Lance is in Adelaide doing one of his rides to help....



  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    You might like to ask the 'Livestrong' cancer centre in Flinders how much they had to pay for something that was claimed to have been 'donated'.

    SJ I would certainly be happier to take Armstrong's actions at face value if they weren't always part of a 'look at me what a good person I am' PR campaign - that's just my opinion of course :wink:

    A note on auctioned jerseys - a lot of this has been set up & co ordinated through twitter particularly the efforts of Cycle Girl (credit where it's due)
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    As for the cycle path, it's being called the "Livestrong" path but Livestrong is confusing as it's part charity, part business. Is Livestrong paying for the right to be associated with transport, like Barclays pays for the Boris bikes? Or do the Aussies cough up for the privilege of having a special path?
  • paggnr
    paggnr Posts: 101
    We have a saying her in Australia for you lot - its called TALL POPPY SYNDROM.

    Thankyou to Lance and/or whatever corporation he is associated with for taking the time to donate to our flood victims.

    And yes I fully expect Lance to get milage for doing so - is that not whay we ALL do things!
    "Don't buy upgrades; ride up grades." -Eddy Merckx
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    paggnr wrote:
    We have a saying her in Australia for you lot - its called TALL POPPY SYNDROM.

    Thankyou to Lance and/or whatever corporation he is associated with for taking the time to donate to our flood victims.

    And yes I fully expect Lance to get milage for doing so - is that not whay we ALL do things!

    If your country gave me $2m, I would happily hand back $50k - :D
  • ratsbeyfus
    ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
    paggnr wrote:
    We have a saying her in Australia for you lot - its called TALL POPPY SYNDROM.

    Aren't poppies full of drugs?

    I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.

  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Kléber wrote:
    and if the rumoured Sports Illustrated magazine article appears

    Does anyone know how that's coming along? I'm sure a high quality source on Twitter said it would be out "post-Christmas". I suppose Easter is post-Christmas as well though.

    Maybe they're waiting for OCLAESP to "come to the party" before publishing...
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    It's supposed to be this week but we'll see. I suspect it will contain the sort of stuff that many on this forum will say "yes, I knew that already" but we'll see.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    I'm with Iain, you can critiscise LA for a lot of things, but donating 50k to charity is not one of them.

    I've actually enjoyed watching LA race over the years, but can't wait until he retires again. I think he probably doped, and if he did then he deserves to get busted for it, but the constant sniping and bitching from the anti-armstrong brigade is getting so tiresome. All saying how much they hate him, yet constantly posting about him every time he so much as scratches his behind.


    head nail the on !
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    micron wrote:

    SJ I would certainly be happier to take Armstrong's actions at face value if they weren't always part of a 'look at me what a good person I am' PR campaign - that's just my opinion of course :wink:

    I dont think anything LA ever does or says even if it was shown to be 100% genuine would ever be taken at face value by you such is your entrenched mindset when it comes to him. You will always look for a negative in anything he does i get the feeling even his beating cancer was a negative to you.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    I don't even think you can critiscise LA for getting paid $2m to turn up at the TDU, it's the South Australian government that's to blame. Who here would turn it down? Sounds like that $2m is going to come in handy for a good lawyer soon though!

    The Livestrong part charity/part business thing is a different can of worms...if it's true that charities are paying to be associated with Livestrong then that's disgusting. Then again i've read so much rubbish from the LA haters that I never know what to believe.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    Moray Gub wrote:
    micron wrote:

    SJ I would certainly be happier to take Armstrong's actions at face value if they weren't always part of a 'look at me what a good person I am' PR campaign - that's just my opinion of course :wink:

    I dont think anything LA ever does or says even if it was shown to be 100% genuine would ever be taken at face value by you such is your entrenched mindset when it comes to him. You will always look for a negative in anything he does i get the feeling even his beating cancer was a negative to you.

    I don't think you 'beat' cancer - I think you're either lucky or unlucky, cancer being such a quirky genetic disease that we all have the propensity to develop. I've known a fair few who were unlucky and others who came out the other side but the whole LA cancer shctick is about a million miles away from their experience of the disease.

