Why are there no black Pro cyclists?



  • rebs wrote:
    Chrissz wrote:
    Maurice Burton - very nice guy - I met him years ago on ... and got chatting. Maurice was a Pro cyclist and now runs a shop (De Ver Cycles) in London.

    His son who is 15/16 is suppose to be a very lively guy on a bike. Expected to have a very bright future!

    Germain Burton.

    I became aware of him when he came 2nd in the Rollapaluza Urban Hill Climb, beating Justin Hoy and Dave Clarke.

    I've kept an eye out for him since and he is a confident fellow. Which is brilliant.

    Shudder to think what my aims would have been at 15.
  • Pokerface wrote:
    Kléber wrote:
    But it does warrant thinking about why black athletes dominate so many sports...

    NBA, NFL, track... uh... Can you help me? Are these all sports on this planet?
  • Extrapolating from this my opinion is that if/when east Africans start cycling comparatively they will probably be very good. However I don't see this happening in the forseeable future. At the moment all the talented endurance athletes are out to emulate Sammy Wanjiru or Haile Gebrasellassie.

    Also, have you seen the state of the roads in Kenya? :lol:

    MULTI-LOL :lol:

    Have you ever read anything about the physiology of cycling? Clearly, you didn't.
  • skylla
    skylla Posts: 758
    It is 99% cultural.

    Belgians from a tiny corner of Flanders dominate northern classics but they are genetically no different to a German or French man 30k over the border.

    Nonsense. Apart from identical twins, no one is genetically identical to the next.
  • skylla
    skylla Posts: 758
    In regards to the discussion below: In such studies the IQ test is biased and therefore flawed. Also, there is no such thing as a distinct 'black IQ'
    Pross wrote:
    BarryBonds wrote:
    Everyones ignored the IQ subject that came up earlier esp Rick.

    Im sure i read some research in America that showed the Black IQ was (on average) slightly lower that that of white hispanic and asians. Clearley this has an impact on the uptake of cycling. :)

    The American Psychological Association in a 1996 report stated that the US racial IQ gap was not the result of bias in the content or administration of tests, nor simply reflect differences in socio-economic status, but that no adequate explanation of it had so far been given.

    There are differences between races to suggest otherwise is to ignore the evidence of our own eyes, Eg if i go to scandavia i expect the average bloke to be taller than in the uk.

    Before anyone suggests im being racist Id like to say Im not, youre worng and i wont be partaking in this thread any further. Adios

    By the way, this research http://www.brookings.edu/views/papers/dickens/20060619_iq.pdf which is 10 years more recent suggests the gap is closing. I haven't read the report in full but would have thought that a conclusion that could be drawn is that given equal opportunity (which has only been occurring for a few decades at best) then there is no reason why the average IQ of a Black American wouldn't catch up with that of his white countrymen.