists

    1844 AD.-Bahai- Baha'u'llah (Abul Baha)

    1845-1870AD.- 7th Day Adventists-E.G. White

    1848 AD.-Spiritualism - Kate and Margaret Fox

    1870 AD.-Jehovah's Witnesses- Charles Taze Russell

    1875 AD.-Theosophical Society- H.P. Blavatsky, Henry Olcott

    1879 AD.-Christian Science-Mary Baker Eddy

    1889-1924 AD.-Unity School of Christianity- Myrtle Fillmore

    1900 AD.-Rosicrucian Fellowship-Max Heindel

    1902 AD.- Anthroposophical Society –Rudolf Steiner

    1906 AD. -The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World

    1914 AD.- Iglesia ni Cristo- Felix Manalo

    1914 AD.- Oneness Pentecostalism- Frank Ewart, G.T.Haywood, Glenn Cook

    1917 AD.-True Jesus Church. Founders Paul Wei, Lingsheng Chang and Barnabas Chang

    1930 AD. -Black Muslims (Nation of Islam) –Wallace D. Fard

    1927 AD.- Mind Science- Ernest Holmes

    1934 AD.-World Wide Church of God- Herbert W. Armstrong

    1935 AD.-Self Realization Fellowship- Paramahansa Yogananda

    1954 AD.- Unification Church- Sun Myung Moon

    1945 AD. -The Way -Victor P.Wierwille

    1948 AD.- Latter Rain –Franklin Hall, George Warnock.

    1964 AD.- Eckankar The Ancient Science of Soul Travel (Eck). Founded by Paul Twitchell

    1968 AD.- Hare Krishna (US)- Swami Prabhupada

    1968 AD.- Children of God- David (Moses) Berg

    1945 AD.-United Pentecostal International- Howard Goss, W.T. Witherspoon (can be traced back to 1914)

    1944 AD.- Silva Mind Control –Jose Silva

    1950 AD.-Urantia Book- Dr. Bill Sadler

    1950 AD.-Lafayette Ronald Hubbard published his book Dianetics-SCIENTOLOGY

    1954 AD.-Atherius Society (UFO’s)- Dr. George King

    1955 AD.- Scientology- L. Ron Hubbard

    1958 AD.- Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research- Henry Kinley

    1958-1970 AD.- Church Universal and Triumphant –Mark and E.C. Prophet

    1958 AD. -Henry Kinley begins (IDMR) the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research

    1959 AD.-Unitariarian Universalist

    1960 AD.-Transcendental meditation- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

    1960 AD.-Enkankar- Paul Twitchell

    1961 AD.- Unitarian Universalism was officially formed.

    1965 AD.-Assembly of Yahweh-Jacob Meyer

    1966 AD.- Church of Satan –Anton LaVey

    1970 AD.-Findhorn Community –Peter and Eileen Caddy –David Spangler

    1970 AD.- Divine light Mission- Guru Maharaj Ji

    1973 AD.- CARP was established in the United States. [The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles] to introduce the teachings of un Myung Moon.

    1974 AD.-Assemblies of Yahweh-Sam Suratt

    1979 AD.-Church of Christ International - Kip McKean

    1980 -1982 AD.- Tara Center-Benjamen Crème

    1980 AD.- House of Yahweh (Abilene) Jacob Hawkins
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Gaddafi won't get asylum in any foreign country. It would leave that nation exposed to a lifetime of terror attacks in an effort to seek his repatriation for war crimes or because he was from the wrong tribe.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • philthy3 Where did you get that list from?
  • snailracer
    snailracer Posts: 968
    edited February 2011
    plankton wrote:
    philthy3 Where did you get that list from?

    It's from a stereotypical US bible-bashing Christian "webevangelist" website. I'm sure it all makes perfect sense - to the author.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    It makes perfect sense as it is historically accurate.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • philthy3 wrote:
    As I recall history and theology, Judaism is THE oldest religion. The occupation of the land

    was already in state when Saladin and his rebels came along following a religion invented many centuries

    after Judaism and wiped out the Jews living in and around the site of King Soloman's Temple. Hence

    Richard the Lionheart and the Cursades ala the Templer Knights fighting Saladin and his armies to protect

    the right of Jews and Christians to occuppy the scared land. Since then, Islam has decided it's birthpalce is

    on the same spot of King Soloman's Temple and it is the right of Islam to occupy the sacred land...
    If you Google Canaan, which is the ancient name for the area about modern Israel, you will find lots of people inhabited it before the Jews.The Jewish holy book, the Torah, which itself forms part of the Christian Old Testament, itself says that the Jews were not the original inhabitants of Israel, and that God "gave" it to the Jews. Now if Muslims come along later and say Allah "gave" it to them, I see an equivalency.
    Muslims see the Torah/Old Testament as no less relevent to their religion as the Torah/Old Testament is to Christians - Muslims consider they are all the word of the same God. Every Muslim child is familiar with the stories of Adam & Eve, Abraham, Moses, etc. The Muslim viewpoint is that Jews and Christians simply didn't get the last memo from Him.
  • antfly wrote:
    It makes perfect sense as it is historically accurate.
    The Jewish people can probably trace their history to before 2000BC, but their present religion, Judaism, is not quite as old. Before Judaism, the Jews were monotheistic but their religion was not recognizably "Judaism".

    From Wikipedia:
    "The term Torah ... refers to the Five Books of Moses—the entirety of Judaism's founding legal and ethical religious texts."
    "According to Jewish tradition the Torah was revealed to Moses in 1312 BCE at Mount Sinai..."
  • Also to clarify,
    There is enough scientific evidence to show that religious activity has taken place as far back as 223,000 - 100,000 BC. Stonehenge is dated arround 8000 BCE . Written text has been arround for about 5000 years in some cultures, all of which include religious descriptions.
    These are based on scientific study, not mythology or religious dogma.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    This is all beside the point. It doesn't matter which is the oldest religion..

    As an aside, the anti-regime demonstrations across the middle east put a big dent in the argument that, somehow, Islam can't fundamentally function alongside a democracy. Part of me wonders how people like Gert Wilders are justifying their rhetoric in light of this.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    plankton wrote:
    Also to clarify,
    There is enough scientific evidence to show that religious activity has taken place as far back as 223,000 - 100,000 BC. Stonehenge is dated arround 8000 BCE . Written text has been arround for about 5000 years in some cultures, all of which include religious descriptions.
    These are based on scientific study, not mythology or religious dogma.

    Science can't prove religious activity in the past.

    Science can help point an archeologist in a paticular direction with regard to the interpretation of stuff s/he finds.
  • Weejie54
    Weejie54 Posts: 750
    It makes perfect sense as it is historically accurate.

    Hmm..Judaism is dated by the lifetime of Abraham... Not exactly historic accuracy regarding organised religion.

    Worth a read: ... 0380977761
  • Science can't prove religious activity in the past.

    Science can help point an archeologist in a paticular direction with regard to the interpretation of stuff s/he finds.

    Science can date archaeological finds and so give a good idea of when something happened but motives can't be 100% accurate. this is true of events happening now. Written text don't prove anything by themselves either, ony that things were written.
    I was pointing out that the time line offered as fact is not and there is enough evidence to suggest otherwise.