    As far as Armstrong's personal probity is concerned I've read & heard far too much now to think he is anything but a liar and a cheat with an eye perpetually on the main chance. However, hand on heart, if the Novitzky investigation clears him of any wrongdoing then I will be forced to change my opinion - will you change your mind if it confirms LA as a doper and fraud, MG?
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    micron wrote:
    Moray Gub wrote:
    micron wrote:

    SJ I would certainly be happier to take Armstrong's actions at face value if they weren't always part of a 'look at me what a good person I am' PR campaign - that's just my opinion of course :wink:

    I dont think anything LA ever does or says even if it was shown to be 100% genuine would ever be taken at face value by you such is your entrenched mindset when it comes to him. You will always look for a negative in anything he does i get the feeling even his beating cancer was a negative to you.

    I don't think you 'beat' cancer - I think you're either lucky or unlucky, cancer being such a quirky genetic disease that we all have the propensity to develop. I've known a fair few who were unlucky and others who came out the other side but the whole LA cancer shctick is about a million miles away from their experience of the disease.

    As far as Armstrong's personal probity is concerned I've read & heard far too much now to think he is anything but a liar and a cheat with an eye perpetually on the main chance. However, hand on heart, if the Novitzky investigation clears him of any wrongdoing then I will be forced to change my opinion - will you change your mind if it confirms LA as a doper and fraud, MG?

    Its very common to say anyone who has survived cancer has beaten it here are several notable examples ... B000296GU2 ... n19036595/ ... -22545470/ ... ville.aspx

    Basically you have a fair amount hatred and bitterness for him you cant accept that he beat it whether it was through luck or not at the end of the he DID beat it , as much as that pains you .

    As for the Novitsky investigation goes if it finds he doped then it finds he doped big deal he is not the first and will not be the last. But i gotta feeling a fair few of you LA haters are gonna be mightily disappointed at the outcome. But anyway thats for the future far far more relevant to today is the AC dope case.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    couple of things -for $30 mill USPS got $103mill increase in domestic value...and the same facts are there re why some paid LA to come to TDU. Only those with number blindness can avoid the facts-LA makes A LOT of money for OTHER people
  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    micron wrote:
    I think you're either lucky or unlucky, cancer being such a quirky genetic disease that we all have the propensity to develop.

    Not entirely accurate, since there are substances that are carcinogenic, which have the capacity to cause a cancer irrespective of a persons genetic makeup. But don't let medical innacuracies get in the way of a good rant.
    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • I believe right now, they are saying Michael Douglas, of course, Wall Street actor, son of Kirk Douglas, husband of Katharine Zeta Jones is surviving his cancer, I don't really keep up with that news, you overhear it maybe on tv, I believe he is in fact clean. Who knows?

    But fighting cancer I'm sure has a lot of variables, what kind of treatment you get, you know, even praying.

    That's one thing I think the "hard young man" Lance has backed down from, I have said this before and what I'm talking about is basically in his book "It's not about the bike" he does say he is an atheist, not even agnostic so it was always a strange turn of the phrase if not in fact, hypocritical when he'd come out with that statement "I'm sorry some of you don't believe in miracles". At least this is the way I see it. I'm sure google searches would find more.
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    What I said Tommy Ess, we can all develop it (that's what propensity means) - we all carry the genetic code just some of us may be unlucky and unlock it either knowingly or unknowingly. In that context, any advocacy that opens the door and helps us see and deal with the challenges that cancer hold are worthwhile, just not quite sure how useful the almost evangelical language and approach is, especially to those who don't pull through.

    Anthony Tan's new piece on the Armstrong donations is excellent, pointing out the flaws in some of the hyperbole extremely well ... lar_155715
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Dave_1 wrote:
    couple of things -for $30 mill USPS got $103mill increase in domestic value...and the same facts are there re why some paid LA to come to TDU. Only those with number blindness can avoid the facts-LA makes A LOT of money for OTHER people

    Where do these numbers come from Dave?
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    dougzz wrote:
    Dave_1 wrote:
    couple of things -for $30 mill USPS got $103mill increase in domestic value...and the same facts are there re why some paid LA to come to TDU. Only those with number blindness can avoid the facts-LA makes A LOT of money for OTHER people

    Where do these numbers come from Dave?

    the first is so widely reported I shouldn't need to provide that. The second, google will tell all..the name, that name gi ves/gave a lot of leverage. To deny that is about as silly as trying to believe LA was clean in the doped peloton
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    The Anthony Tan piece referenced above has all the figures for 2009 and, perhaps more interestingly, 2010 where the growth was either very small (or in one case entirely negative) but the fee remained the same
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    Dave_1 wrote:
    dougzz wrote:
    Dave_1 wrote:
    couple of things -for $30 mill USPS got $103mill increase in domestic value...and the same facts are there re why some paid LA to come to TDU. Only those with number blindness can avoid the facts-LA makes A LOT of money for OTHER people

    Where do these numbers come from Dave?

    the first is so widely reported I shouldn't need to provide that. The second, google will tell all..the name, that name gi ves/gave a lot of leverage. To deny that is about as silly as trying to believe LA was clean in the doped peloton

    OK, I'm not picking a fight, just asking. I found this story ... 03-mil.htm but that's hardly a viable source. A pair of marketing firms found that sponsorship provided value, what a shocker. The USPS have got to defend their position in this too, they're not looking to commission reports that say it wasn't worthwhile, management CYA exercise, hardly proof.
  • ... 5990571507

    Sort of on the same lines but looks at it from the view as to if the Australian government is prudent bringing the likes of Armstrong or Woods down there.
  • LJAR
    LJAR Posts: 128
    To me the fundamental point is not how much you give, but how relevant that gift is in terms of your income. (I think there was a parable about that)

    For LA $50,000 is peanuts.

    Any donation is welcome, but the thing that sticks in the craw is that he has to do it so publicly, particularly when it is a relatively small amount.

    It is like me jumping up and down shouting look at me because I gave £75 to the floods which would be ridiculous (in relative terms that is the same amount of money).

    No surprise I am not exactly a fan of his, but the main thing is that he is just so annoying and disingenuous. Lots of people survive cancer, my Da did, then again my Granda didn't.
  • allaction
    allaction Posts: 209

    This was sang at last nights fundraiser apparently!
  • Just as I predicted - no donation received yet from Armstrong but at least people are now aware of the flooding ;-) ... tions.aspx
  • paggnr
    paggnr Posts: 101
    I'm not a gushing fan and yes $50,000 is peanuts but its the action not the amount.

    And yes lots of people battle and survive cancer - I have two in my family.

    I hardly think he is being disingenuous, most of the people and corporates who donate large amounts to anything ensure that they are known for it.

    Also he did spend 3 hours at the local hospital in Adelaide talking to cancer patients and thier families - but hey I'm sure people can find something wrong with that.
    "Don't buy upgrades; ride up grades." -Eddy Merckx
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    paggnr wrote:
    Also he did spend 3 hours at the local hospital in Adelaide talking to cancer patients and thier families - but hey I'm sure people can find something wrong with that.

    Only 3hrs!!! - the man has a life of leisure, I'm sure he could've found some more time.
  • paggnr wrote:
    I'm not a gushing fan and yes $50,000 is peanuts but its the action not the amount.

    And yes lots of people battle and survive cancer - I have two in my family.

    I hardly think he is being disingenuous, most of the people and corporates who donate large amounts to anything ensure that they are known for it.

    Also he did spend 3 hours at the local hospital in Adelaide talking to cancer patients and thier families - but hey I'm sure people can find something wrong with that.

    $50,000 is a lot more than zero which is what he has currently donated, despite promising otherwise. I used to believe in miracles Lance but you've let us all down.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    LJAR wrote:
    To me the fundamental point is not how much you give, but how relevant that gift is in terms of your income. (I think there was a parable about that)

    For LA $50,000 is peanuts.


    Figures don't exist in a vaccuum.
  • Monkeypump
    Monkeypump Posts: 1,528
    micron wrote:
    What I said Tommy Ess, we can all develop it (that's what propensity means) - we all carry the genetic code just some of us may be unlucky and unlock it either knowingly or unknowingly. In that context, any advocacy that opens the door and helps us see and deal with the challenges that cancer hold are worthwhile, just not quite sure how useful the almost evangelical language and approach is, especially to those who don't pull through.

    Umm.... propensity actually means a preference, inclination or tendency toward...
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    I've often thought that during my youth at my fittest, when riding a few bike races, even if I had doped or drugged myself up to my eyeballs, I would not have been able to keep up with pro riders even if they were all clean. So the performances of Armstrong, Contador, Ulhrich and Pantani seem to me to be those of very talented bike riders. The fact that they did or didn't dope doesn't really bother me. Where it is a problem is where you have riders who are "clean", if ever we can be so sure, losing out to riders who are not. Either you have a draconian testing regime that will detect everything or you allow competitors free reign to take what ever they wish.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.